Note taking apps

Why are you paying for Evernote Sup Forums? You know Simplenote is free right?

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i know some faggot is gonna
>using literal botnet
me but I use turtl and it's nice

i fucking love simplenote. I've been using it for years now and have been getting really into it lately. I keep one mega document called "text" and just journal and add snippets of text I find interesting everyday. I use the simplenote app on my phone and notational velocity on my mac. Namaste.

So you're saying people use text editors other than vim or emacs?

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Simplenote is great. With a few extra features like reminders and such I would happily pay $5 a month for it.

At the moment I use Keep for temporary notes and reminders and simplenote for long term stuff. works well for me.

Use your own brain. Fucking brainlet

OneNote is pretty good, microsoft already has my data anyway so who cares, it's just fucking notes

i just use vimwiki or text files

I use the nextcloud notes app
>not botnet
>open source
>I'm actually in control

this is like saying I'm going to chain smoke 100 cigs a day because I already have lung cancer right? dumbest fucking argument ever made


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Yeah but if you have lung cancer you can do whatever the fuck you want because you're going to die anyway, it's almost like you're finally free of that ""MUH BOTNET"" you're so afraid of.

There's almost a freedom in not being truly free, ain't that some shit

>but if you have lung cancer you can do whatever the fuck you want because you're going to die anyway
this isn't true, you can survive having lung cancer
>it's almost like you're finally free of that ""MUH BOTNET"" you're so afraid of.
what did you mean by this? how does it apply to your argument of making a bad situation worse doesn't matter because it's already bad
>There's almost a freedom in not being truly free, ain't that some shit
it is some shit, it's bullshit that means nothing

I use atom because I'm a brainlet

For me it's Samsung Notes

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Simplenote could be great but it's fucking a bloated electron app. It can't handle more than 3000 words before it lags.

Dropbox paper

I've been using Google Keep for some time because it's dead simple and it's synchrnonized. I'm not paranoid about my shopping lists or one-time notes. But once you want a bit more...keep cant serve.

I've tried Evernote many times. But it's still paid shit where free version is such shit, heavy and slow.... just anoyher comercial wanna-be-cool-manager-app.

Dropbox paper is:

>dead simple
>works in terms of docs/folders/todo-lists.
>has simple yet powerfull formatting in docs including tables, source code, embeding (yt vids for instance), simple image managing, ...
>a doc is basically endles paper not like "bordered" A4, so no gaps in you long texts or tables.
>UI is clear and fast
>is synchronized
>works offline
>has comments
>for those who cooperate with someone .... it's ready

just give it a try

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just use google keep you mentally imbalanced retards

Anyone on Sup Forums use standard notes? It's client-side encrypted rather than server encrypted(practically useless).

Just use Emacs Org-mode for all your notes.

I use a pen so that the NSA can't steal my startup idea

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nice thinkpad

how do you backup?

klasy mate

I don't need to. My ideas are shit anyway :^)

I have never had a use for one of these things. What on Earth do you people do with them?

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study something and take notes of that friend, we are born brainlets but we should aim to die true wise and masters of whatever we choose to.

have a nice day or night everyone. i fucking love you all.

we have ideas, tasks, thoughts and todos
we write them down

Don't tell me what to do! You aren't even my real dad !!

I have commitment issues when it comes to note-taking programs

archive shitpost pastas and links to porn

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o-opera notes ;_;

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basically this

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we can't all be luddite hipsters user