Norway is getting electric planes.
Checkmate Amerilards. I tell you all times Norway is not a joke country for you to luagh at. We are not here for your comedy. We have better internet, better education, and better technology than you el walmart goblinos.
Check fugging M8
>Norway Plans to Buy Electric Planes, Mimicking Green Car Success
>Norway said on Thursday it wants to buy electric passenger planes in the coming years to help slow climate change, building on its success with big tax breaks that have made it the world leader in electric car sales.
Norway is getting electric planes
>better internet
Indoubt your internet is faster than mine
>Better education
Im attending University of Maryland college Park
>Better technology
Doubt, America is clearly world leader
tfw I live an hour away from college park.
tfw aspiring UMD student ;-;
Is there any major negative side effect to having untapped fossil fuels?
Like if we get an all electric world, what risks are there
>Norwegian technology
You oil niggers just buy everything that other people have created. Norway is the Saudi Arabia of Europe.
>import from china
>we leaders now
Why are Norwegians so insecure?
That's a curious observation, could you elaborate on how you came to this conclusion?
trips confirm, norway does not produce anything, all it has oil exports, even cucked sweden has volvo and saab
Norway unironically makes the best offshore construction vessels in the world. They are also all insufferable cunts and hard to work with on said vessels.
Dude forget Norway go to Kenya we have tigers
I prefer to look at it as "shifting the menial labor over to the peasants so we don't have to do it."
When the R&D is also done in China there is nothing left for you to lay claim on anymore. Don't let that slow your sperging though.
feels like a convention
Most of the people involved are foreigners working for Norwegian concerns. Scandinavians in general are half-brains. The reason? Too much money. Poorfags are creative and function better intellectually.
>affording to go to UMD
No wonder you can afford fast internet.
>compare our best .02% to your national average
>hurrdurr im a retard with a sandal for brain
slow clap
>we have tigers
with N
Finland is best.
Even our Blacks are the highest educated Black population of any country on earth.
>implying Americans have time to laugh at Norway while busy fighting off the Leaf Menace.
Their most well known invention is a fucking cheese slicer. Swedes have much more to show.
All these angery Amerimuts. Kek.
Norway is a high tech country with people who make good choices.
Wait, are Norwegians insecure enough to have a chip on their shoulder towards Americans?
Holy fuck. Does every one in that frozen shithole have an inferiority complex? I literally can't imagine being this angrily obsessed with one country on a planet with over 200 nations.
> convert fuel into electricit
> lose some power during conversion
> transfer energy from power plant to home/charger
> lose more energy during transportation
> pass energy into power supply to charge batteries
> lose a ton of power during charging
> pour liquid fuel into tank
> ignite fuel into mechanical energy
> energy pushes shit and moves blades
You're an idiot.
I'm Norwegian after all
Ok? I mean I guess every country has a few, eh?
That's quite the convincing argument
Norway is majority hydroelectric you dum-dum
I mean, doesn't take much to argue against a vast simplification of where 'liquid fuel' comes from and lies about where electricity comes from (hint: hydro, wind and solar aren't 'fuel').
So it doesn't work in countries that aren't all hydro or "clean"
>I'm going to act stupid because I want to drag this argument out.
Is that the best you can do?
They are still subhuman nigger apes. Enjoy getting cucked faggot
I seem to be doing pretty good
America has had electric planes for a while now. Remember NASA's solar wing? And you'll probably buy your electric planes from us anyway.
>implying electric vehicles are anything more than a forced meme
The Air Force wants them badly, first turboelectric hybrids then full blown nuclear-powered aircraft. Doing it would effectively give aircraft a far greater ability to lift for a certain size while making their range nearly unlimited.
It's why anyone ever bothers with it. Imagine an aircraft carrier with aircraft that could fly anywhere on earth and fly back.
>nuclear-powered aircraft
I don't want to evacuate my county when a Marine V-22000 tries to play submarine
More like Snoreway
radiation isn't a problem for houses with central HVAC and a filter
No, that's what you find on nigeria!
But i still have no clue why that zamasu guy wanted to kill all of em.
what happens when people want to go outside?
>Poorfags are creative and function better intellectually
Yeah, India world leader 2025, right?
>el walmart goblinos.
should any one of you happen to find my sides, please drop me a line
Untapped fossil fuels means no norwegian oilmoneys.
Radiation is not the same thing as fallout.
they park in their garage and companies design parking lots so people don't have to walk longer than five minutes to get inside
you know, like everything already is in America
>first turboelectric hybrids then full blown nuclear-powered aircraft
There might be some design challenges with getting a safe lightweight nuclear powered aircraft engine, and batteries especially at reasonable prices in this current economy.
a nation of quislings
>most promiscuous
Also the most happiest country on earth!