/hpg/ - Headphone General

How to request purchase advice: pastebin.com/dybEUJ1Y

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones

Headphone guide: canpicker.com/

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>tfw no ma900

post anime feet that will surely con autists into buying meme-marketed audio shit

You're sick.
Enjoy your ban.

Agreed. Too old.

Upon the rising wind that carried him to sea.

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There is literally nothing wrong with that picture. She's like 25.

i love these Sup Forums headphone threads, they're so comfy.

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dude its hot, and you're only seeing pervy shit that you want to see

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Schiit sucks
shit sucks

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That's all it takes for your Sennheiser's cheap plastic to break after you intended to wear them.
Why don't you own different headphones?

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what error

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Nice best headphones known to man, anons! The nips sure are god-tier in their craft

Why would someone only have one pair of headphones?

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>Why would someone only have one pair of headphones?
If you can afford more than one pair, you get speakers instead which are simply better at 300+ price range.

>be retard
>shit breaks

>Be retard
>Own headphones with a thick plastic headband

will i ever need headphones again?

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Depends on the information processing abilities of your brain.

It's lightweight, non-fatiguing, and comfortable to wear for long periods of time

now post 3d

u fucked up

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wasn't massdrop but the place where they offload extra stock, blinq

dont delete it this time pls

For me, it's the HP2. The greatest headphone in the world.

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is that cheesepizza in the box


Beautiful Feet


Sorry, it's where I keep my Schiit amp and pics of 3D children in suggestive poses. No cheese pizza in there.

you disappoint me user

Looks better, feels better, even sounds better. Dekoni makes a mean pad.

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fuck off Beats shill

holy fuck why would anyone do that. the sleek finish is one of the only good things about schiit.

are you admitting to reporting him? that's a bannable offense, user! :) here, have another /hpg/ OP pic that has been used before that mods were okay with.

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Bass is important, highs are second but still clear enough to not be drowned out by mids and mids are last but they should be clear enough to not be drowned out by bass. I'm willing to go with a slightly higher budget if ones with good bass, mids and highs exist though.

The retards at schiit dont have the same finishes in all their products because its all shitty alloys so it makes the stack look off

I got some headphones recently but the right side feels stronger than the left. I can't tell if it's placebo or if there is actually something wrong with it. I tried flipping it around so left is on my right and vice versa, and still think it is the headphones, but I'm not 100%. Is there a definitive test I can do before I try to return them? Or should I just replace them and forget about testing it?

i came

surprised at the audacity of this op

it's funny how no one responds to you besides me when you post 007 pictures, you used to get a lot more responses with cheaper stuff. as it is you basically get ignored.

did you get too high on the pecking ladder? too expensive for feeble minds? there's little to make fun of the 007 for so it's not like the jelly faggots can even bully you for owning it.

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Damn those beautiful feet

see >here, have another /hpg/ OP pic that has been used before that mods were okay with.

Could be no one cares about STAX and you're now realizing the "hype" is from gen z anons spamming them because shitty anime.

hi gen z user, have you taken your anti-depressants today? we all know you get a little upset at the slightest provocation when you don't. be sure to take them!

Beat my meat. The filter looks awful

now they look like shit
the brown was sexy

Been running HD600 + Schiit Stack for a while now and looking for an upgrade. I've read the Valhalla 2 is a perfect match for the HD600. Any sense upgrading from the Modi to a better DAC?

kill yourself
if this is bait u got me
you couldn't have chosen something worse

Schiit owners don't take the time to think things through before buying, or making decisions

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>I've read the Valhalla 2 is a perfect match for the HD600
wat. bottlehead crack has always been considered the 'perfect match' tube for the hd6x0 line. who told you it was the valhalla 2?

Are you a complete retard? why should people comment on the 007 if they haven't heard it? not everyone on /hpg/ is a hd600 shitposter.
Yes it's at the summit of expensive shit which means most of us will never hear it or consider buying it so there's absolutely no reason to comment on this thing.

haha jelly hd600 fag

>most of us will never hear it or consider buying it so there's absolutely no reason to comment on this thing.
there it is, no intellectual curiosity to even ask what it sounds like or how user likes it. it just gets ignored.

your envy is cute

>envying something by ignoring it
Is that how it works? Why should I be curious about something I will never buy?
Next you are going to tell me we should be lapping up paragraphs about the experience of riding a modern rolls royce or else it's just jealousy if you don't spare some time to read and talk about it. Like, who the fuck cares?

It's not even that expensive though. Costs about as much as an HD800S, which gets a lot more shitposting. Although, you could probably chalk that up to the person who owns them rather than the headphone themselves. But yeah, the 007 is one of the less shitposted "summit-fi" options out there because most people haven't heard them, and they don't have any measurable glaring flaws like a treble spike or missing upper midrange. Dekoni pads really put it above the lambdas, I think. I'm going to have to run some comprehensive measurements on the EARS.

How would you describe the q701? Neutral? Detailed? I have not tried many headphones, but I like how I can easily differentiate between instruments. Everything sounds very "clear" to me. Where should I look at for an upgrade?

>Costs about as much as an HD800S, which gets a lot more shitposting
HD800S is $900 used, and you can basically get the HD800 for $650 used and turned it into an HD800S so I don't think that's the best comparison to make

Also runs from pretty much any amp.

>Why should I be curious about something
>intellectual curiosity
I mean feel free to stick your head in the sand user
yeah that drives up the price further on the stax

It's over $1800 new...

Personally I'd buy the SR-009 if STAX wasn't a retarded company with its cs and made an amp for this millennium.

>I mean feel free to stick your head in the sand user
My life will totally be enriched by hearing someone else's subjective thought on how some random super expensive headphone sounds like. It feeds intellectual curiosity as much as learning computer programming. This knowledge will empower you in life. You will finally be able to talk about something you don't own because you now know some random owner subjective opinion which you can then parrot to other people for great effect!

why are you so upset user? calm down

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Yeah, I didn't really think of the SDR mods and stuff.
Dekoni's are excellent. The stock pads look rather sloppy (they're larger in diameter than the actual cups) and the foam isn't good. TH900 Dekonis fit like a glove.

hd800 can be had for as low as $400 at times, do you realize that? just cut up a $10-20 earbud and stick it in the hole in the driver to absorb the resonance. that's how little your setup is valued by the market, you paid for a very expensive paint job.

>I have no more counter-arguments to defend myself from being pointed out as a vapid, superficial bootlicker

I mean I don't really know what to say to someone who is this visibly upset over something so trite, so you are right about that.

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look for hd800. the most un-sennheiser sennheiser, and the most logical upgrade for someone who likes the akg sound -- bright, huge soundstage, good bass for open back.

Luckily I don't base the value of something off what ebay says. Nor do I ever buy used headphones. Gen z sure do view things as shallow as possible.

>Nor do I ever buy used headphones.
what's the point in this scenario again? the hd800 and hd800S will just have their paint flake over time with their cheap ass paint job. the pads flake too and deflate, you'll have to replace them every so often anyways.

Wow I have to replace the pads. What a shit company sennheiser is to have such a unique and terrible problem, kiddo.

Objective. Market determines value, that's just how shit works. Sorry you're a filthy gommunist.

I see sennheiser and schiit is immune to criticism as always when it comes to you. anyways, the point was never used vs buying new. the point was that the hd800(s) is easily acquirable for poorfags

Oh it's this retard again. The gen z that thinks the secondary market makes the company money.

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personally I prefer to have a president that doesn't try to take my rights away, but that's just me. the freedom-loving american constitutionalist.

>is easily acquirable for poorfags
>Still $1000 headphones used

>don't have counterargument
>lash out blindly and accuse random anons of being other people
Now THIS is skilled argumentation right here.

no, the hd800 ($650 used) is easily made into the hd800s with a $10 mod. is this news to you or something? sorry I'm the one who has to break it to you.

Making highschool grade comments about free market is a great argument. Really nice.

It's even nicer that you literally have no refutation.

for expensive category, speakers > headphones
since stax are earspeakers, they win
sennshitters btfo

You act like I care or I'm ignorant of the HD800/S mods. Your autism seems to make it incapable for you to think in non absolute yet again.
Take X product
Throw it on amazon for what ever I want
Fuck you.

There goes your argument kiddo. Literally (not the meme) with less then 2.5 seconds of logic.

>>You act like I care or I'm ignorant of the HD800/S mods
oh, okay. so when I said that the hd800S is easily acquirable then your answer is "yes", because the hd800 can be had at $600 and made into the hd800S with a $10 mod. alright, thanks for that clarification.

>Take X product
>Throw it on amazon for what ever I want
>Nobody buys it
>Therefore, X product is not worth that $ value
Is not understanding supply and demand a prerequisite to getting out of gen z?

The answer is no regardless. Taking the lowest priced HD800 ever on ebay doesn't make much of an argument. And even if you do want to play retardo logic it's still $400 fucking heapdhones...
>you have to buy it
Cool goal post moving.

Have .5 more seconds of logic since I palyed retardo logic with the other anion. I'll buy it myself.

>That's all it takes for your Sennheiser's cheap plastic to break after you intended to wear them.
>Why don't you own different headphones?
Jokes on you I have v-Moda. Seincucks can blow me

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>Taking the lowest priced HD800 ever on ebay doesn't make much of an argument.
no, the price fluctuates between $600 and $700 typically. I've seen people snag pairs for $400-450 so that would be the lowest priced. it will dip even lower when retards sell their hd800s for dirt cheap due to the hd820

also $400 is easily acquirable compared to high end stax where you are guaranteed to pay atleast $2k, so it's pretty relevant.

How does somebody this fucking dumb afford HD800S? I'm trying to explain basic HS level economics and he's straight up not understanding. Has NEETbux gone up since I last checked?

>Being this gay
An hero cuck

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You really failed at reading.
You need to stop and stick with you "perfect" communism.

Okay, we're getting off topic here. How about we talk about some snake oil.

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>You really failed at reading.
point to where I failed to read or read incorrectly.

Jesus Christ, you guys are an embarrassment.

We can start were you think $400 is poorfag money. Or better yet we can not.

what are the ath-m50x of 2018? i don't want to pay for 4 year old headphone technology

Headphone tech has advanced very little in the past couple of years. It's mostly been waiting for DSP technology to catch up.

Audeze Mobius.

well I've seen people here literally on welfare ask for recommendations with a higher budget than $400. I'm not exactly sure what the problem is with calling the hd800 easily acquirable. stop being butthurt about how much value your headphones have depreciated on the market.