Yfw C#/Java-hating c++ promoting neet retards brag about using slow-as-shit python for prototyping

>yfw C#/Java-hating c++ promoting neet retards brag about using slow-as-shit python for prototyping

Uhhh, why not just use a middleman language like C#/Java to give you the middle ground instead of wasting your time writing the same code twice for 2 different languages?

Attached: 1200px-ISO_C++_Logo.svg.png (1200x1349, 69K)

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c# have bright future

It's usually a pride thing. For the first time they experience an "I just did this on my own!" at the beginning of learning the language(s). Once there is a flaw or otherwise more efficient way to do something, that the individual has not discovered on their own, the usual reaction is discrediting by any means.

Just use PHP 5.5 you dumb dumb.

java is fine, c# is too locked-in, the rest of your rant is incoherent so i will sage it

.net core is a total pos, mono isn't half-bad though.

Programming brainlet here: is there really such a thing as programming language fanboys?

So badly. They're usually NEETs who get nothing done.

There is such a thing as programming language haters. For some reason Java/C# get so much hate here compared to python, which is actually as slow-as-shit.

I hate MS as much as you but .NET is FLOSS now

No, there are only people who just picked wrong language for wrong job to be done or just don't do programming at all and pretend to know everything (inb4 kids).
Learning programming isn't about knowing that one special language which you would be comfortable to work with but it is about choosing the right language for different problem.
You don't want to write prototype of your product in assembly so you pick up python or another script language which is high-level with everything.
In the opposite you don't want to deliver product to the user that has undefined behavior if (somethingFromUserWentShitAgain) so you use strongly typed language and write only/mostly pure functions so you use languages operating on lower level.

It's still basically useless on anything but MS platforms with MS dev tools like VSCode that are actually shit for anything else, too.

Java and even the main JVM meanwhile is in the actual place where .NET wanted to be. It's a very comfortable cross-platform language that has little problems being used as one of the center pieces in a mixed language stack & there is essentially no chance of Oracle being able to really gain control and pull an embrace, extend, extinguish move like MS still easily could.

.Net Core is effectively useless, if you're developing cross-platform with .net, you're basically stuck with mono

Is ruby a nice language to learn?
Is it better than python?

Nothing wrong with mono.

Mono also is pretty shit. Not even dem Gnomes really managed to roll with it, and it just generally is an arsepain

I understand they offer an avenue for people invested in C#, but if you can program more languages and got something to do, you're more likely to end up on something else also because of these shitty runtimes. Like Java or Cpp or Python.

The most important/succesful mono thing is like, autopano-sift or something.

It's very, very bad. Basically nothing done with Mono is actually important.

Gnome used to until Miguel left.

Because I don't feel like it?

Are you serious? Mono was a good attempt but .NET core is seriously good and essentially makes Mono irrelevant

>>yfw C#/Java-hating c++ promoting neet retards brag about using slow-as-shit python for prototyping
No we don't you fucking retard

“There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses.”

Why not prototype in C++? It's fucking fast to develop in if you know what you're doing. I don't understand why people hate this language so much. Just read Stroustrup's C++11 book. If you can't remember 90% of C++ then you maybe shouldn't be programming, to be honest. I hate this stupid "nobody knows C++" meme because it's just not true except among students. A mid-level C++ engineer should be expected to know 90% to 95% of the language, including the standard library.


No c++ jobs = nobody knows c++

It's 5% of all programming jobs. Are you saying programming in general is drying up?

No, but less and less people are using C++.

because scripting

more and more people are using C++

A smaller and small proportion of people who know C++ have jobs in C++. Schools shouldn't teach it for general CS because it's more a niche language and it's hurting the employability of graduates. Schools should teach:
- Python for an introduction to CS. It's not my favorite language but god damn if the lite syntax isn't easy for beginners to understand
- C and assembly together for low-level understanding
- C#/Java for software engineering
Then obviously teach specific languages for high-level classes like C for OS or C++ for graphics.

Yes. But stick with C.

Why not rust?


Why not?

I honestly think C# handily beats out Java, and it's safer than Cpp. I really like the power Cpp exposes, but when working with retards it's nice to have a managed language where they can't cause memory leaks and shit without you watching their every move and holding their hand the whole way. The number of people that still go out of bounds when looping through an array... it's sad really. I do really hate a few things about c# though, like it lakes multiple inheritance, and a lot of the low level code is abstracted away(though I understand this is exactly because they want it to be safe and it USUALLY compiles down to be highly optimized anyway)

I hope we can all agree python is just shit.

This makes sense, but i would teach them python last. Otherwise they just try to do everything in python and become true brainlet tier pajeets because it is what they are comfortable with. I think they should also teach html5/javascript though as web dev is important too.

nice get, a full house

Attached: 3F89CE3E-C176-4B8D-87B7-34AA7A033808.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

fuck, meant to reply to

nobody has mentioned golang, reasonably quick to prototype something. fast, goroutines are pretty good. downside is package management, but dep seems promising.

why 5.5 and not 5.6

Don't tell C fags to use anything else dude, just look at C++ dudes and how well of a job they're doing at convincing them...

To circumvent this, the Python course should be only occupy a year of schooling, with additional non-Python courses available (maybe an HTML/CSS/Javascript 100-level course, how neat!). Come year 2, it's time to dive into C and assembly. That will serve the added benefit of terrifying the unworthy into another major!

Typos abound
>should be only
should only

I know. But it wasn't a good idea, like many other Miguel ideas. (Bonobo, Mono, Moonlight, and his like for OOXML)

Also I still remember him whining about Linux-Desktop being dead due to fragmentation - Linus was right to then smack him for the API instability and added fragmentation from all the projects he did.

As far as I'm concerned, it's all pretty shit, including Mono - even if that is an attempt at a re-implementation of .NET and thus can't easily be better.

> I honestly think C# handily beats out Java
As language, eh, a little?

But then there's Kotlin and Scala and friends, and they beat C# without even sitting on the annoying .NET/Mono.

LUA is probably better for beginners.

C# is a better language than Java, but outside of Windows ecosystem nobody uses it. OTOH Java ecosystem is yuge and has Scala and Clojure.

C is good for understanding programming on a deeper level and doing work for embedded devices. It's the first language i learned and used.

Today i would go with Python. You can do work across many domains and still learn programming.

It can target crossplatform though, which is really nice. I do wish there were better IDEs for it off of windows though. Mono-develop seems lacking compared to VS community.

Rider is running pretty well on my ubuntu.

How does it compare to Monodevelop?

99.9% of people who get into programming just want to learn one thing and then stop and get paid for the one thing for their whole life. This is why they get assmad when threatened with new concepts.

Kek, this is incredibly accurate.

What do you think about new languages that target C-like performance with easy, comfy syntax? Like Crystal, Nim or Elixir?

eehhhhh, I mean the first language I learned was c, then cpp, and I really do think that higher level languages are easy to grasp once you learn the low level stuff, So I still tend to think that c should be taught first semester or two, then the next 2 or 3 semesters are primarily in c++. After that start moving into c#, python, and web dev. Unfortunately my school doesn't offer any python or web dev, and I'm getting to the point where it would be nice to have some courses on it, especially web dev(python would be nice just because so may other people do know it, so a lot of current projects are being built on it). At my university they only teach 2 very basic 1 semester electives on C#. Mobile apps with xamarin, and Game Development with Unity. I like the courses, but I feel they are too basic to be useful. Had to look at a lot of stuff on my own yet to learn about the language and APIs. I don't understand why more institutions don't teach this way. Most of the schools near me ONLY teach python, Java, and Javascript. But I still wish my curriculum was a bit more comprehensive.

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>what is Unity, the most popular game engine ever created

>Is ruby a nice language to learn?
>Is it better than python?
Yes and yes, though not by much.

>tfw polyglot mindset

I like python, but its objectively crap.

Attached: 1494608097163.png (531x921, 1.4M)

>- Python for an introduction to CS. It's not my favorite language but god damn if the lite syntax isn't easy for beginners to understand

More like Go. Fuck python.

Not him, but actually Unity did, like just drop official support for mono. They now ship with VS community.

but with python it's hard for beginners that don't know about the '\n' character to even see how the code gets parsed. And it's not very intuitive(to me at least) to use var for everything which is standard practice in python and java-script.
Except no one knows Go(aside from some autists that like to shill it on Sup Forums and a handful of other areas)

>Except no one knows Go(aside from some autists that like to shill it on Sup Forums and a handful of other areas)

it is even easier to learn than python

its better too
and with a better standard library

you want to provide some examples? Also, reminder that less verbose code isn't always better. It's good to opt for maximum clarity and ensure that the structure of the code is clear.

They support rider too.


You can still change your IDE in settings so if you want to continue with mono you should be able to without many problems in theory.

Syntax matters relatively little. Elixir, like Erlang, is as slow as Python/Ruby for most things. Nim is buggy. Crystal shows promise. Honestly, though, I'd just pick Haskell or OCaml, or D if you hate pattern matching.

I meant that the syntax matters relatively little to whether the language is easy to use.

>what is Monogame

need to get a job, what language do I learn?

haskell or rust

>Is ruby a nice language to learn?
sure, maybe
>Is it better than python?
by what metric?
cuz if we're talking applicability to the real world at the moment, outside of RoR and some snowflake sysadmin tools, vigorously nope.

>degenerates promoting the kissing disease

Yes, and yes by a huge margin, but the community is extremely geared towards Rails, so Python is generally more useful unless you want to do webshit. But Ruby is a much better designed language imho.

>> OCaml or D.
These (and F#) are all good pragmatic languages that I wish had caught on more.

Go is more verbose than Python. It's not better due to conciseness, it's better because it's much more explicit, faster than Java/C#, and has structural typing. If it had generics it would have been one of the best languages around atm.

Most people on Sup Forums prefer to hate on Go because it doesn't have parametric polymorphism. Which I do hope gets added to the language eventually because it would make Go much more expressive, but isn't really a downside for teaching people new to programming.

Go has the advantage of being almost as explicit as C with explicit pointers instead of implicit reference semantics, but far easier to use due to being garbage collected and not having to deal with headers or linker errors while still compiling to native executables and compiling really quickly.

It's basically the perfect newbie language for this reason, regardless of whatever its merits are as a language for experienced programmers. Though it is a mainstream language with a fairly large established job market by now, and you can definitely build a business based on it.

because middle ground isn't fast enough you retarded dumbfuk lmao


Just use bytebuffers or unsafe.

>t. guy who has no life

Learn Python and Java.

Go is not faster than Java.

C# It's trash, you only have the WinAPI, that's it.
And Java, well...

Have you not heard of unity or xamarin? The are awesome and C# based.

what are bytebuffers senpai?

this was built on c#: alternativeto.net/software/duplicati/

>C# It's trash
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