The absolute state of web dev

the absolute state of web dev

Attached: 58488c615de02158db645c69.png (256x441, 121K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>That demo site
Good lord my fucking eyes.

This has to be a joke, right?

Attached: Screenshot_20180326-100951.jpg (1080x1920, 394K)

oh god why, did they let a 6 year old design this or something?

It unironically looks like MS designed it

PHP code is transformed into #HTML before the page is loaded, users can't view the PHP #code on a page. This make #PHP pages #secure enough to access #databases & other secure information. #CSS #JavaScript

This is most definitely a joke about the state of the web.

This is not something that is supposed to be used. Also hilarious that people without any sene are logging issues on the github page like it is real...

On my PC, it actually cut off at the top after clicking About.

On multiple browsers.

it only gets better

Attached: webdevin2018LUL.png (795x311, 61K)

It hurts to look at Sup Forums. How do we stop this indian webdev menace that's taking our jobs?

Attached: TRIGGERED.gif (409x402, 189K)

in case you guys didnt know, the creator of this masterpiece is a verified street shitter:

Attached: street shitter.jpg (400x400, 50K)

jesus fuck

Attached: oh.png (1355x69, 18K)

Link to github comments / issues.

>page loads fine with js blocked
Better than most frameworks.

> indian webdev
Try middle eastern.

And the Github page has no source code or documentation whatosever

The only actual file is this:


>street shitter = pajeet
>picture of Makkah
>calling a sandnigger a pajeet
You're like an abomination of Sup Forums. Nice try though. Brush up on your name calling and get it right next time.

On hover over links whole section tilts a little.

I refuse to believe this isn't satire.

>Can't even get his Sup Forums memes right

Wow Sup Forumsro, you're fitting into Sup Forums like my cock fitted into your mom's tight ass LMAO EBIN XD

also top skills I'm Adobe reader