/mg/ - Software and Hardware Minimalism General

For discussing software and hardware minimalism.

>What is computing minimalism?

>Why software minimalism?
- Fewer bugs
- Better performance
- Lower memory footprint
- Better maintainability
- Higher scalability
- Longer software lifetime
- Smaller attack surface

>List of minimal OSes and distros
>Most minimal

>Obscure minimal
FreeDOS, Plan 9

>Hipster minimal
Crux, Source Mage, GuixSD, Void, FreeBSD

>Autistic/sane minimal
OpenBSD, Gentoo, Alpine

>Most sane minimal
Debian (netinst)

>Minimal programs lists
Suckless: suckless.org/rocks
Cat-v.org: harmful.cat-v.org/software/
Window Managers: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_X_window_managers
Alternatives to Bloatware: github.com/mayfrost/guides/blob/master/ALTERNATIVES.md

Minimalism is not a lack of something. It's simply the perfect amount of something.

Attached: screen.png (1366x768, 209K)

Is the op good?

Macbook Pro is the ultimate minimalist laptop

wiby.me only searches for minimalist websites

>majority of bsd market share is freebsd

dragonflybsd or netbsd would make more sense here

Stop using GUIs.

Attached: Neal_Stephenson_2008_crop1.jpg (822x899, 151K)

Sup Forums, I have to thank you for getting me to use a tiling window manager.

I've tried practically every desktop environment out there, GNOME, KDE, XFCE, MATE, Cinnamon, GNUStep, OpenBox, LXDE, IceWM, plain Windows, Windows with BlackBox... yet this whole time, all I had to do was to embrace the autism. Never would've thought that using a tiling wm is both so comfy and efficient at the same time.

Attached: 2018-03-27-002907_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 224K)

nah nigga, you need to go balls fucking deep
also dwm is where it's at, but enjoy i3 for the moment.

Attached: minilo.png (700x2000, 173K)

The only acceptable gui is firefox

Good.....OP? WTF is happening here? The other thread is not even near 300.

But yeah, good OP.

please kys.
fak you for the bait.
u got meh.

Recommended panels? Thinking about swapping over from i3 to dwm or herbstluftwm.

fuck off /nu/ born

herbstluftwm is comfy

what should we use then

Ratpoison if you like productivity over looks.

Isn't he using MacOS these days?

Interesting, haven’t heard of this one. What does it specifically do for you that makes it more productive?

Is there any reason to not use xmonad if I'm already doing a complete Haskell install?

Preconfigured to do tiling the right way and can complement with nice scripts, I use dmenu for application launcher but there is a ton more like opening programs in your favorite layout, a script for window selection through dmenu or an expose like mode for window selection. I open several applications with predefined keystrokes anyway, in ratpoison this is easy with its ratpoisonrc. Granted, you need to type Ctrl-t for anything but that becomes second nature. Type "Ctrl-t + ?" for a cheatsheet.

Cool. Thanks for sharing, gonna check this bad boy out!

guys i heard mpv is bloat. Is ffplay more minimal?

t. autistic never-had-a-job-neet