

Attached: Buttmad Jensen.jpg (401x237, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>scientific calculations
>gaming card

>Titan V
>Sup Forumsaymen card
A retard-a-you

>titan v
>gaming card

>they've never heard of Quadro and Tesla

>being THIS retarded
Typical noVideot, ladies and gentlemen

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Are you seriously this moronic?

Color me surprised.

tl;dr nvidia disappointing as usual


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I'm not seeing many gamer references on their titan page

perhaps you're the retard

>Nvidia has two lines specifically for professional apps

>I'm not seeing many gamer references on their titan page
How about the white on black text, my sleepy nigga?

>things in black and white are gamer related
That means newspapers are for gamers too right?

pretty sure nvidia gave out a few on these on launch to "AI" programmers

Which specifically doesn't require FP64, thus the tensor cores.

Yes, newspapers are also for gamers.

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This post implies, without giving any sources, that nvidia is some kind of saviour giving out cards. What a weird coincidence in this nvidia thread!

>gaymen card without pro drivers and ecc
>make errors

More news at 10

Attached: NVIDIA-Tesla-V100-Volta-GPU_2.jpg (1080x694, 411K)

Can confirm that they shit out wrong results well under max boost clock (1912MHz, from SMI queries) and temp/power limit.

This is fake news garbage, the shill troll person complaining to TheReg(original story source) even said it only affects 1 card and not the other Titan Vs that he owns, lying piece of shit just want to stir up trouble instead of replacing that defective card

>And unlike proper workstation graphics cards, like the Quadro line and AMD’s Radeon Pro, NVIDIA has disabled error correcting memory on the Titan V

Yeah but the cheaper cards I'll actually buy will work.

Does your cheaper card have 30TFLOPS of FP16 and 7.5TFLOPS of FP64 and 130TFLOPS of mixed precision performance?

>no ECC
>gaymen drivers
pick 3
fucking retarded amdrones

It's 97TFLOPs of mixed precision performance

>When configured to use the tensor cores, our GEMM benchmark runs hit 97.5 TFLOPs, 3.7x faster than Titan V’s already fast FP16 performance. Or to put this another way, this one card is doing 97 trillion floating point operations in a single second.

>autism = the shitpost

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Grow up.



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Titans are part of the GeForce lineup you dumb shills, they're primarily made for video games.

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Have you seen AYYMD HOUSEFIRES forum? It's unfinished product with no drivers

Pooga garbage doesn't even have any features enabled becaues it's literally broken in the silicon and morons like you buy AYYMD HOUSEFIRES subpar garbage, top kek

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Nice gt bro...

Is ot ok for a gpu, any gpu, to have defective features?
...hmmmm... I guess novidia can be excused because novidiots say so.
Also, gaymin cards share gpus with pro/ws cards, your argument is totaly invalid.

Keep on posting garbage when you have nothing to rebut with real FACTS, loser at life AYYMD asskissing shill, your tears will fuel Sup Forums for years to come :^)

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Titan V is meant for game developers/artist creating content for next generation of GPUs coming down the pipe.

They are "gayming" GPUs for impatient fools with more $$$$ then sense/patience (can't wait six months or so to get nearly the thing for a fraction of the price ala "2080/2080Ti")

Attached: Buttmad intensifies.png (400x300, 198K)

>Tit v

>The most powerful GPU in the world!!!
>It doesn't work

>the most expensive GayPoo in the world!!!11
>it doesn't work

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>no ecc
That's why you don't use a gaming gpu like geforce, titans, vega 56/64, or vega fe (these cards do not have ecc even if hbm2 is added to them).
He should have paid the goy tax for a quadro.

>gaming gpu
A retard-a-you

Titans have always been gaming gpus, maybe you are denial because you think vega fe, and radeon pro where workstation cards.
By the way "prosumer" was just a retard tax placed on gaming cards that where being marketed to dumbasses with more money than sense.

Underage please go, the first Titan was a DP monster, only later Titans were 'gamer' nigger shit because people bought Titans over Quadros and Teslas and Nvidia was losing money.

so why do gaming cards work for shitcoin

You seemed to figure out why titans are gaming cards yourself, so what's your problem?

>Titans have always been gaming gpus,
You imbecile, and now that Titan V has unlocked FP64 and FP16 the Titan branding is no longer gaymen only.

>this one card is doing 97 trillion floating point operations in a single second

thats somewhat impressive on a more general human achievement level innit?


'unlocking' normality

Honestly If you're asking this then you really don't deserve to be posting on Sup Forums, and this thread certainly doesn't concern you. You literally have no need for anything other than a low end card that grants you shitposting, and/or content consumption ability.

>You literally have no need for anything other than a low end card that grants you shitposting, and/or content consumption ability.
Tim cook detected

Just kys allready.
Nvidia, and AMD wouldn't even try to sell "prosumer" cards if dumbfucks like you didn't exist.

>Titans have always been gaming gpus
Yep, confirmed for being an utter retard.

Not an argument, Titan was a prosumer card and a good replacement for Quadros, then it wasn't, and now it is again.

You know what I wrote is true. Why are you even here?
>Reee a gaming card doesn't perform well in a scenario that fits a workstation card, but I don't know the difference anyways, so I am mad at this!!!!!

Yeah wahtever, nigger. Your not replying to who you think you are replying to, kek.

A prosumer card is just a gaming card though, and it is in no way a replacement for a quadro unless you intend to play vidya on jewtube.

>Yeah wahtever, nigger. Your not replying to who you think you are replying to, kek.
Bullshit. I replied to a random retard who doesn't know anything, and I succeeded in doing so. Mission fucking accomplished.

A prosumer card is a card capable of more than just general purpose calculation(fp32)

The new Titan fits that, the only difference between Quadros and this is ECC, certified drivers and support.

Most of those features aren't important for many professional workloads.

>good goy
A prosumer card is a gaming card marketed to dipshits who don't know any better.
A proper workstation card has ecc, verified drivers, and proper support.

Ok, Sanjee, take your pills now.

>A proper workstation card has [...] drivers
So nvidia has no workstation cards?

That's a waste of trips, and you're a complete waste of human birth.

Why don't you go care about repeating digits on a fast moving board like Sup Forums?

ITT: AMD marketingfatgs getting wrecked.
India BTFO.

Is there any reason right now to believe this is a problem fundamental to the hardware or just a btch of bad cards, since the sample size here seems to be 2 bad cards?

>does math wrong
>hurr this won't affect caculations if they're for gaming
fuck off satan

“Our vision for Volta was to push the outer limits of high performance computing and AI. We broke new ground with its new processor architecture, instructions, numerical formats, memory architecture and processor links,” said Huang. “With TITAN V, we are putting Volta into the hands of researchers and scientists all over the world. I can’t wait to see their breakthrough discoveries.”

Translation: We'll put a higher price tag on this gaming card, and see if people buy it.

I'm not a marketingfag, I'm just here to laugh at you in your windows 10 jail.

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>I'm not a marketingfag, I'm just here to laugh at you in your windows 10 jail.
Implying that you can't use linux with an nvidia card? I'll stop using linux then since I didn't know that the card that I'm using with it doesn't work.

enjoy your sub par linux (((experience)))

>enjoy your sub par linux (((experience)))
Umm user... I get to use cuda with software, games do well if I bother to play them, media looks great, so I actually am enjoying the experience. Maybe you meant to say
>enjoy your non-libre linux experience
In which I would have to begrudgingly agree.

Also virtual machines work pretty good.

My 1080Ti died after a month of not really using it.
Took a month to replace it.
Here, just hoping it stays alive for more than a month this time.
Not really sure why I bought it, desu.
Should have just put a custom cooler on the v64.
This after 10 years of no issues with AMD.
I sure wished AMD had something to put against it.

>Took a month to replace it.
Lucky... I get fucked over by evga denying rma (nvidia), and saphire pgs (amd) just telling me overheating with a workstation card is okay, and not to send it in.

The "AMD drivers are shit" meme dates back to fucking Rage Pro era.
But to be honest, they've been pretty good since Radeon 8500/9700 era.
And lately, they're far superior in both functionality and presentation.
The only thing that's shitty about them is OpenGL performance.
But it's more that NVidia hacked the standard, and AMD stayed true to it.

Well it's MSI, so I guess they get more GPUs from GPP.
Suddenly, I like it.

>just a meme from an era afar
Liar. I don't know about recently, but the drivers were still shit 2 years ago before I stopped using amd.

Well, explain what you mean by being shit then, because I've been buying ATI/AMD since the Radeon 8500, and I never encountered a problem.

noooo stop enjoying things

also u lie

replying to my own post

I've put a GODLIKE Arctic Cooling's Xtreme III on my reference R9 290X several years ago and it still goes super strong like a true champ even these days, like it's the first day (plus better performance due to FineWine driverr improvements, of course).

>The "AMD drivers are shit" meme dates back to fucking Rage Pro era
Not really. That retarded shitposting, if I recall correctly, began sometime during the HD 5xxx series.

>Well, explain what you mean by being shit then
From shittiest:
Driver update set my gpus on fire in 2014-15
to just annoying:
every driver update would break a feature like 10bit color, and/or custom resolutions, so I would just pick from the driver that gave me the least issues.
I couldn't use w9100's for seti, because they kept pumping out errors with ecc enabled, and disabled.
I was a dedicated amd fanboy who lived the meme, and stayed away from intel, and nvidia since thunderbird.

Well I had an HD5850.
And besides the fan eventually giving up and sounding like the plague, it was a very good card.
I don't remember having any problem with the drivers. I mean, it just worked.
Maybe a specific game I didn't play, or a use case that literally nobody used at the time.

>if I recall correctly, began sometime during the HD 5xxx series.
Because you're underage newfag. ATi has shit drivers predates Sup Forums.

>10 bit color/ custom resolutions.
Here's your problem. You're 1% of the userbase. What makes you think any vendor cares about 1% being angry.

>every driver update would break a feature like 10bit color
That is a downright simple and uttrer BULLSHIT of a LIE. It's a globally well-known FACT that Radeons always worked way better with colors, while nVidia CHEATS by producing worse colors, and also that nVidia has problems with outputting high-fidelity color space, while Radeons work perfectly fine with 10 bits and more. Just a daily reminder than in the past several years we had a shitton of reports on nVidia having massive problems with outputting proper colors and also resolutions ("Nvidia pixels offset" anyone?). You're a goddamn fucking LIAR.

>>scientific calculations

>I don't remember having any problem with the drivers. I mean, it just worked.
It wasn't as much about "drivers having problems", than the fact back in those days Catalyst Control Centre was utter fucking piece of bloated fugly shit and also that driver updates were coming out once in a blue moon. That's where the "AMD has no driver" shit meme came from. Drivers themselves weren't bad, they were just infrequent as fuck and CCC was godawful of a control GUI.

Sure, all those overly expensive cores designed for machine learning are just what I need for gaming.

Titans are compute cards for consumer/"prosumer" market, not gaming cards.

ATi's drivers were never shit, you piece of autistic cocksucking lamer. Only shortly after AMD bought ATi is when it became bad, under AMD, not when ATi was independent.

Console ports like onimusha refused to launch back in the day on ati cards. Drink bleach, you piece of shit.