Oh shit, nigger

>Ever again after this

Attached: Buttmad intensifies.png (400x300, 198K)

Other urls found in this thread:


AYYMD HOUSEFIRES are subpar garbage, nothing new there

They're just telling it like it really is now they have some assurance in the market.

MSi has been selling the gayest gaymur garbage with shitty coolers and cringy red and black dragon aesthetics for ages now.
That being said, AMD currently doesn't have anything to offer over Nvidia in the high end GPU category, so crying about them stating the obvious is kind of pointless.
Right now a Vega 64 is going to cost you the same money as a 1080 Ti, except it's considerably worse, runs hotter, consumes like 40% more power and the only one you're realistically able to get your hands on is the reference vacuum cleaner. Even before prices got fucked, you had little choice but to buy novideo if you wanted higher resolution than 1080p or higher refresh rates than 60Hz, let alone both at once.

For once Pajeet isn't wrong.

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>The company is a signatory of the draconian GeForce Partner Program (GPP) by NVIDIA which, in boilerplate regulator-baiting language, tells its add-in card (AIC) partners not to use the same gaming sub-brand (eg: ASUS ROG, MSI Gaming, GIGABYTE Aorus, etc.,) for GPUs from any other brand (i.e. AMD Radeon).
Wait, all the outrage about this? They'll just call AMD card DX12MUTILATOR and be done wit hit.

Yeah, apparently Nvidia was worried someone might walk into a store and ask for the latest Strix card and get given an AMD card.

The point is being about GPP being monopoly bait and thus this will have repercussions, with everyone who gets mixed in as an accomplice being BTFO'd even harder in the end.

>have exclusive branding
>m-muh monopoly!

Strix, TwinFrozr, Lightning, etc are popular aftermarket brands, suddenly AMD won't have them anymore.

And MSI and others won't bother marketing the new AMD brand, if they even make one.

To be fair, this is all to blame on Radeon being so shit lately.
Vega 64 was a huge disappointment for anyone other than miners.

Read a book and google up GPP, dumb fuck.

I did, it states that AIB's who subscribe to it can't use the same branding on AMD cards that they use on Nvidia. Presumably the already established one.
Which sucks for Radeon, but I don't see anything all that terrible in it. Who even cares if his cards is called Ebin Gayming Turbo Epeen Extender.

TwinFrozr is not a brand, it's a cooling model. TwinFrozr collers are in Lightning, Armor, Power, and pretty almost every other MSi branded pooducts these days. Back in the HD 5xxx~7xxx days TwinFrozr was strictly used on highest priced Lightnings and etc., but nowadays it's in every shit, even lower tier garbage.

Another massive fuckup in the nvidia corner.

>I don't see anything all that terrible in it
Again, you dumb fuck, google up "anti-monopoly commission" and "GPP controversy".

TwinFrozr GPUs come with worse thermal
paste than Intel CPUs. They're only silent after having exchanged it.

>gaming branded shit sells more than non-gaming branded shit
>Nvidia makes it so only their GPUs can have gaming related branding on it
This will only end well.

>"How dare MSI insinuate that AMD's mobile GPUs aren't as good as NVIDIA's!"

They're not wrong. If notebook manufacturers went with AMD over NVIDIA, their laptops would perform upper-mid range at best.

Pic related.

Attached: gpus.jpg (3684x652, 607K)

>there is some meme magic that prevents companies from launching separate gaymen product lines for AMD cards

Attached: 1507428132684.png (586x578, 37K)

Fun fact: In linux the nvidia laptops render nothing at all.

>GPP mentions that gaming brands must be Nvidia labeled only
>This means that you can magically label AMD cards under gaming brand
Guess Nvidia makes AMD GPUs now too!

That graph is wrong.

not a fan of gpp, nor of nvidia cards due to their locked-down nature since kepler but i can't say i disagree with msi's statements

Well my laptop renders the desktop environment when I boot into Linux, which is all I ask of it.

Someone has to inform msi aboutthe number of bankrupt nvidia partners and how novidia forced them into that situation.

>the draconian GeForce Partner Program (GPP) by NVIDIA which, in boilerplate regulator-baiting language, tells its add-in card (AIC) partners not to use the same gaming sub-brand (eg: ASUS ROG, MSI Gaming, GIGABYTE Aorus, etc.,) for GPUs from any other brand (i.e. AMD Radeon)

This obviously only applies to the already existing gaymen lines.
Tell me how exactly does this prevent any of the partners from launching a separate "gaming" line for AMD.

Isn't this about faggy laptops?

Who the fuck cares

Vega sucks ass anyway everyone knows it MSI just saying what we are all thinking

T. Amd ryzen gtx 1080

ITT AMDtards literally grasping at straws
>b-b-b-but if GPU makers can't list their AMD cards under the same sub-brand as their Nvidia cards, that gives Nvidia a HUGE advantage in sales!!!

Literally who the fuck EVER cares about the retarded "XXXTREME GAMING MODEL" sub-branding?
Jesus FUCKING Christ you fanboys are beyond retarded.

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>They're not wrong
Modern APUs match and even do better than GT 1030 and other noVideo garbage while staying cooler and consuming much less energy. AMD literally killed "low tier mobile and discrete nGreedia laptops" segment with Raven Ridge.

don't forget cheating with worse color reproduction and much higher frame pacing

>Isn't this about faggy laptops?
These faggy gaymen laptops use discrete-equivalent nGreedia shit in them, by most part.

>Literally who the fuck EVER cares about the retarded "XXXTREME GAMING MODEL" sub-branding?
Literally all the normies that buy gaming branded shit, where most of the money for consumer shit comes from.

tl;dr nvidia is so bad, they cannot handle competition

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Exactly. They're chink equivalent of Jewtel.

>meanwhile in the real world

>meanwhile, in the real world:

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MSI made good products once.

>tfw still using a 10 years old p35 platinum on my home server

>modern laptops (the two of them) can even match the shittiest dedicated GPU Nvidia produces
>if you have fast memory of course
>in dual channel

GTX 285 nForce with the very first ever version of TwinFrozr (and RED pcb, to the boot) was the best nVidia card I've used in my life, after that it all went downhill fast, so much so that I didn't buy a single one new nGreedia card for all those years right until 980 came out. That's how much they were disappointing me on each and every step right after GTX 285. After 285 I've moved to Radeon and never looked ever back since.

You're already wrong if you think you're the target demographic of those. It's not for us the informed people, it's the way larger casual gamer market, those are the ones that walk into a store and buy whatever says gaming/strix/aorus/etc on it

>Modern APUs match and even do better than GT 1030

My $150 R9 270 was twice as powerful as a GT 1030 five years ago, that doesn't mean it's a good enough GPU now, you stupid shit.

Literally name any time you've ever seen ANYONE refer to their GPU by its sub-brand, rather than its primary-brand, if even referring to the brand at all rather than just the nvidia/amd model number.

Doesn't matter if they don't refer to it that way. Fact is that gaming branded anything sells more than the equivalent non-gaming version across the board because normies buy that shit.

Then please do tell us Pajeet, why have MSI rebranded all their AMD cards with generic labels, and why are Gigabyte now saying that their RX 580 gaming box is not targeted at gamers?
Your opinion on the matter is irrelevant. The actions of these companies speak for themself. AMD products will be marketed under generic manufacturer logos in plain boxes, with shit tier coolers to boot.

>this is what retards actually believe
>it's definitely not the fact that nvidia cards for the last few years majorly outperformed amd cards at their intended function

>sales go a certain wait because of my made up bullshit
Hey look, I can make up anecdotes too, every single person looks up GPU benchmarks when new cards release and decide what to buy based on performance/price which has leaned in nvidia's favor for a couple years.

>compute monster by far from anything nvidia can offer
>decent gaming perf
>gets demolished by gameworks cause devs loves to fuck around

>vendors market GPUs for gaymers
>vendors stop marketing GPUs for gaymers

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>Fun fact: In linux the nvidia laptops render nothing at all.
I'm running linux, and nvidia right now on a desktop. What's the issue with laptops?

Fun fact: In linux, there's no games to render at all

>autism = the shitpost

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>loonix amdfag torvalds

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>Normies don't buy parts just because they have gaming written on them

Do you even believe what comes out of your mouth?

>>Normies buy parts just because they have gaming written on them

Do you even believe what comes out of your mouth?

Linus is angry that nvidia send him binaries, and he no one can do anything with those realistically, but It doesn't stop nvidia gpus from working on linux though.

>there have been "gaming" marketed versions of both nvidia and ati/amd cards on the market since early 2010s, in equal measure
>nvidia dominates the GPU market for years regardless until the RX 400 series when the distribution starts to even out a little

But of course you're the only person with a brain who can see beyond the "gaming" buzzword in the product title, dipshit.

AMD was a mistake, I wish ATI was still independent.

Your birth was a mistake.

Really got me, good one user

Just stating the harsh truth of reality

Wait, so people *don't* need two companies dedicating resources to doing the exact same thing? The government should just develop GPUs with a GPU tax and we would all have flagships. I don't think many Americans are that intelligent, though; they still buy into a lot of propaganda from the 60s.

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You are a retard or a troll if you need it spelled it for you why this is anti-competitive. Why do you think Nvidia is going for names that people will recognize while AMD is going to have to start from scratch? Why is Nvidia even doing this at all if they don't think it will make them more money?

Please Shuaybi yourself.

but they're right, no one but miners buys amd anymore
it's pretty retarded for them to make any custom amd cards if they could still sell them for lots of money even with the cheapest cooler
everyone buys nvidia cards because they're cheaper and even when they were the same price nvidia would outperform amd by 5-10% or even 30% in some hardcore scenarios

Paid shills are in full force.

You are a fool if you think Nvidia doesn't understand the power of viral marketing or aren't willing and able to fund it.

I'd rather pay 10x price for an nvidia card over an AMD one

AMD fanboys are go fuck themselves

Report shill posts.

I'd do the opposite.

Go fuck off and tell your leather jacket wearing GPU CEO when you boot up your computer with your cucked windows 10 drivers.

Truth. I really wish amd didn't fuck up Vega but they really did. The 56 is barely better than a fury x and the 64 in theory should overpower the 1080ti but falls hilariously short. Even Polaris was a fucking blunder; the 290x is more powerful than a 580. Amd was killing it with Tahiti and Hawaii but completely shat the bed afterwards

that's bullshit.
Why didn't Apple, Microsoft or Sony use novidia in their products?
Well, because OEMs and AIB partners get discount deals or exclusivity deals on the sales.
Why would Apple MS or Sony bother with a company that is not capable of producing a SoC or even a GPU fit for a certain market?
Why did they go with the "sub-par" solution?
Novidia doesn't have that portfolio and they are to much dependent on their ecosystem to perform well.
Novidia doesn't have the experience to integrate anything but arm-axi4(??)-gpu... which was done ages ago with many different gpus and arm cores.
OEMs are easily bought, check intel's mobile failure and how many free chips they gave away in order to earn market share.

a little example of how important are custom chip business:
ps4 75 million devices,
xboxone 35 million devices
nintendo shield 14.8 million devices

> MS or Sony bother with a company that is not capable of producing a SoC
..Or Nintendo.

glad I bought MSi

And this move weeds out the remaining share of the competitor to make sure the popular market recognition is only associated with your brand. What the fuck is your point? Predatory marketing practices are okay because less people care about it?

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>AMD makes better low-end GPUs

That falls under me saying, "If notebook manufacturers went with AMD over NVIDIA, their laptops would perform upper-mid range at best.".

>why don't companies that don't produce high-end gaming laptops use the highest performing laptop GPUs available

You answered your own question. MSI has been trying to sell their gaming laptops as the most powerful available for years. It's not absurd to think that they'd want to use the most powerful mobile GPUs on the market.

>Why didn't Apple, Microsoft or Sony use novidia in their products?
Nvidia didn't want to do this, because they claimed that when they went console the profits were too slim (and apple isn't willing to pay a premium for hardware/software, so there's that).

You get Mesa drivers though

i regret my MSI motherboard purchase.

Look at this leaking sewage fluid from the capacitors(?)

fucking 85C on VRM when stock clocks (ryzen 7 1700) and 115C when OC to 3,7GHz on stock voltage with a 3000RPM 40mm fan right ontop of VRM """""""""""""""""""""heatsinks""""""""""""""""""

XFX, Sapphire motherboards when

Attached: IMG_20180314_162219.jpg (1001x751, 400K)

I'd blame the MSI quality more than MSI themselves. Intel boards get better quality parts almost always.

980 aged like milk and was overpriced

1080 is goat can do 4k on a budget and was fucking cheap until the boom

Ampere is going to suck volta sucks (lol memory controller bandwidth issues again 3.5gb 2.0 hbm edition)

>buying msi, or amd.
Well maybe MSI has a point, because the entire reason why I don't buy anything from them is, because of an AMD motherboard that they fucked me over on.


Thank fuck gigabyte let me turn my g1s leds off

when will this meme stop?

>"why buy a Volvo when it doesn't go as fast as a Lamborghini?"

Because it costs double fuck face. Not everyone needs or wants the best graphics card. Many people want something like RX 580/GTX 1060 because they are not retarded manchildren

now stfu and suck a dick

lmao bruh why not buy an Iphone X instead of your shitty OnePlus?

iPhone X has better GeekBench score and better camera. Why would you not buy the best?


AMD housefire needing water cooling lel

>XFX, Sapphire motherboards when
Just buy AsRock, you fucking piece of shit. AsRock is the best boy on the market right now.

980 didn't stand the test of time at all, but that wasn't the point. 980 was the very first time ever since the truly GODLIKE 285 when I sincerely considered getting myself an nGreedia GayPoo again, in all those years. And I did, Zotac's AMP Extreme no less. I sold it later, yes, but I didn't fell regret at all as I fully juiced the damn thing out for all it's worth before long anyway. After 980 noVideo started doing garbage again, so I'm on Radeon right now. If 2xxx series turn out to be as bad as Titans or 10xx series are, then I'll be staying with Radeons for quite some more years to come, probably even past Navi.

the scumvidia is also water cooled (it is in the water) but also leaking cooling fluids (look at them eyes)

>he's THIS desperate

uggo eyes desu~

1080 is a good GPU tho all the launch issues and driver bugs are fixed

Did you get a 580 or a Vega?

I kinda wanna try another amd card but I know it's just gonna be a slower hotter 1080

That said ampere sounds trash it's the same 1080ti/Titan X tier crap like the 1070 ti that nobody bought

2080 is gonna be a dumpster fire maybe the 2060-2070 will be ok

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>that first part about PhysX
Hybridiz/HPX/Hybrid PhysX been around for almost a decade now, though.


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my GPU was twice as powerful as GT 1030 back in 2013 it is still a good card, you are high on your own farts.