How How do I I

How How do I I

How does any of this work???

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keep at it

Yeah that doesn't work

give up

You sound like me but reversed. Remind yourself if you're really digesting what you're learning.
My math profs voice often turns into a sound that just goes on for ever. Keep track of when you're still listening.

Also Sup Forums is the wrong place to talk about something like this, hit up lainchan.

I haven't done any programming classes outside of when I failed out of python first year
I wish I had majored in things I was good at instead of things that sounded cool.

I wish I had done chemistry and become a pharmacist instead of Sup Forums and lainchan tricking me into doing CS all those years ago.

I wish I didn't continue trying to pursue CS so that when it really became the truth that I can't program I could have transfered into something other than math
I wish I wasn't a fucking idiot. Why did I waste my life.

You know what to do then. It's hard to let go, but there is no gain in repeating a vicious circle.

my education doesn't exceed 9th grade middle school.

yet, i'm an employed programmer. you can do it, faggot, persist and resist.

Not OP, but how did you do it. right now I'm struggling to get my CS degree but I might drop out to give work most of my time.
I'm afraid that I'll never find a job unless I get a degree.

Listen man, Just read a book.

DO NOT rely on YouTube tutorials
DO NOT rely on udemy, code academy or any of that bullshit
DO NOT tell yourself you can't do it
You have a horrible attitude about it right now which isn't going to help you at all. Just because you don't pick it up right away or everything doesn't click the first time you look at it does not mean you can't do it. You just gotta keep going at it until you get it user. If you truly care about learning to program that should be easy. Learning to program is a lot like learning an actual language, learn the ABCs, learn some words, learn to form sentences, learn to write, you get it. Good Luck! Wish you the best.

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>DO NOT rely on YouTube tutorials
>DO NOT rely on udemy, code academy or any of that bullshit
Some of those are actually good. Why should't we use them?

codehs is a website that teaches programming like a book would, highly recommend the java portion, it covers the fundamentals of CS and discrete mathematics, not just syntax.

read SICP

Not really saying you shouldn't use them but it would be better if you got used to reading.
You need to learn how to do things on your own not rely on some Indian to show you what to do. Learn to read documentation, and retention is better when you actually read and write the code yourself.
Usually books have great exercises and problems for you to solve at the end of the chapter to test your ability to see if you may need to go back or not. Videos (to me at least) seem like a lazy way of getting out of doing things the "hard way". Though I guess it depends on the person in the end. I personally feel like being hands on with stuff is a much better way to do things.
That being said of course its perfectly OK to watch some videos just don't make your habit: "Fuck, what do I do? Ill just YouTube it." Take the time and try and debug shit for yourself.

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Can you recommend any Java books?

sam's teach yourself java

how the fuck did your math major not include computation? you fucking troll

Walk in the footsteps of giants, you'll often find out that they started small, and they snowballed into what they are now. More practically I suggest the following:
- Take Peter Norvig's pytudes (Norvig is an ace at what he does, teaching and making actual software)
- Follow the notes
- Solve the problems on your own
- Compare your results to the master's
- Take notes, in writing if possible, of your mistakes.
- Read up on your slips and do similar problems.
General learning strategies should apply here, defining reachable goals achievable in a set amount of time, taking periodical tests and self assessment assignment, learning with your peers... It is of importance to realize that programming is a craft, you become better the more you do it, so finding something to motivate you and keep you going can and does often mean the difference between making it and failing and feeling miserable about the outcome.
Good luck user.

Congrats you're retarded

dont worry, youre just retarded

dw op i'm exactly the same except i can't into math either :)

jesus, this pasta is propagating quickly.

Sounds like you’re a brainlet, OP.

Don't study programming like you study math.

You need to do projects, and do lots of them. Like seriously, start one right now. Fuck that, start two.

And it doesn't matter if you finish 1% of your projects. Keep making stuff, that's how you learn. You won't, I repeat, You Will Not learn programming by studying books. Read books on the side. Programming is your primary concern.

I don't have any projects

I just am not creative

It's not pasta. Like actually
It's not applied math
Are you suggesting ruby?
What can I possibly do

Then go and make some

>I just am not creative
Yes you are, stop lying to yourself

I have nothing I want to make

I'm not suggesting Ruby, shes just cute.

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Look at this image for a little direction

Learn lisp. It might take longer than you want if not motivated (watch: the most beautiful program ever bu william byrd for motivation).

Programming takes time so give it that which it needs. You need a tool to explore the world with and lisp is that tool. I would go with chez, chibi, or chicken scheme as those are quite good for a start.

The Reasoned Schemer
Lisp in small pieces

Math Ph.D here, I got into programming through Haskell from category theory. Maybe you want to try that?

LISP is not hard, it is ridiculously easy, you basically only need to know what a s-expression is and you're done, the language itself is a loose representation of the internal abstract syntax tree used by the interpreter/compiler itself.

Don't give LISP a bad rap, let people try it for themselves.

Not giving it a bad rep. I have seen those who even struggle with lisp. Some take much longer to catch on and lisp even if simpler than most can be quite difficult as the difficulty goes up.

Programming is literally just telling the computer what to do. Even a child could do it.
If you're still having troubles, go get yourself a skirt and some stockings. That always helps.

>calls Java slow
>"python is very fast"

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If you're into abstract math, drop everything else you're doing and read pic related. Thank me later.

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Is land of lisp good? That's what I'm using
I want to learn clisp

Not , but all LISPs stem from a simple core and idea, scheme is a really good lisp to start with since it has SICP written with it in mind. LISP is almost just a paradigm to reason about computer programs so you can't go wrong with it, racket should be a good start, it comes with batteries included.

To be honest I came to LISP a seasoned programmer, so I took up Common Lisp for its richness, but scheme is where it is at if you're just starting out.

I'm not oop, just wondering if lol is a good source

I don't get it

Programming isn't for everyone. You need exposure to logic at a young age, otherwise it all seems very foreign.

You just need to practice. Sounds fucking trite, but that's all it is. Learning to program is like learning a second language, if you don't make an effort to actually speak french, french classes aren't going to do shit for you. Immersion is how you become fluent. This is why schools use Java and Python for intro courses, it's very easy to just sit down and fizzbuzz or hello world the fuck out of your computer, then immediately jump to simple apps on those languages while sidestepping the more esoteric issues you'd run into with cpp and c

If you can do math you can program

The best lisp 1000% is clojure. It'll actually be useful in industry too since you'll likely be using Java.

But logic is what I excellent at

Clojure is a huge pain to install
Also websev sucks

>How does any of this work???
Simple enough
The same fuck you do, when designing an electronics scheme.
Ask yourself, why you are retard.
You what?
You don't need this shit. Use manly C, or assembly. Other is just garbage.
Good thing. CS is Cancer Science.
Don't do that.

Land of lisp most certainly is. I should have included a description why but might be better to just explore and see how it goes. You start of simple and move on quite quickly with that book so it's good.

Clojure has been a pain with android. Rather go for idris-jvm even if there's little support currently.

Haskell, Lisp, Ocaml, Erlang

Anything but assembly is bloat.

Use leiningen for clojure. It's very easy.

Web dev is okay now since everything is part of the web. Java is used everywhere now. You just gotta find a good company.

>You need exposure to logic at a young age
Literally just about everyone is exposed to logic as soon as they're born.
>Programming isn't for everyone
While that's true, I'd say that (just about) anyone can learn programming. They may not be great programmers, but they can learn enough to build some shit. I don't think it's for everyone in the sense that some people just don't have the personality for it. I'd never be able to act on a TV show, having millions of people watching me, but I certainly can learn acting.

> not using TTL directly

Math major here, I don't understand why some of you even have problems in the first place when we deal with a fuckload of arguments and proofs.

OP how did you try to learn python? and how long did you try?

>Not building your own transistors.

>but how did you do it
I programmed all day every day, for 6 years. I started my own tech communities online and in person(which landed my first job, so there's the answer to that question).

One thing I noticed, is that when I first started out, I though I was a legitimate genius (cringe), and I honestly feel like this helped me learn. Because today, I feel like I may be legitimately retarded, or at least really stupid, even though I'm not. Things become a lot harder to learn this way. But when I *pretend* to be in my teenage mindset, and tell myself I'm smart as fuck, shit becomes easy again.

If you're telling yourself shit like that, replace it.
>I'm too dumb for this.
>I'm a fucking genius, this shit is easy!

>I'm afraid that I'll never find a job unless I get a degree.
It's really tough. I did it though, without a high school diploma. I'm at my second software job, and I was never asked for educational credentials. People assume I have a degree, I think.

>If you're telling yourself shit like that, replace it.
>>I'm too dumb for this.
>>I'm a fucking genius, this shit is easy!
Oops, I meant to put:
>Watch how fast you improve when you think in this way.
after that bit.

git gud nigga. maybe you're just not as smart as you think you are or more likely you are a weak fag who freaks out if things don't come easily right away. programming isn't something that just comes easily. it's more like trying to make gains by working out. yes some have a natural advantage but everyone must put in some hard work and go through some pain in order to make gains. programming is a continual cycle of feeling like the dumbest person on earth when things don't make sense or don't work to feeling like the smartest person on earth when you finally figure it out. if you don't learn to enjoy the pain and the challenge you will not make it.

I can do proofs easy but I just can't program

There is no way you can do proofs but not program.

Define "program". For all we know, you're struggling with design shit (CSS).

i can't math, is there hope?.

How do I make anything at all
Like I can't even make a calculator

>Literally just about everyone is exposed to logic as soon as they're born.
and then they proceed to completely ignore that "logic" and throw what little of it they have out the window. If people were actually logical, there'd be a lot more rational actors all around, and online debates wouldn't devolve into poo flinging shitshows so easily. Most people literally have no clue about what logic actually is.

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then learn a language designed for writing proofs, like coq.

>can you find all the odd numbers between 0-100
>I cannot do this. My skill in mathematics is not high enough
Topkek. I solved that mentally in 3 seconds.

I agree with you, mostly. Wasn't trying to argue. People are retarded.

That is fucking bullshit.
How can you prove Lagrange's Theorem for groups but not write a fucking calculator?

Because programming is hard

also something to consider, what the fuck is knowing how to program? Think about it. At what point do you know how to play the guitar? Don't leave it as this blurry non processed haze of thought. You need to solve a problem. What are the problems you are going to solve? Keep solving problems like the one you need to solve and in that specific area you know what to do, just repeat that. Forget about "knowing how to program". Know how to solve the specific problems that you are likely to encounter

for(int i = 1; i < 100; i+=2) Console.WriteLine(i);

I don't know how to loop in clisp

I don't know how to do proj WV ts

Programming is literally writing math theory if you will notice this then everything is easy

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Then learn how. It sounds like your problem is that you never learned how to learn, or how to solve problems.

This will help you learn how to solve problems. Memorize these rules, and when to apply them:

> Read documentation
Literally this

int main()
for(int i = 1; i

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Give up on your impossible dream. It will be like a huge weight being lifted off your shoulders, I promise.

>he doesn't know what interpreted vs compiled means

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It seems like you don't actually want to learn, user.

I thought like this until I was forced to learn languages for work.

Think of it like actual languages, some have similar sentence structures, and similar words but are just a tad different.

Each languages has its subjects, objects and verbs. Most have variables that will take info from another and use it to do other things.

You are writing sentences, each language has things it shares with others.

You failed out of python

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No way is that animu grill 21

those were drawn in 2012, she's 16

this is a horrificly awful guide

programming isnt math like 90% of the time, you got meme'd hard

I diagnose you with brainlet

>Not using vacuum tubes

Read a beginner tier book idiot. It should be easy for you because you are already trained in solving problems on paper.
I'd trade my programming ability for a math degree. Go into banking and steal people's money legally.

I know how to do this stuff.
I don't think you know what a math degree is

OP, either hire someone to train you on programming outside of school or learn to love math.

By the way, there's no point tilting at windmills. If you such at programming and a tutor doesn't help you, then I seriously recommend that you give up.

Lean INTO your strengths. Do what you can do best. Honestly, no one will be excited to hire a middling programmer. There might be places for good mathematicians.

All I've ever wanted to do was learn programming

OP, if you only ever wanted to learn programming, then DROP EVERYTHING and focus on getting up to speed. Six months of pain and effort and misery now will pay you back for decades to come.

Programming ain't difficult. It really isn't. You need to get down to the bit level and build yourself up from there. Don't skimp on the fundamentals or you will only become a loathsome code monkey.

Idk I've heard math PhDs get banking jobs easily.

A lot of people don't have the patience to start from the bottom desu. Bad advice.

Use API of X. If it is not enough write your own.

Tadada, that's all.

How can you run when you don't know how to walk?
Playing games and chatting in IM isn't the same as knowing how a computer works.
Sure, you can write some hurr durr Python or other HLL garbage without knowing the fundamentals, but you fundamentally fail at programming. You'll never be able to do anything that's any good. You'll be like a UX specialist with a few more skills.

>How How do I I
>How does any of this work???

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As a 2nd follow up, I'd like to add that the OP doesn't have to stay at the bottom for long.
Once the OP has an idea what hex is and can write a simple program in machine language on the front on an IMSAI 8080 with toggle switches, then the OP can progress to more interesting things.

What ?
I just want to be an expert at clisp.
What a waste