Is there any point of having a UPS these days...

Is there any point of having a UPS these days? Ones with old batteries are cheap as fuck - will I just be better off to invest in a good power board?

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What is a power board?

>a good power board
what is meant by this? why aren't you in the stupid questions thread?

>old batteries
Literally the most expensive part in them. Just buy a new one that does sine wave and fuck off.

Because the stupid questions thread is for stupid people like students (you two) who don’t know anything about basic power distribution

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Good manufacturers will replace your computer or home entertainment crap up to $20,000 if the board fails

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Students? I've literally been in the IT industry for 20 years and never heard any manufacturer nor even a customer refer to a surge protector/power strip as a 'power board'. Your thread is the definition of what should be a post in /sqt/.

First off you’re a complete moron for calling that a power board.
On top of that I can’t even fathom how much of a fucking ninny you are by thinking a surge protector is somehow a replacement for a UPS.

I'm sorry you live in Australia and have silly names for everything

Replacement batteries are cheap; just buy the cheap Chinese ones rather than the name brand.

I started doing that after I realized that the "name brand" batteries I was buying directly from the company were the same cheap Chinese ones with stickers on them.

>Is there any point of having a UPS these days?
maintaining an uninterrupted supply of power

>20 years in industry
>never heard of a power “strip” being called a power “board”
>couldn’t even make the connection
>makes a post regarding the confusion
20 years huh? I bet you’re real good at what you do.

/sqt/ is for questions that don't deserve their own thread, like yours.

here's your power board, idiot.

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Just accept the fact that you should've called it a power strip or surge protector.

it keeps your computer on incase of power failure. useful if you work at home and do critical work in which you cannot avoid any loss of data.

also prevents your hdds from getting fucked. I lost a hdd to a power outage before.

>I'm an idiot who doesn't know anything about electricity, and what's more I'm a narcissist who thinks his questions are too important and too sophisticated for /sqt/. GTFO.

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>Anderson Cooper's USB hub

>post in /sqt/
>get no replies
>see this thread
>gets 17

Fuck sqt

Show me a single (one) example of where someone was able to claim any money.

That's irrelevant to the fact that your question doesn't deserve its own thread.

Ok I’ll just do a quick search for claims of that nature using the insurance companies search engine which publicly lists the outcomes of any claims along with other personal information
>stupid faggot

A simple yes or no question and you beat around the bush because no one wants to post if your faggot sqt thread and you bump it from page 10 and I can see why

Its must be an Australian thing

+ How autistic are you out of 10 that you whinge and moan about what someone calls something

>he thinks a surge suppressor is comparable to a ups

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Enjoy your housefire.

Yes, if you live in eastern europe like me... The power company tends to turn the power off at like 1AM on random days just to mess with ya. You also get protection from from random brownouts when the power consumption gets high for your area.

"yeah. that'll fuck with 'em!"

>Is there any point of having a UPS these days?
Sup Forums everybody.

They are there for those 3 second total outages you could have once every few years and to protect from surges that could happen to the best power infrastructures, no, your tiny breaker won't help with those.

Feels nice to be a pajeet and get non stop power ameritard

Prevents spikes and undervoltage, suppresses transient without hopefully relying on varistors, can regulate frequency if it has an inverter, which means its less likely than a 'surge protector' to burn down your house, and can give you ~1-5 minutes to shutdown your comp or save your work at least before it shuts off.
I am not sure OP, are they worth it?

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