Microsoft Bans “Offensive Language” from Skype

b-but I thought that Microsoft cares about privacy! I thought that Skype calls are encrypted?

kek. when will plebs learn!?

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Other urls found in this thread:

If Skype had any users left this wouldn't matter to them.

Let it die and let Discord win.

>use skype in 2018

that's an even more orwellian platform.

>Something developed by Microsoft is less orwellian than Discord
Here comes the spastic anti-Discord force.

Private company

Dude, Skype died long time ago

>unironically using Discord
>unironically using Skype

microsoft and facebook need to die

they're cultural marxists and SJWs you dumb shill.

Just use irc and payphones like a normal person.

All the payphones in my city were ripped out over the past couple years

You know who to blame

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People actually use shit like Facebook, Skype, Discord, Slack... ? Wew

>on Sup Forums

Good thing I use VKontakte :3


show tits or fuck off

Their software their rules. 1st Amendment does not apply.

Use alternative software if these rules are a problem for you.

this. and who the fuck cares about skype in the current year?

I hope i never have to troubleshot this crap @365 services

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People have jobs? Wtf

soon, you won't be able to use any software or service because you'll be unwelcome on them. same goes for physical stores.

but you can still lose a business if you refuse to bake a cake for fags.

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This is a misrepresentation of Microsoft's position. Microsoft has banned the use of Skype for publicly posting porn and the like. I don't agree with that either, but it's not the same as a ban on nudity and foul language between users.

So don't worry, the four users that Skype has left can continue to cam with each other.

You use Skype for jobs instead of "Microsoft Teams"

This is what you fuckers get for using software dependent on centralized servers hosted by large corporations. Anyone seriously whining about receiving their inevitable ass fucking should be banned from Sup Forums and probably Sup Forums in general.

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If people refuse to deal with you because of your beliefs it's an indication that they are antiquated and society has moved on. Conform or be left behind. If you wish to remain so stubborn then feel free to develop your own platform and set your own rules. Then no one can touch you.

>but you can still lose a business if you refuse to bake a cake for fags.
Completely incomparable. Physical businesses on US soil need to abide by US laws. Internet forums and services are not even remotely similar.

lol brave shills

>browser: Brave
If you're still going to be using a Chromium based browser, then why not just go with Chromium? Does Brave add any functionality that Chromium/Firefox either don't have or can't have added via addons?
>inb4 replacing ads with other ads is a "feature" that users benefit from

>operating system:, EOS
But neither of those are OSes?

Beave adds ad blocking, canvas fingerprinting blocking, third party cookie blocking and tracker blocking.

There is also bromium, if you want to try that.

>forfeiture of content licenses

>a 100% free service becomes the biggest platform seemingly out of nowhere
Where do you think all of that money and marketing came from?

Largest social network where you can share anything with friends

Free conference calls and well known

Skype but geared towards gamers

Irc but tons more features, way easier to get people set up and synced across multiple devices, and don't need to host a server.

>Beave adds ad blocking, canvas fingerprinting blocking, third party cookie blocking and tracker blocking.
Which have all been available as addons for Firefox, and probably Chromium as well, since before Brave was even released. Is Brave just the go to browser for retarded subhumans who are incapable of setting shit up themselves?

You are legitimately retarded if you think the data itself is stored on chain. Only metadata is, for all those examples except Storj. And they're still centrally controlled in all cases, which means censorship can be applied across the board.


Sorry i was thinking of mobile brave browser.

Yeah i use chromium + ublock, decentraleyes and canvas blocker on desktop.

Take your pills.

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I wonder if you will continue being so smug when you get banned from having a job because Microsoft saw that you accessed Sup Forums one day

How do they do it? Do they spy on everything you say?

I doubt it's anything that nefarious. I bet there is some type of report button the luser on the other end can hit.

Not that they don't still spy, too.

>"I dont have friends"


shill detected

>i think flakey internet relationships count as real

>what is SMS
>what is a phone call
>what is just fucking meeting up somewhere like people used to

>b-but I thought that Microsoft cares about privacy! I thought that Skype calls are encrypted?
Are there people who actually say this?
Word of mouth and videogames communities. That's how it was for me at least.

Implying SMS/POTS are any more secure.


Free services don't make that much profit without selling user info on large scales

>retarded society has 'moved on' from ideas of having privacy so if you want that you must be wrong

Discord isn't designed to make money, It's a exit plan company.

My company just switched over to skype for business and it's actually an improvement

Can we bring back the IRC days?
Shit was fun

>Discord isn't designed to make money
IDK where you got that but it makes shit loads of money

Are that many people buying Nitro subs? Last I heard Discord was running at a loss and running out of investor money, or did they find a daddy big data to give them the cash cummies?

GTFO Discord shills. Discord was funded by Time Warner.
Stop shilling Brendan.

>facebook, twitter, skype and any free email aren't completely visible to employees of the company


>Word of mouth and videogames communities.

Word of mouth doesn't fund software development.

No but it does get everyone off skype.

Word of mouth drives users to join the platform, users joining the platform drives investment, investment gives you money.
I don't get why this is such a hard concept for you to wrap your head around.

Gotta love the classic Sup Forums spin, nowhere does the article state that Microsoft is analyzing calls for "offensive terms" be used (as if that'd be fucking possible) and yet you'll have this faggot who'd rather spread misinformation to get attention. Fucking dumb Jew's and their tactics.

>b-but I thought that Microsoft cares about privacy!
said no one ever.

You gotta construct a strawman and beat down said, strawman if you want to win e-arguments.

>image does not mention Skype, only xbox
>it's completely reasonable to ban profanity from online games
>they will not enforce this on Skype since that's a private messaging service

You guys are morons

there was a time when MS sued gov over PRISM shit and Sup Forums was full of "see, MS cares about privacy!" posts. but all you newfags wouldn't know about that.

>Sup Forums is represented by the actions of a single person
You would have thought with all this age that you have on me, you would have recognized how retarded that logic is.


100% this

>word of mouth
nice way of saying YouTube spambots and paid "content creator" shills

They have a thing called Discord Nitro where you pay $15 a month to support the developers. I do it.

Bake the cake, you fucking bigot

>>it's completely reasonable to ban profanity from online games
since when?

What's cultural marxism

I live across the street from the Skype HQ.
Sometimes I hang out with the employees.
None of them use Skype in their personal lives anymore.

>be in Education
>still need Skype for all these normie fossils of """""people"""""

from what? rabid carrier pigeons?

>Implying any large or reputable company is going to give two shits

Adobe connect

that sucks

>b-but I thought that Microsoft cares about privacy!
>"Its fine, I got nothing to say."

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National and local news is now picking it up:

my brother literally met his fucking wife on skype
what the hell is this faggot shit

lynch, fucking lynch


Seeing as I presume a majority individuals playing online games on consoles are most likely children, I'm not surprised by this ... Microsoft got too many complains from soccer moms complaining about how "Little billy heard a bad word on XStation Live" Seeing as Google (via youtube) seems to have gone this route I'm not surprised Microsoft is doing it too.