>be me, 16 year old highschool sophomore >interested in network pentesting because total fag >have logged into the external IT server and found a .vbs with a plaintext domain admin password >password was "!URN@55H4T!" or 1337speak for U ARE AN ASSHAT! ezpz.iso >eventually gather a variety of tools, (linux live boots, network sniffers, pwd crackers) >begin network sniffing my school for fun badidea.py >business is good, raking in about 10 student accounts a day >passwords are hashed, but students get shitty 4 letter all-lowercase passwords that are randomized, so a wordlist fixes that >a year or so later, still network sniffing, have around 1000 of the students in school >have been logging into each account on laptops seperately, going to their saved passwords in chrome and taking as many linked account credentials as possible >end up with a bunch of netflix accounts, facebook accounts, twitter, you name it >hatch a master plan >if i sell the account of a kid who is universally hated, i can sell it hundreds of times because it isn't a physical thing moneyinthebank.scr >making money from selling the accounts of people more autist than me >one day, select the wrong network adapter while sniffing >my man-in-the-middle attack ended up taking down the network, and the higher-ups in IT noticed the outage >after school day ends, IT guys come in and do some forensics bullshit on the laptop i used >my stupid ass decided to do my programming class work on a different session while an admin account ran the mitm attack on the original >fast forward to monday morning, math class >get called down to office, already know i'm fucked >basically confess to it, get two weeks suspension >the only reason i didn't get a full expulsion is that they couldn't log my logins into student's personal accounts and therefore couldn't do shit >the entire school domain ended up getting their passwords changed a few days later >mfw
>after being suspended, basically gave 0 fucks about it happening again, so i try new things >get into python, metasploit, RATs in general >get a cracked version of kon-boot 2.5 >get kali linux because skid >create a script in python to shutdown every computer on the network at once; this is possible because of admin account found earlier >script basically does two WHILE loops, threads the commands, and because school internet is on a private ip addy, ezpz >from 144-148, and from 0-255 >i send "shutdown /s /m \\" + IP0 + str(IP1) + "." + str(IP2) + " /f" inside loop >never get caught >bored again, taking a programming class >teacher is a fat fuck and doesnt stop talking for the entire class, so we never get an opportunity to do shit >he leaves the class for 5 minutes every class to take a piss or something, must have been his schedule plot.docx >i walk over to his computer, open CMD, snag the name of the computer >at break, remote desktop into his PC using mstsc, download "TrollRAT" since i seen that shit on youtube >compile and run, place the executable in "shell: common startup" >now my teacher has a remote access trojan running every time he boots up the pc >i can connect from my phone, just his ip address and the port (1337) thisiswherethefunbegins.rar >start slow, toggle payloads like mouse movement, ramp it up >make the keyboard input a random letter every 10 seconds >upload an image of the teacher's face from his linkedin, then use the RAT to overlay it while he isn't looking >class is getting noticeably giggly >message box time >a barrage of 50 boxes flood the screen >the teacher turns around but it's too late herecomesjamal.mov >his browser has already been redirected to a BBC video from pornhub >volume was on full >kids are laughing their asses off as the teacher tries to close the tab >eventually order was restored >teacher looks visibly shaken >takes his laptop in for repairs a week later
tell me one thing i couldn't have done in that story, user. it is all completely plausible
Lincoln Jones
No, it's not.
Ayden Jones
prove it nerd 8)
Jason Ortiz
avoid being caught the second time after you were caught the first.
Asher Bell
burden of proof is on you my dood.
Hunter King
i avoided being caught because there are no network logs for port 1337 connection (waste), the teacher didn't call anybody to come sniff me out, and i didnt cause a fucking major internet outage
Henry Perez
Sorry OP, these neets are just jealous that they were never as knowledgeable as you were in school. Sup Forums nowadays reeks of insecurity.
Samuel Bell
school administrators are either the dumbest or laziest creatures to walk the planet. they would believe you were the one who did it just because you're the hacker kid.
Gabriel Barnes
teacher didnt screech about his computer, only sent it for repair; plus were at least 4 better coders in senior year that could have easily done what i did
ask for any piece of proof to back my statements up and i will provide ( for you )
Eli Brown
you are worse than the faggot we had earlier complaining about having a job and money but not drive because he wanted to make games. That dude needs to get shot in the head, and as I said, you are worse. Go on now and create a tumblr or something and post your idiotic made up stories there, faggots love fiction, Sup Forums doesn't care about it.
Ethan King
not allowing me to justify my point makes you the bigger faggot here
Christopher Allen
>faggot reads nobody cares about his made up shit >gets mad when people don't ask for more made up shit you are a dense motherfucker, aren't you?
>2005 >typing class >sophomore >used netsend to send messages to other kids in class >sent one to cute girl in front of me >show her how I did it. >Didn't want to since I knew she would show everyone else >used command prompt to achieve this >teacher starts to notice >blocks command prompt >did the notepad command prompt trick >still keep doing it >have all students involve so she wouldn't know it was me.
that is about the worse I have done.
Adam Reed
>School has new firewall installed >Only blocks by the physical name >Open command prompt >ping www.faggot.com >enter IP to access website
James Williams
OP, I appreciate you giving me some new screencaps for the cringy roleplaying folder.
Brandon Taylor
I like how half the thread is calling this kid out for being a larping little faggot and the other half are trying to get their own bullshit larp stories in. The absolute state of Sup Forums.
>have hairy ass >wiping thoroughly is a waste of time >mom hasnt washed my boxers yet >have to fish up an old pair of tidy whities from the back of my dresser >SKIDS
>be me >10th grade >high school >open cmd prompt >type ipconfig >find out the IP of my computer >think I'm a hacker
>2015 >Community college >english class >right click on mouse in any website >click inspect or view page source >pretend I'm hacking
Easton Cooper
>White privilege die you worthless faggot
Hunter Ward
>be OP >worthless piece of shit that make even parents embarrassed >never accomplished anything >be the laughing stock of everyone I know >internet is the only friend in life I have that never judges me when I look for anal raping homo porn neckingmyselfanydaynow.xml >one day I decide to look cool to faceless anons on the internet >Sup Forums is full of retards right? nobody will notice >make several iterations of my fake story where I kind of pass of as cool kid that doesn't give a shit about rules >after weeks of going back and forth, decide to make a post >choose picture of faggot pucking somewhere >look around for cool words to use, found "skid" in some places, that sounds cool iamleskidawesomedude.pl >make post >shit goes sideways as soon as I post ohnoufuckwatdo.bat >I offered proof of my mad h4x0r 5ki11Z since I spent weeks doing research >nobody falls for it >post it anyway threadstillbeingsagedthefuckout.sh >well I'll try later on this week >crying myself to sleep
OPs story sounds legitimate. Of course it might not be true, but its still completely possible. All you 40 year olds need to just hang yourselves already.
Kayden Ramirez
Angel Allen
>you should slave away for muh money and not follow your dreams tick tock wagie
Cameron Scott
The only true story in the entire thread.
Jason Wood
you said you harvested creds from remote logging into students account then going onto chromes saved passwords a) how did you remote (I want the name of the software) b) how did the students have social network passwords saved on school machines when they block social media
William Thompson
>go to mac store >log in as root >brick the system pshhhh nothing personal kids, don't use a childs OS if you don't want to get hacked
Mason Gomez
>be me saving some documents onto a shared drive >accidentally make two folders and leave one cus i was in a rush >some fucktard named alex renamed it to "child porn" >teacher notices, gets mad and goes to the IT techs >get called in because it was "my" folder and not just checking who edited it >fucking suspended but whatever im playing cod4 for a week >fuck this bullshit come back a week later >sat next to the kid who renamed it and he logs in with 123456 as a passs >wait another week >log in as him >open ms word 2003, smash the up directory button on the open/save dialogues >for some reason back then this would skip permissions completely and you'd be in the main directory for the server >nuke everything from the staff/student files to the image files they used for nightly restorations >never seen that kid again
fuck you alex
Ethan Davis
>have hairy ass >no matter how much I wipe, I will always have dingleberries. if I shave, it gets sweaty and scum of shitbacteria grows and gives me rashes and giant buttpimples that bleed every time I shit >be amerimutt so no bidet ;_;
Elijah Allen
> Be me in secondary school > Use Babelfish's 'translate webpage' option as a proxy > Bypass filtering system to watch youtube in school Look guys, I'm a 1337 h4x0r just like OP
Levi Mitchell
>Be OP >Want to be some kool hackman V.2 >Come up with some obviously bullshit story >To go Sup Forums because attention whoring >post attention whoring hackman bullshit >Be hip with the normalfags by using "woah.zipfilearchiveoverusedfuckignmeme format"