Captcha hate thread

>Doesn't work without javascript/third party frames
>Feeding google with data
>The "I'm not a robot" button only works if you're using chrome without a VPN
>The video explains the rest

Attached: cancer.jpg (1600x900, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

stop using it

It's still better than the shit "scrambled text which is unreadable and everytime you get it wrong you have to fill in the form again :)" most sites which don't use reCaptcha have.

You need to do a checkmark motion in the box that haven't been done before.
Also try to do this while solving the CV problems.
The botnet records a ton of shit, so stuff like clicking is viewed as a bot you have to do spastic movements in order to get through and you often fail anyway.
I failed less than 1% of the text captchas.
The new system is never satisfied with a single CV problem and you often end up in situations like the one OP experienced

>Feeding google with data
Only if you solve captchas with 'skip' button instead of skipping them until 'verify' captcha appears.



Attached: 1511480506113.png (808x805, 612K)

If you don't have a Sup Forums pass you shouldnt be posting here.

>>The "I'm not a robot" button only works if you're using chrome without a VPN
Is this a chrome problem only, I use waterfox with vpn and it works just fine

If you have a Sup Forums pass, you shouldn't be posting here.

Sup Forums pass means youre an adult and don't work as a slave for Google. Kids who don't have $20 a year to spare or normalfags who don't mind supporting Google should be banned

They're really easy if you do them as if you were a human in a rush.

Skip the edges of signs, just click the important parts.

also it tracks your mouse movement so try to look natural

(got all my captchas in this thread completed instantly though so I guess I'm not a robot)

Don’t come shilling on the poor boards

>>The "I'm not a robot" button only works if you're using chrome
Here's your problem

Captcha is a sin against humanity. Anyone who denies that you're feeding (((Google)))'s killer AI data is a damned fool.

Just use the noscript captcha.

also really lovely how it now complains about you having "mistyped" the picture solving captcha all the fucking time.
this wasn't the case a couple days ago and is a new "problem".

guess not enough people bought passes

Attached: 2018-03-23-1521763273_317x89_.png (317x89, 8K)

I've done like 4 posts without doing any captchas. kek.

Typing text is much faster than going through 3 image selecting shits.

>giving money to hiro
I'd buy apass if hiro wasn't such a cunt.

Move to 8ch

>filling out captchas
haven't had to fill one out in ages.
Google frequently bothers me on my phone (connected to vpn) so I've since switched to startpage.

>hurr I hate Sup Forums but I like shitposting here hurr
Exactly, you shouldn't be allowed to post at all

Are there any good alternatives?

This tbqh

Burn Sup Forums to the ground tbqh

Testing on clean Chromium
here weeeeeeeee goooooooooo
Still had to click busses.

Then leave, faggot. We don't want you either.

I wish I could.

Noscript captcha. Idiot.

Can you hide your icon if you're a pass user? I don't want to show them online.

How do you get noscript captcha?

With 4chanx.

Yes. Here is with no icon

And here it is with an icon
If you want to use the icon simply type in "since4pass" into the option field and you'll do the icon. Don't type it in and there is no icon

I've been wanting to make this video for awhile. They're so fucking frustrating.

what a faggot

Use the noscript captcha dummy.

how so ? noscript is kill since new firefox. fuck firefox, they ruined addons

how many people do you know who love captcha?

>being this retarded

no i'm steve