Thanks for the cards, Sup Forums!

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>reee stop buying cards and using them as you like

So how much are you selling them for?
Are you going to make back your investment?

Thanks for killing the 4k meme and giving people like zachtronics an edge over the AAA garbage.

your welcome

seeing this picture would fill a child with wonder
it filled me with thought of someone spending time to move all of these boxes and backache

>All the crushed childhood dreams

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i really really like this
how many gpus have you bought now?
you should buy 800 more gpu AT LEAST

mfw buying retail and not bulk

nice! just bought [an unknown amount of monero]


I truly hope that GPUs release negligible amounts of vaporized metals when under extreme load, but that it's enough to give people who build home mining farms some disease after enough exposure.

>mfw miners will have to sell their abused cards for peanuts when its all over

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It'll never be over now, a bajillion new alt-coins that specifically target GPUs are popping up every fucking day.

how will you be able to identify used cards that were abused in a mining rig, vs used cards that sad idle in a neckbeards pc for years.

nvidia and amd oversupplied the gpu so much that a decent 1080p 60fps gaming will last up to a decade
amd and nvidia did this to themselves. lost of sale for a decade

>wishful thinking

all those potential game sessions gone, like tears in the rain

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How many buttcoins are you going to mine with that?

How do these alt-coins have any value though? I'd think having loads of different coins would collectively drive prices way down. How do you make an economy work when everyone is using a different currency?

that's not how it works retard, a coin is profitable to mine only if the non-miners vastly outnumber the miners.

Thanks for the laughable margins :
Coinfags barely able to pay the electricity build.

t. salty nocoiner

looks dusty. how are all the shit open case mining rigs not dying from cement dust,overheating all in the first year time.
Whose ready for years low in cryptos as china vs. US economic wars break out and alternative currencies are put out to pasture for adding extra pressure to the mix

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No, thank you.
Because your kind has snatched all the high-end cards, I was forced to settle with a mid-tier card. Gaming on said card has opened my eyes to just how little 120+ frames don't matter in a majority of the games I play. As long as I'm not dipping below 60fps I'm good.
I've also been given time to play my backlog of steam games.

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