Are robot vacuum cleaners worth it or are they a shit?

Are robot vacuum cleaners worth it or are they a shit?

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roomba = botnet

They're a botnet. They map out the layout of your house and send it to the CIAniggers.

They are total shit and also data mine you.

Nigger I don't care if some vacuum company knows my floor plan.

why the fuck do i care if the government knows my house layout

who do what with that info exactly?

They're not as good as the marketing material would have you believe, but they are useful. It just depends on how much you value a little bit of convenience.
Many bots don't have Wireless communications, so they can't actually participate in the botnet.

>why the fuck do i care if the government knows my house layout

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t. FBI, go back to spying on

How does the suction compare to an ordinary upright?

I have carpet and if it can't get the dust below the top layer of carpet then it's probably not worth it to me.

They make good friends?

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They don't work very well on carpet. There's a reason all the marketing material shows them on hard surfaces.

They make better friends than you currently have.

My floorplan is already public domain though

no real response? figures, Sup Forums paranoid bullshit as usual

If you're looking for upright level suction you're out of luck. If you're looking for something to help keep up with daily messes or pet hair then a robovac will do the job. I pull out the full sized upright once a month for heavier cleaning, run my Neato Botvac D80 every other day to help with pet hair. I've loved it.

check out consumer reports, they are excellent but you still need to do regular vacuuming once in a while

... ok? My $2000 samsung cleaning bot says otherwise.

Dad has one, he has dogs so it helps MASSIVELY.

Until they run over dog shit.

Not the crappy randomly driving ones in my case, but the Xiaomi was absolutely worth it. Cleaned over 200 times with it so far. Fast and sucks well enough to get almost all dirt.

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How do these things work with multiple floors?

Do you just move it from floor to floor on occasion? Does the charger need to be moved from floor to floor as well?

>multiple floors?
Yeah, you just pick it up, it does the room, turns off when it thinks it has finished, and you pick it up and move it back to the charger.

I've used both Roomba and Neato versions. You have to move them from floor to floor as they have sensor to keep from falling off an edge. They also work without the charger. You have to manually start the cleaning process and they will chime when they are done (so long as they don't run out of battery power in the process).

your anecdotal evidence vs peer reviewed and scientific tests. ya ok, btfo

But they are. Once you hit the threshold to a memebot 1 or better it does work really well.

What if all your furniture doesn't have eenough space underneath for the robot?

It won't go under them

You buy one for each floor

This is the only reasonable solution.

Then the good ones can trace the contour and at least brush a cm or two under the edge.

But they are relatively low profile anyhow so these pieces of furniture are hard to reach.

I do actually move mine from floor to floor. No, it does not need the charger, it can run around 2h or so on battery and with LIDAR & path finding it'll be done with the floor and back at the starting position long before then.

It's even lazier, but unless you got some crappy randomly driving model that will take 2h to clean a mid-sized floor area reasonably well and then have to hit the recharger anyhow, it's not THAT difficult to carry it up a floor.

They are lighter than the average vacuum cleaner that you might similarly have carried between floors already. Not a really big problem.


Do these things suck or just sweep? I live in a fairly dusty area and I'm getting sick of all the dirt

PS: The issue with the crappier randomly driving models is that it's just a bother to move one of these up one floor, let it clean well enough in 2h, then let it recharge for another 1-4h (some even charge slowly), then move it up another floor and let it clean another 2h, and maybe again the same. With noise all the time. That's why with those models you'd probably want one per floor, so they can just clean and go recharge with one button press on each.

The cleverer robots change this a bit, they can be done with a floor far faster so and you can just run them on 3 or more floors on a single charge rather quickly, and then just carry them back to the floor with the dock and send them to dock, all on one charge.

no, they work okay, but they have to go over it a couple times, like regular vacuuming

you still need to deep vacuum trouble areas, but not frequently

Pretty much all of them sweep and suck, but the suction strength varies.

Some additionally also wet clean, but that's slightly more gimmicky (less comparable to manually doing it) in comparison so far.

the water just got one degree hotter

This, but actually it's pretty much fine with the Xiaomi even in the carpeted dining room.

Arguably I only want the visible food crumbs and just most dust and stuff in the carpet gone in one pass. There rarely is anything particularly large that gets missed.

It probably wouldn't make the "muh germs" crowd happy, but for my sense of what looks and is clean enough, there almost always isn't any noteworthy issue remaining after even just one pass.

they work fine, but the time saved by robot is then spend by cleaning the robot, the hair gets always stuck everywhere on the brushes etc... pain to clean

makes entry easier for SWAT teams

your only chance then would be to set booby traps.

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Every house has to have a registered floor plan so it's not really any new data for the FBI

In general, in western or developed markets, these robots are too expensive
But i got one for 105 euros from ILIFE, model v3pro, it cleans damn good, comes with spare parts, and in the week i had it it worked just fine. Maybe look at ilife products, they seem an ok company.

300++ fucken euros, no way im gonna get chinked this hard

somebody post those pictures with the roomba smearing shit all over the floor

Your call, but that's a lot cheaper than the $1k-ish iRobot etc. alternatives and the robot is one of the best, which also makes it useful rather than annoying.

YMMV if you're ill able to afford $350 or so, buy food or whatever you need more instead.

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Seconding this; I have one and I wouldn't do without it now... It's the best thing I've bought in a long time.

Yea. Well, I also bought a computer & washing machine, but other than that it's one of the most useful pieces of technology that I got recently.


The last Samsung one that lisa from mobile tech review showed seems really nice

Here in the European country I reside you only need to have the original plans registered, anything you do latter inside your own house is entirely up to you. My house and it's floor plan don't look anything like they did 20 years ago when it was built.

>not posting the edit

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>live alone in ~650sqft apartment
>9 to 5 job
>get cheapest dumb robot vacuum
>no wifi, no bluetooth, just a few guidance towers with rechargeable batteries
>does its little thing while I'm not home

All I have to worry about is dusting but doing only that to vacuuming every week is a piece of cake

Only the SLAM ones are worth it. Others are shit.

It's okay. I have an old model that has no internet functionality and still has a control panel and LCD. It often runs out of memory and refuses to go into rooms on its own so I have to bring it to the rooms it didn't clean. Unlike roombas that just roam around aimlessly this one uses LIDAR to scan the area its in and set a route.
Bonus: runs embedded Linux with USB console access

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I was skeptical about robot vacuums, but a friend of mine got one and shilled it to me hard so I picked up one and was blown away with how good it is. At night after I put the kids to bed, I pick up their toys, then start the vacuum. It moves around and does its thing and in the morning I come downstairs to a clean house. I highly recommend them.

>fast and sucks well enough to get almost all dirt

Go on user... what happens next?

Think of a robovac like daily shower cleaner spray. It will dramatically cut down on the frequency that you have to vacuum, but it will not replace a full upright vacuum for deep cleaning. If you have a pet, they are a godsend. Even the el cheapo chinese models ($160) work well enough for this purpose.

Those amerifats can't even groom and scrub their own floor, so they buy a little robot who will do the job.

>groom their floor

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They're good if you're lazy but they're bad if you value privacy. Best thing to do would be to buy a roomba or whatever and never connect it to wifi. If it needs wifi for whatever reason, root it so it can't phone home.

Your floorplan/blueprints are public records doofus.

>bad if you value privacy

If you close the bathroom door they can't get in when you're showering

I hate how wifi enabled appliances don't even communicate over LAN. When I first heard about them I thought this was how they worked but it turns out that your phone contacts an external server which then controls the device. Completely counterintuitive.

Fuck.. that mistake

I actually own a 960, I would never have bought it but my inlaws got me one. We have an 860 square foot house with hardwood and an area rug, also we have a dog that sheds like a maniac.

1. It's amazing to have the roomba.
2. With our dog we need to run it every day and empty it every day but that's still a pile easier than actually running the vacuum.
3. We still have to vacuum once a month or so to get to things that the roomba doesn't get to.
4. I think any bigger of a house and I'd need two 960s.
5. It forces you to straighten up so that the roomba doesn't get caught on things, but that's pretty easy because you get to not vacuum. Side benefit and keeps the house that much cleaner.

I never had to buy it, and never would have spent the money but now that I have one I'd buy another in a second.

they're not as good as a normal vacuum. They're meant to be scheduled to run, typically when you're not home. Might take them an extra run or two to do everything your vacuum could do in one run, but the advantage is that you're having it done every day/multiple times a day.

Do you mean shed? 860 sqft is a nice shed

It's small for sure, but that's the way it goes where I live.

>not knowing his roomba can detect and categorize his dragon dildo by echolocation

and why would I care?

>CIAniggers get detailed 3d model of dragon dildo
>they swap it with a pozzed up replica
>next time OP gets his boipucci stretched out, he's theirs
bad OPSEC m8

>pozzed up gayboi
the fuck I care

I know your kind often even proactively tries to get pozzed up, but that's why God punishes you so.

I mostly use mine manually remote controlled, it's an easier vacuum cleaner. automatic idk, got too much shit on the floor

>Implying goverment doesn't know that already
Its in your house documents retard

>your anecdotal evidence vs peer reviewed and scientific tests. ya ok, btfo
Most reviews in the last 3 years show carpet & all of them do fine on it. Just not shaggy carpet

Here in the developed world we have things called building codes which make things not shit tier. You have to register your building project prior to starting it and get permits from code enforcement so they know you're not making some weird bee hive structure inside of your house.

what is it with UKucks and "grooming"
>floor grooming
>child grooming

no wonder all of you are pedos when you equate child rape to normal activities

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I have a deebot m81pro for $200 (amazon sale)
it aimlessly bounces around the room but it has 2 hour battery life so it gets full coverage through brute force. I got it last december and my 4 bedroom house still has spotless floors and I have a 12 pound dog that sheds hair.

the only downside is that it ignores its charging station and it keeps pushing it around, you need to adhere it to the floor baseboard with double sided tape.

I bought this as a toy to reduce my need to clean my floors from dog hair but my floor is now always spotless.
From now on I will never own a home/apartment without a robot vacuum.

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t. Xu Chang, Alibaba Sales Rep

They are fun to play dress-ups with.

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Just vacuum your floor you lazy faggots

RIP household robot

>just waste your time

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ahaahhahaha so true

they do work well as alarms

nothing wakes you up like a vacuum winding up and driving around your room in the morning crashing into things

you know that stuff is publically available at your local government buildings right? No house in the USA that has been built in the last 100 years was exempt from reporting the plans to acquire building permits.

Not getting anything directly or indirectly from this, no. And I'm not Chinese either.

Lastly, I'm not sure Alibaba could be arsed at this point - they're like 4x richer than eBay.

>he still has to empty his robot

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They are pretty bad, but I have two dogs that shed enough hair to make a full other dog every day. Running the roomba everyday helps a ton and is absolutely worth it for me.

So instead of emptying the robot I empty a robot emptier?

Instead of emptying an easy to empty container in the robot directly into your household trash, you now empty an easy to empty but heavier vacuum cleaner after it transferred the dirt.

Eh, wat...?

I have one. They eat up cables and don't clean as good as you would if you wanted to. But I practically don't vacuum any more. I just seated it up to clean when I'm at work.
Buy an used one on ebay without the camera.
And yes, you can interface them.

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just watched the movie yesterday, sucks that the format of the actual documentary about digital activism never changes and people disregard it as just another new trendy thing- yet the content was really great