It's already 2018 and Linux still hasn't successfully replaced a single Windows machine

>it's already 2018 and Linux still hasn't successfully replaced a single Windows machine

Face it, it's a failure. It might've made its way into a couple of niche markets, but it will never be relevant to the mainstream of computing.

Attached: intense_orgasm.jpg (2400x1200, 462K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>t. rajeesh

>I use Windows
>Therefore everyone uses Windows!

Attached: Interesting.gif (500x420, 992K)

>Linux will have 5% market share by the end of 2017
>linux market share went down to 2.08% from 2.89% mid 2017

Attached: Excalibur_Face.jpg (600x600, 36K)

Only pajeets, gaymen and government bueracrats use Wangblows.

Dont forget normies, students and professionals

Only retards and servers use Linux.

Normies use smartphones nowadays.

Looks like Linux is very successful to me. Even though the goal was never to be commercially viable, a single Linux distro is beating Windows in terms of users.

Attached: android.png (1155x572, 126K)

whats a computer

web servers*

Android just uses Linux kernel, it's not a distro by any means.

They all just use the Linux kernel.

>Unknown is beating Linux
How will freefags ever recover?

You mean GNU/Linux

No, I mean the kernel, which is Linux.

Until they replace it with Fuchsia, that is.

Then you are retarded and I recommend suicide.

Do you use Hurd or something?

But .81% more people now know about Linux, and that's a victory!

>wanting Linux to be mainstream and ruined.

>Implying more than 5% of all Android users are even aware it uses the Linux kernel

What difference does it make?

It isn't the success of Linux, it's the success of Google. It has little to do with any other system using the Linux kernel

>It has little to do with any other system using the Linux kernel
So what?

It replaced my windows machines years ago.

Windows only really runs on desktop/laptops, and a few workstations. Almost all servers run linux, even most windows server instances are VMs, the hosts are almost all running linux. A large majority of routers and switches run linux, and most IOT devices are running linux. Stripped down linux kernels are also used for lots of embedded systems. Windows is fine as an OS for PCs, but really not suitable for anything else. Linux is the most widely used OS out there because it'll run almost anywhere and its free

>Source: my ass

>Almost all servers run linux
You've obviously never walked into a corporate data center...

Attached: 1491923427773.png (1385x945, 200K)

Nothing wrong with that

Why do any of you give a fuck about "Linux market share!!!"

That's only talking about "enterprise" server use, which usually means supporting legacy internal win32 software. Look at % OS share on AWS, its almost all linux


Just use what you want, guys. It's not like Linux is going to go out of business or anything. It's free software. :P

obviously the only way to make Linux remotely palatable or useful for the masses is when a multi-billion dollar botnet advertising behemoth megacorp take the kernel and bury it under a retard-proof touch GUI

Attached: 1.jpg (292x261, 17K)

Didn't seem to work for Ubuntu.

Installing programs in linux is a pain in the ass.
Why wont somebody make a user friendly distro.

pacaur -S my-program
Done. If you consider this a pain in the ass then it must be very difficult for you to even get out of bed in the morning, I'm so sorry for you.

>Installing programs in linux is a pain in the ass.
How so?

>apt-get install package
>run package
What a fucking nightmare. I bet you had to turn the computer on with your finger too!!

More BS pulled directly from your gaping anus

>your sample is small and biased
>look at this other small and biased sample

No games = no use

Sorry but I wanna have all options available to me and if I feel locked out like I can't do something then that's anti freedom.

And no losing a huge chunk of performance and dealing with a buggy workaround is not a realistic option.

>I plan my life around video-games

I just need linux to run my hentai games (without having to install some shitty emulator like wine) and I'll switch. I can still use google and microsoft services to do office related shit.

It's not just games though, things like video editing software, image editing software etc. Shit even hardware sometimes isn't fully supported because no Linux drivers exist.

Most of the good stuff just isn't on Linux, sure there's free alternatives but let's be serious, they're never as good.

Worked well for Apple and Sony

>more than 5% of Apple users know about XNU
>more than 5% of Microsoft users know about NT

>Linux distro using non-GNU userland is magically not a Linux distro

i wacked my windows partition today in favor of debian

What do you mean by "NT"? Do you mean Windows NT?

repositories not containing programs

repositories containing programs, but the programs are outdated

freetards can't do anything right

He means the NT kernel you dingus

What, the kernel of Windows NT? It's still not clear.

I think the repo model is vastly superior to the (old) Windows style of downloading .exes. Also there's some pretty nice looking GUIs for package managers.

Repos don't work well for large software deployments across corporations. MSIs are vastly superior for that. Which is incidentally why Windows still is the workstation OS of choice.

and if need it I play on my xbox

The kernel that windows runs on is called NT. Windows NT was the first version of windows that ran on NT, earlier versions ran on DOS

You're insane, it is not. If it's a specific version, it's usually called by a codename. If it's the kernel in general, it's just called "the Windows kernel".

I have 2 Thinkpads that were sold with Windows, which now run Ubuntu derivatives. Your move, tubs.

Look in the battleststion thread. Everyone uses windows. Only neet wizards use linux

Attached: gahnoo.png (500x390, 44K)

Can cofirm this, we (goverment institute) runs Windows servers. Not because they are better but because policies licenses and stuff like that. And sysadmins are fags so thats issue too