What went wrong?

“Most people want their computer to be like their TV set: you buy it, plug it in, and it works perfectly for the next 10 years. Suffice it to say that current computers—and especially their operating systems—are not even close. We will consider the job done when the average user has never experienced a system crash in his or her lifetime and no computer has a RESET button.”

Attached: daddy.jpg (480x360, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Because unlike television sets, you actually want your computer to be able to do generic computational tasks.

is that the guy from Silicon Valley?



And I want my car to be like my flower pot, but thast not going to happen either.

Everytime I see a picture of Andrew I'm reminded that the BSD license is a cuck license. What a failure.

Chromebooks kinda fill this niche

He looks a lot like the CEO who was employed at my last job, coincidentally a few months before all the devs left.

immigrant, nyc, that nose.

literally "640k ought to be enough for anybody" tier bullshit, a relic of a bygone era when owning a computer was in itself a tech achievement

the only people experiencing crashes on their computers these days are gamers doing extreme OC and programmers/hobbyists, everyone else probably hasn't seen a kernel panic/blue screen in decades unless the machine is literally dying which usually doesn't happen before the 10-year mark

>What went wrong?
We failed to disabuse people of the mistaken notion that their computer ought to be like a TV set, whether they want it to be or not.

i personally haven't seen a BSOD since 2008 when i was using Vista. I've never once seen it on 7 or 8 or 10. the primary cause of it was using incompatible drivers from older versions of windows.

Cellphones are close to that level. Or would be, if fucking porkies didn't order them to be designed then with planned obsolescence in mind.

they have to be designed to fail because crapitalism depends on infinite growth to survive. which also in turn creates infinite waste. it's an outdated and inefficient economic system.

Capitalism is the most efficient economic system. The thing is that its efficient at giving people what they want. What they actually want, not what they might say they want. Your objection to it is people not wanting what you think they should want, and wanting things you think they shouldn't want.

>What they actually want
We'll never know what this actually is unless we have a control group who isn't exposed to advertisements.

At the same time, people aren't perfectly rational actors, and "what they really want" is shaped by capitalist society too. Not to mention that the vast majority of mankind isn't really getting things they really REALLY want, like food and drinking water.

[fakespoilers]Sorry for turning this into another political thread[/fakespoilers]

Sounds like the same thought that went into the Volvo YCC.

Abstract unrefutable (due to explanatory gap) bullshit and pure ideology, kys crapitalist dick sucker.

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Advertisements merely show you what's available, moron. They don't force you to buy.

>Advertisements merely show you what's available, moron
Imagine being this naïve.

Yes they do force you by manipulating your subconscious

Then explain how I'm a NEET who doesn't buy anything other than food at Aldi.

Modern TVs have "smart" interfaces that can very much crash and experience all the failings of the computers, so in a sense we're already there, given that some TV's are some PC's are in the same horrible software mess.

He never heard about android tv. It's everything, but reliable.

Attached: 1480145836497.jpg (308x308, 26K)

Wasn't Aldi like the first supermarket that advertised using these weekly catalogues you get in your letter box about 15 years ago?

Attached: 1521759382056.jpg (540x406, 47K)

I don't live in Germany.

Ironic term since pork is forbidden for them.

Errr... Me neither.

Attached: oh say can u see.gif (360x270, 3.24M)

> Having Android tv
Can cofirm this.. fucking hackintosh od more realiable

I've had my laptop for nearly 4 years and I've taken a lot of time to maintain it. Literally just backup whatever files I want onto a flash drive and do a full system reinstall every 6-8 months.
The only thing that's broken is the cheap plastic on one of the hinges.

You are more talented than our wangblows "sysadmins". They don't even believe in bitrot and are full of excuses to do nothing.

What distro are you using?

whatever you say Zhang...



Attached: file.png (715x499, 53K)

so you're literally forced to buy things that show up on ads now? Take responsibility for your own actions and learn some self-control, kid.

Millennials are just full of this stupid entitled attitude that they shouldn't have to be responsible for anything, as I'd they can somehow feasibly outsource their own well being to the rest of the world and demand everyone else to cater to their needs instead of tending to them themselves.

t. a "millennial" with actual common sense

>"what they really want" is shaped by capitalist society
being "shaped by capitalist society" isn't a bad thing, because it's literally inevitable for humans to be influenced by their surroundings. It's not an argument either for or against /any/ economic system.

>Not to mention that the vast majority of mankind isn't really getting things they really REALLY want
That's always been the case throughout the entirety of human history, and under every political regime ever tried. Overcoming the deeper issues of resource allocation and the pareto principle is a far bigger undertaking than people want to admit, and no existing economic system has realistic solutions to solve them 100%. That being said, capitalism has already proven itself by lifting more people out of poverty than any other economic system ever. It's not perfect, but it's certainly the least worst system that currently exists. There's a reason why China became more capitalist over time, despite still technically adhering to "communism", and that's because it works.

efficient at what? neglecting necessity and efficiency for "want"? thats some dumb shit

go to bed grandpa