Get assigned to fix a bug a customer is experiencing

>get assigned to fix a bug a customer is experiencing
>can't recreate it no matter how many different ways I try

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Just say you fixed it

>mark it as fixed
>get paid for your time

List attempted fixes, mark as can't reproduce pending the customer sending in a VM snapshot or something else demonstrating the bug, move on.

>so what was causing the bug user? What did you have to implement or remove in order to fix it?

Cant wait to read your report on it!

k. keep us posted

Y-yes mr. Shekelstein

They fired the last guy who did that, coincidentally with the same bug I’m working on

Just say you can't reproduce it.

You can't reproduce it because you're doing it correctly in the first place. You're going to need to see a recording of your user fucking up to see where the bug actually is, and then on top of that explain how that won't get the result they wanted in the first place.

Mark it as fixed
The solution is not to be dumb as fuck enduser.

What have you got beyond knowing the bug exists?


I've been in this position many times. The people saying "get a recording of the user reproducing it" are absolutely correct. You could work on this for 100 years and never make whatever dumb shit mistake the user is making.

I've actually gotten on the phone with customers before to get screen recordings, while working as a developer. Technically not my job, but... I prefer to get the job done quickly and waiting for QA to get you what you need will take for fucking ever.

Go to the customer itself and see with your eyes what he is doing when experiencing the bug.


I tried to get the customer’s contact info, but it’s not documented anywhere, and a Google search of the company name turns up nothing. I emailed my boss about getting their contact info, but he seems to be ignoring me... wtf do I do now?

holy shit why don't you do your job instead of asking Sup Forums.

How can I fix a bug that doesn’t seem to exist?



Well how would you do it then?

Write up some different or find and solve another bug. I

what you're describing is you sucking at your job

change a few lines of code that sound vaguely related to what the issue is and mark it as fixed

He at least gave you an output and package list, right?

The customer is probably pic related. You're gonna have to go find him

Attached: punkd.jpg (717x717, 138K)

OP neglected to tell you that the "bug" is in fact a cockroach

OP you're a retard.

This is what you write into the ticket

"Insufficient information to recreate the bug, customer unreachable, supervisor notified."

and then you set the status to "on hold"

>op leaves his desk to go chase after some guy hes never seen before.
>meanwhile his queue is only getting longer

10/10 employee