This OS is just a constant cycle of failing and retrying to install a never-ending supply of updates. I hate it so much

This OS is just a constant cycle of failing and retrying to install a never-ending supply of updates. I hate it so much.

Attached: Windows-10-logo.jpg (645x484, 42K)

Have you tried not using it? Worked for me.

Switch to 8.1 or 7. Switch to Linux. You don't need Windows 10 at this moment. Tell me, what does Windows 10 have that no other system can allow you to do? And even if there is something, is there really no alternative through third party software? Just think about it.

The average Sup Forums user in 2018. Can't even install an OS. I hate this place now.

works for me, try having some free space on your main disk it might actually help

If you are not able to install Wingaze10 i got some bad news fór you.

-> /lgbt

Have you tried to configure your OPERATING SYSTEM?
Or you just set your favourite anime wallpaper and called it a day?

t. pajeet

You can disable the windows update but it resets itself somehow. It seems to stick with a reset so it must reset after a power off. At any rate I had to disable it again today.

So you're saying Pajeets are smarter than you? Pathetic

Or you can just intall updates once a month like white human.

Scheduled tasks muh boi

But I can sympathize. I've been holding off on 1709 since it came out (first time it installed completely nerfed my start menu and made the majority of my app have the same install date as 1709),

Now I'm getting it shoved down my throat and the same issues persist.

Makes me want to cuke Redmond.

Haven't failed a single one here.
Are you using AMD? If so, stop.

The update breaks a program I use so I hate it it's just that simple , if it didn't break the program I'd be fine. It breaks Media Center , my TV card can't be detected because it blue screens at detection.
Not interested in alternatives , I like Media Center. Reset my computer to the earlier build and my TV card works again in Media Center.

AMD driver support is not in 8.1, and W10 has Forza.
I use LTSB though, so I have no excuse to not use Linux other than it just doesnt werk

>beta testing an OS for microshaft

I am really considering going back to 8.1 Embedded Industry Pro

or your second option is to turn off the fucking updates you turd and run only trusted software, is it that hard? fucking retard

> "i hate android cuz it always pushes updates to my phone"

>be me
>wake up after rage quitting fortnite and going to bed
>wake up
>house is 53 degrees because i leave the backdoor open for my dog
>close back door and turn on heat
>grab coffee
>go back to my personal computer
>mash keyboard buttons to wake computer
>fucking stupid windows 10 lock screen shows up
>has you swipe up for no reason
>windows wants me to admire a picture it set in the background
>password prompt doesn't show up
>reset pc
>same. fucking. thing.
>power off pc completely
>ready to enter safe mode, delete any reg edits made, delete all my programs, pretty much reset my pc
>surprisingly it works.
>realize that i put up with a shit OS just to play games that make me break monitors

seriously guys, if you don't need windows for a specific reason use a bappy distro of linux. life is worth living again, just make the switch

Attached: download.png (300x168, 906)

>turning off updates
And you claim not to be a retard?

Attached: 1515800350717.png (580x393, 100K)

I need windows for school for another 8 months to do assignments but after that I'm just going to use a linux exclusively and won't have to put up with this shit. Windows is fucking broken

>has you swipe up for no reason
seriously what is the point of this shit?

There is none. The only way to remove it is to edit the registry or group policy.

you literally can just click and it does it though

unless you're me and the password prompt doesn't appear.

You can block updates by changing the permissions on C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution.

sounds like a corrupt installation

its was something to do with windows updates. resetting the pc didnt work. fully shutting down the pc caused a getting windows update screen and then i could log in fine. its just broken. this is also after changing group policy settings to force windows not to update automatically.

Libreoffice. Export it as a PDF to submit the assignments. It's what I do, and it works well.

Who the fuck cares? if you don't like it, don't use it. Everybody on earth has already told you whats wrong with Windows 10 and if you don't like it, you can stop fucking using it.

look at this faggot hahahaha koombayah use what you like hahahahaha what a fucking homo lmao "let's just all get along" man shut the fuck up lol


Fuck off, you've gotta to be contrarian, or, suck my dick, you little nigger whore.

Nobody is being contrarian, this isn't your fucking person soapbox, every last criticism that you could have of Windows 10, has already been said. So if you don't like it, stop bitching and stop using it, otherwise, shut the fuck up.
>look at this faggot hahahaha koombayah use what you like hahahahaha what a fucking homo lmao "let's just all get along" man shut the fuck up lol
You're literally are arguing that you should use software, you don't like, just so you can bitch about it. Do you also enjoy being choked during sex faggot?

>to play games that make me break monitors
sounds like you have some anger issues, bruh

you should see a therapist

upgrade to 7

Just use virutalbox. I've got a nice windows 8.1 box that I can backup and use on all my linux computers.

I wish I could...

Of all my applications I need for work, only half have a Linux implementation. Of those, all of them are half-baked and unsupported.

Until the linux desktop experience is actually usable and relevant there is no reason to use it for a workstation ever.

Rolling release is a good thing, but forced updates - I want to go to Microsoft and make all, who made this shit, suffer, I'll turn off cold water, while they are taking shower because it is time for service, turn off electricity/gas, because I need to replace a counter, while they are cooking on it.
They say, that Windows is more productive than GNU/Linux... But GNU/Linux doesn't reboot for updates, or boot for forever, because it decided to install them.

I finally updated my windows 10 laptop after hitting the delay the restart button everyday for months.

It took an hour.

The only difference is my trackpad scroll direction got reset.

Why? just, why? My laptop is totally fine without updates.

I'm pretty sure 90% of the problems people complain about Windows 10 on this board never happened to me. Updates work fine, just do it when I turn it off, installation took a while but also worked fine, Windows Defender only scans the system when I'm not actively using it, no problem with drivers or anything - just plug whatever adapter or device and they work, games have decent performance for my hardware, no annoying Cortana shit or ads.

The system does consume quite a lot of RAM but that's mostly because of the programs I use and that's to be expected of a GUI heavy OS.

I really don't know how you guys have so many problems on Windows 10. Mine just works perfectly on my computer and on my thinkpad laptop. Of course, everyting is younger than six years old.

Yesterday windows 10 fucking reset my laptop powersaver settings so it went to sleep mode while I was trying to render a fucking video.

Today, it took a shotgun to my desktop for no fucking reason and deleted a handful of my most important files atm.

Is linux mint any good?

works on my machine

KEK LMAO Ayyyyyyyy u mad nigger whore? Xd

Works fine for me

Not saying I agree with all the design choices Because i dont
But it certainly works infact it works better than 7

It downloads the updates and then installs them when you restart/turn off instead of coming up with the postpone shit like how it used to

Man U r getting served


Kek I am gonna screenshot this and frame it.

werkz for me user

>Tell me, what does Windows 10 have that no other system can allow you to do?
WSL and universal driver support on a proper desktop OS.

Anyway, Win10 works perfectly for me since the initial install, and I'm using a supposedly "unstable" version due to being an Insider.

Kinda like when trying out every linux OS variant. But u like that, right?

Seriously. If linux had similar problem. You all we be like "search for solution BRAINLETZ"
But if it is about windows then all of you start to blame the creators.

Yesterday i got blackout while updating the bios. Luckily i had backup for the bios. Afterwards the windows booted without problem.
Driver may break after update if u yourself didn't install it, but instead let the windows update do that for you. (happened with an old mobo's soundcard. But after installing the correct driver from the mobo website it worked.)

Not saying it's the greatest OS. But it's just need just as much care as a linux

>Windows 8
you might as well cut off your ballsac

Attached: windows.jpg (645x484, 63K)

It's kind of a bother. I boot it up just for updates every couple of weeks if I haven't had any use for it just so I can actually use it when needed without the update hell.

>W10 universal driver support
I've had to install more drivers for my VM Windows 10 than on my desktop Ubuntu. Simple stuff like USB soundcard, webcam and usb wifi adaptor required me to search the web and download some fucking executable to get them working.

With Ubuntu they just worked out of the box and didn't require some manufacturer specific whizzard tool and suite.

>AMD driver support is not in 8.1
Windows 7 drivers work fine

i don't know, you retards on this board always have so many problems with everything. everything doesn't work, fail, bugs, shit itself but somehow i never have any hardware of software problems. i think you need to learn to use a pc

Well, it's likely you're doing something wrong.
I'm yet to find a modern device Win10 doesn't support out of the box, with "modern" referring to the last 15 years at least.

works on my machine unironically

I guess it's more in the lines of
>buy things that check ok for 100% Linux compatibility
>works very well under Linux
>surprise! Works like shit on Windows 10

>I'm too dumb to get the ltsb version
we get that user

>muh game

So update aa necessary and then kill all Microsoft connections through your router.

I want to blow my fucking brains out after one of my family members got one of these
it literally does nothing but install updates to 80%, shut itself down, do this for a while until you have to manually scrape the update residue out of the gutter and then it just does it again

I keep thinking that this is my own mistake but turns out a single google search reveals fucking pages upon pages upon pages of this exact same shit

DirectX 12

nigga, 98% of the windows updates consist of them fixing their own OS, vulnerabilities,holes, vulnerable software and more that can be used by malware. I stated that you'll run only trusted software. and FYI its 'retarded' u fool. have a good day

>implying this hasn't been every version of windows since vista

Also, this:

>Windows 10
>disabling updates