Sup Forums humor thread

Sup Forums humor thread.

Attached: install gentoo day.png (1373x2628, 646K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Holy fuck my sides

3 4

Attached: 7c0b301ceccc4f0ff45eb2cb2c4941bdd35201d1da0efffd074bdc0646d574b9.jpg (768x434, 96K)

Attached: f93ee425410fce49ba30e30506158c0848ca6b87fb9626c5799c5f289c086328.png (1239x712, 173K)

sounds normal

This shit makes me laugh every time.

Attached: 1520474991926.gif (332x332, 2.65M)

Whats wrong

they just want their hentai

Hellmann's is a brand of mayonnaise, at least here in Europe

Attached: 1519140005770.png (905x650, 540K)

Attached: 1519920573730.png (600x360, 151K)

A lot of things, actually

>users would have received a technically accurate but tedious lecture

top fucking lel

Attached: 1440713749118.jpg (300x198, 19K)


That story is so fake

> Le 1.7% face

>still ahead of Rust and Java

Attached: bf6.jpg (600x930, 41K)

tfw using golang

Attached: running_pike.png (720x514, 580K)

Attached: 1515952162707.png (620x649, 256K)

Attached: 1509479073167.jpg (460x345, 64K)

Attached: woodscrews.jpg (500x651, 93K) Forums-religion-that-promises-a-cyberpunk-afterlife


Attached: 1516576578344.png (1010x284, 20K)

yeah, using PGA instead of based LGA is funny indeed


Attached: 1521694378264.jpg (4011x2100, 3.73M)

Oh I get it, Sup Forums isnt funny


so much wrong with this picture.
first off, switch Java and PHP. Java is magnitudes faster than Javascript. Switch C and C++. Nothing is faster than C. and Rust is third fastest

this one fucking murders my sides every time

I don't get it

a single drive failure took down an 8 drive raid array, because that's how Raid 0 works and only an idiot would actually use it.

I'm doing great

Attached: RAID0.jpg (363x499, 90K)

>Using RAID 0

Are you serious?

The day Sup Forums got told hard

>more than 2 drives
>not RAID 5 or 6

look at all that empty space, you could even do RAID 10

That much porn

Humor thread, not rage.

For raw read/write speed or for stuff that don't get used much (such as 2nd copy of data that stays shutdown) nothing wrong with Raid 0. or as M$ calls it via disk manager, spanning

What are you even storing? What did you lose?


>C is faster than C++
yeah mang I'm afraid it's not 2003 anymore. That's okay, you can overload functions, you can use classes, nothing bad is gonna happen if you decide to write succinct code that makes sense instead of worrying about memory leaks all the time.

>And AMD is faive celehrons
Great pic

Attached: 1511973410961.png (588x739, 343K)

This is no "bug". This is a baked-in backdoor placed there by a Deep-State operative working inside Apple.

stop being so paranoid, apple cooperates with governments, they got asked to put it in and then did, theres no conspiracy

Attached: X06vJZ3.png (872x225, 49K)


Wanna know how I can tell you never used Linux or Unix?

considering I use it on my laptop, desktop and servers yes
>>>screenfetch -t
/:-------------:\ jessica@wall-e
:-------------------:: OS: Fedora
:-----------/shhOHbmp---:\ Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.9.14-200.fc25.x
/-----------omMMMNNNMMD ---: Uptime: 1h 48m
:-----------sMMMMNMNMP. ---: Packages: 3083
:-----------:MMMdP------- ---\ Shell: bash 4.3.43
,------------:MMMd-------- ---: Resolution: 3000x1920
:------------:MMMd------- .---: DE: MATE 1.16.1
:---- oNMMMMMMMMMNho .----: WM: Metacity (Marco)
:-- .+shhhMMMmhhy++ .------/ GTK Theme: 'Adwaita-dark' [GTK2/3]
:- -------:MMMd--------------: Icon Theme: menta
:- --------/MMMd-------------; Font: Sans 10
:- ------/hMMMy------------: CPU: Intel Core i5-2500 @ 4x 3.7GHz [4
:-- :dMNdhhdNMMNo------------; GPU: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.9
:---:sdNMMMMNds:------------: RAM: 2037MiB / 7942MiB

My sides kekekekek

>three thousand packages

I need every last one lad, all jokes aside I just install a ton of shite and never uninstall it

You are supposed to put the mayonnaise on top of the chip between it and the cooler. You aren't supposed to squirt the mayonnaise directly into the CPU socket. That's retarded. You are supposed to pour drop of motor oil into the cpu socket to ensure the chip slides in ok.

Audibly keked.


Attached: image.jpg (703x911, 159K)

>cooperating in secrecy is not a conspiracy

This is actually beautiful

Attached: 1513022054572.jpg (743x1024, 161K)


>I'd just like to interject for a moment

Attached: 1371321685841.jpg (199x185, 23K)

But go has enum types


>without memory leaks

Attached: 1519657212884.jpg (640x638, 64K)

oh my god I see a retard. u re fucking retard. so fuck you retard.

>what is RAII
>what is shared_ptr/unique_ptr et al
>what are memory instrumentation tools like Valgrind

Forgot about that one. Poor guy...

Attached: sleep_sort.png (1177x520, 65K)

Fuck off

through dick, unity

you there

Attached: norminer.jpg (1914x745, 414K)

Attached: 7QSFQUM (1).jpg (1150x789, 265K)

>Gets worse core performance than the 45nm CPUs before it
>there are people on Sup Forums still recommending it to budget builders

Attached: BD495d_1.png (700x600, 87K)

explain me please thanks

Attached: gZhmPr5.jpg (1795x709, 314K)

made me mad

Attached: qPVjwKa.png (786x900, 530K)

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>"I'll take it"

Attached: 2-chainz.jpg (807x807, 97K)

Attached: 1520483127667.jpg (3036x4048, 3.83M)

it took a couple years but we're finally there boyos

Attached: Screenshot_20180104_231220.png (1680x1050, 2.09M)

Attached: nope.gif (248x200, 282K)

>a bunch of RenPy games and XP era visual novels
Wow, incredible.

>implying the japs play anything else
I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that steins gate worked ootb too.

makes me mad, every time

I know, it's just the least impressive thing technologically. To be fair though things like Unity also support Linux, which is definitely a massive plus.

The more I look at it, the more I laugh

Neat, I wonder if Stallman has played starless yet

That was the best one kek

Is that man butt


Attached: Booty-Warrior.jpg (558x340, 128K)

Sup Forums's resume

Attached: geeCurriculum.jpg (1768x1932, 189K)

>Call me
>No phone #
Stay classy, Sup Forums.

also wat model is that, i need one

raid 10 or 5 is the way to go

type orientation uint8

const (
straight orientation = iota

>that one with Modi on it

Attached: 1497495140007.gif (400x300, 481K)

Don't hire pajeets and you won't have memory leaks

Attached: 1520058017860.jpg (404x428, 138K)