
I really absolutely love the highly comfortable feel of a

Attached: 1521776614151.png (1229x1160, 58K)



I use AMD CPUs and Nvidia graphics cards

I unironically enjoy the rgb on my setup.

I use the RGB to reflect my mood. Family members are not seeing the signs.

im on my third year of studying computer science and I feel like I know nothing.
I feel like I cant apply for jobs in this field because I would show up for work and not know what the fuck to do
anyone else feel this way?

Attached: sadfrogpaint.jpg (640x640, 98K)

I think f.lux is important for every device. Everyone should use it or a similar software.

I do too. What's wrong with that?

I think flux is placebo


Same. I realised that just because something costs more and is more durable, doesn't mean it's more enjoyable to use on a daily basis.

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a lot of people do its called imposter syndrome homie dont worry

Ive used cheapo goodwill keyboards my entire life. I've had the same mouse for over a decade.

I bought No Man's Sky at full price at launch. At least I learned a valuable lesson about not trusting hype.

in the same boat, buddy. just hang in there

and listen to imposter syndrome is real, and you will experience it many times throughout your career

I enjoy Windows 10 and Debian but am forced to hide Windows 10 to maintain my image of being sophisticated ethical hacker.

I pay for my content and subscribe to streaming services.

>I pay for my content
Nothing wrong if you don't get copies that are bound by the platform like digital game copies that could very well disappear tomorrow if they close down the store.
>subscribe to streaming services.

>Nothing wrong if you don't get copies that are bound by the platform
I like Blu-ray. I have never bought digital-only copies of anything.
It's good for sleepless nights, or watching shitty shows that aren't worth investing more than a few button-presses in.