GNOME is the best desktop enviroment right fucking now

GNOME is the best desktop enviroment right fucking now

there's a reason it's the most popular DE and why it's used as a default for many distros

name a better DE than GNOME

>protip: you c a n ' t

Attached: fuck you wm normies.jpg (480x360, 19K)


my brother

Attached: myself.png (345x322, 117K)

get the fuck out of my thread you piece of shit

Not better than GNOME


>name a better DE than GNOME

windows 10

GNOME is nowhere near as popular as Windows, it isn't even as popular as XFCE

It looks so ugly man dont lie to yourself. Its not lightweight too.

are youfucking kidding me?
since when 300mb of memory is not lightweight for fucks sake
we live in 2018, not 1960s

Why'd you use KDE, it's bloated with shit, and its so fucking buggy too

KDE feels like a DE that could usher in the YotLD. It's the only one that stands shoulder to shoulder with Win10 and macOS.


kys gmomelet soyfag

fuck off kdelet

>t. gnomelet

t. faggot

>t. G N O M E L E T
We can do this all day kiddo

listen pal'
you can't say GNOME is shit because you've probably never used it, because you go around and read all of your FOSS gay ass blogs and think that all they say is right

no one cares, use whatever you like and fuck off faggot

>using a de

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you dont even know how to use a lawnmower

Deepin DE

Some people want more features than XFCE or MATE

>no one cares, use whatever you like and fuck off faggot

it sucks
the truth is that nobody fucking cares enough about the GNU desktop to improve it

Literally any DE that has desktop icons.

I'm extremely dissatisfied with anything Gnome and their horrible attitude towards a lot of things, but come on: desktop icons are fucking useless and a horribly inefficient way to do anything.

Pretty much every desktop environment on linux is a trainwreck in one way or another.

It's used as a default because it has more tires to freetarded communists and KDE is associated with evil capitalism in the eyes of GNU/cultists

Gnome is actually trash, designed and developed by retards who live in an ivory tower made of paper mache and birdshit.

Use ratpoison.

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>using a DE
Winbabby weaklings ITT who can't use a terminal like a real man.

Attached: I_Bursted_Through_A_Wall_To_Laugh_At_You.png (600x600, 370K)

>desktop icons are fucking useless and a horribly inefficient way to do anything.
and taskbar
and application menu which has groups and doesn't take the whole screen
and notification icons
I wonder, what kind of DE is such useful?..
Oh, it's GNOME!

GNOME 2 was great.

I really like GNOME. I get why some of you don't: removing features for no reason, ever-changing APIs. But I still really like the way it works and looks, and those design decisions should be done soon.

budgie feels alot like gnome but with sane design decisions

>Ctrl + F
>Zero results
Another thread wasted.

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You typed i3wm wrong

literally the internet explorer of distros


Attached: angry 8.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

1. Gnome is not distro, it's a DE or Desktop Environment
2. Explorer is literally the Internet Explorer or DE's

overrated deprecated bloat, fluxbox is better (and deader)

Friendly reminder that KDE is more lightweight than Gnome

>slower than gnome2
>has less functionality than gnome2
>has more bugs than gnome2
>usability is worse than gnome2
>best DE

>name a better DE than GNOME
windows explorer

Windows 10 is the best desktop os right fucking now

there's a reason it's the most popular OS and why it's used as a default for many computers

name a better OS than Windows 10

>protip: you c a n ' t

>having lawn

>letting another man mow your lawn

Attached: downloadfile-1.jpg (480x360, 122K)

All of this, plus Budgie

Walking home today some fucker bumped into me and instantly started talking about GNOME being the best DE. I tried to remain calm and explain to him that KDE was actually the best DE, but he wouldn't take a hint. He started throwing around words like "muh calculator" and I lost it. Punched him right in his foot-loving fuck face.
I hate GNOME so goddamn much.

You did good.

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When a de uses 300Mb I tend to expect some features other than showing windows.