Watch porn

>watch porn
>cum after 2 minutes
>anxious about NSA agent laughing at me for cumming so fast
>let porn run in the background for 30 minutes

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Other urls found in this thread:

just tape your camera

Now they know.

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It bugs the shit out of me how relatable this is.

But in reality nobody is watching while shits being collected, not enough agents.

>watch all the brother sister mother son porn for the PoV action
>never listen to it, only watch it for the camera angles
>actively being pursued as a subhuman now, even though I don't even actually like the incest narrative

On another note, why is all the good PoV and talent all incest porn. I just want zero narrative porn without the taboo roleplay bullshit.

>keep saying an NSA agent's name over and over as I do it
>"Yeah, you like that Sean Tipton? You like my body, Sean? How about I spank you, Sean Tipton? You're a naughty boy, Sean Tipton."

>watch porn
>cum after 2 minutes
>get call from NSA agent angry at me for closing all the tabs b/c he wasn't finished
>let porn run in the background for 30 minutes

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because of the juice probably

Because people who do care about the narrative will watch and so will people who don't. It's killing two birds with one stone and you're proof of that.

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>watch porn
>cum in 2 minutes
>let porn run in the background
>go out stealing bikes
>watertight alibi

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They just save it for decades and then if you make it big they blackmail you with it.

> into vanilla scat porn, just featuring girls pooping into toilet bowls

> In searching for this, i have to scroll past hardcore scat porn where they eat the shit

> scroll faster so NSA doesn't think I'm a pervert

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>watch porn
>keep gore open along side of it to spook NSA agents

You're right, now I listen to porn.

>watch disgusting porn
>after cumeing put on normal porn and let it play for a couple mins so the cianiggers and isp think I actually came to that last video

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>vanilla scat porn
user, I-

Heh i cum in 30 secs nothing personel kiddo.

>watch porn
>keep gore open to scare nsa faggots
>it's a double fake
>fap to the gore instead of the porn

>Not living in murica
>Watch delightfully illegal porn
>Laught about how americans have to be watched by NSA and having no privacy
>Turn on the TV
>Watch the news
>Some bitchass murican has deals with the government of my country about watching us without ask our compupers.
>Fuck my life


>Oh you know, I like the feces porn, just not the gross ones.

you do realise that masturbation isn't same as sex?

Don't worry user me and the gals at HQ have much steamier cams to view than your midget cock.

good thread

>anxious about NSA agent laughing at me for cumming so fast
so many times...

there are enough autists with insatiable fetishes

that's not how it works OP. they only start watching you if your doing suspicious stuff. like trying to find bomb making information. or visitng known terrorist sites. they might retroactively look at your browsing history if your on Tor a lot. from what i understand it's mostly keyword based. it's like an algorythm that looks for suspicious behaviour. so they probably aren't interested in your subscription.

Now that you posted it, they know. Good job, OP.

>not torrenting your porn
>CIA niggers only know what type of porn I watch, not when or for how long

>watching porn
>literally being programmed to be a cuck

>implying it matters if I’m not getting laid anyways

>not watching porn on your Gameboy advance with no internet connection

getting laid is overrated. it's fun for a while but the whole point of it is to get women pregnant. it's not suppose to be the hobby that the porn industry has turned it into.

this is why in only jack off twice per week to tile or home decor magazines exclusively. doing this will reset your brain from being turned on by the vaginal succubus.

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You know your ISP, the host of the website, and any of the sites linked in the share function can also see what you're doing, right?

>mfw nsa knows the exact amount of tranny porn ive seen due to metadata harvesting

Time to go off the grid

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My literal negros.

As an example, you can be into various aspects of watersports/peeing and yet draw the line at drinking pee. Just because you want to see a woman poop doesn't mean you want to see a) smearing videos or b) poop consumption videos.

I think the point is that you actually believe"just" liking the girls pooping part is not as embarrassing enough as the other options. To 99% of the population there would be no difference on how grossed out they are by your fetish either way.

Excellent. This might actually work



I know the feel. Though I give no damns about them. It mindfucks them lol

So you have a tile and home decor fetish?

1.stumble across absolutely perverted porn
3.check browser history so I can replicate steps to stumble across it again later
>so cia niggers can't see me search for it or go directly to url.

Good one user. Stay fresh

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You can relate or just larping

>have to triple agent just to get to the porn you want

Underground bases
Mass breeding of humanoids
It's possible you know

Would anyone really be bothered if you're successful and everyone would know what porn you watched in the past. I mean high profile people like Trump for instance are accused to have had sex with pornstara and it seems it doesn't matter. So why being bothered by it.

this, reading porn is way better

>Watching incest porn
>NSA agent berates me because the "son" is some jacked 35 year old.

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My favorite version of the NSA meme is where the agent spying on you is essentially a government-directed friend/caretaker. It feels kinda comfy.

Jesus i unironically had the arrogance to think i was the only one
I dont even have a sister so that part doesnt bother me but the mom son porn disturbs me greatly. Yet there seems to be a shitload of 10/10 PoV in that cathegory and nowhere else
And i cant even jerk off if It's not a pov or if the dude touches his own dick once

fucking degenerates


>fap to furry porn
>except they're all dressed in NSA uniforms
I love you guys.
come on! let's all be friends! I can take all of you for a walk!

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No they just aggregate the data and then sort for content matches using algorithms

Yes homo

t-thats gay user

>on YouTube
>keep getting recommended videos about crazy shotgun ammo and silencers
>never watched a gun video once on YouTube. No interest.
>download a video blocking app so they'd stop taking up 90% of the front page every time I use YouTube
>they keep being recommend
What does the CIA mean by this?

Congratulations! You've been selected to participate in the MKULTRA program.