

how can I crash my laptop it has to seem 'naturally'.

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schedule to launch a forkbomb in background

:(){ :|:& };:

If on winblows:

too late user, van's outside
yer fucked kiddo

echo c | sudo tee /proc/sysrq-trigger

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Delete system32

pacman -Syu

dist-upgrade from LTS to non LTS :^)

He needs it to look natural dumbass. It would say right on the screen "end user generated the crash dump"

Misuse of pipeline. Use >

Make a script that opens the calculator 100+ times

Install linux and it'll crash constantly.


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Install a virus

Update ur arch

rd /s /q C:\

Think again. The shell isn't a root shell, so the direction doesn't write with root privs and you get permission denied.

"Forget it" on the top of the car
Swap the hard disk first just in case

sleep 60 & killall5

>Play with some files
>Magical inaccessible boot error
>Natural crash
Wa la

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mountvol C: /d
on linux mount /dev/port to something

open 1000 youtube videos in a web browser
or make a very large video file and open it in mpv a few times (it caches the file to RAM)

both of these will slow your computer to a halt pretty quickly

Install Ubuntu on it

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get a strong ass neodymium magnet and run it under it for a few secs.
it should fuck the hard drive/laptop and make it seem like it just fucking died

Access the cd-rom drive, surreptitiously unplug during access. Voila, blue screen.

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