Just built my computer and it's not turning on, what could be the problem?

Just built my computer and it's not turning on, what could be the problem?

Attached: 20180327_002950.jpg (4032x3024, 3.95M)

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The person who put it together

Is your PSU turned on and plugged in? Your video card's label should light up if it and the board are getting power. Check your 24-pin, 8-pin, and 6-pin connections.
Make sure that your front panel is hooked up right, and try using a screwdriver to bridge the power on pins if that doesn't work.

Did you turn the switch on from the power supply, you nigger?

check all the connections, make sure youre not missing something, actually read the manuals, check if monitor works

We tried, we were taking shots

>/ is NOT your personal tech support team or personal consumer review site

Did you even read the sticky you fuckwit?


Everything looks to be plugged in the right places


found your problem

do this first
re-seat ram cpu gpu 24 pin 8cpu pin

if you have the time, take out the mobo and psu. put the mobo on something that won't conduct electricity (the box it came in will be safe). bread board the system and if it doesn't post there something is dead. to turn it on use something metal (like a screw driver tip) to bridge the gap between the 2 power switch pins on the mobo.

let us know how that goes

Read the motherboard manual. It has beep codes and troubleshooting steps.

We can't tell you what's wrong. You didn't give enough information (any lights, does it POST, do fans turn on (PSU, CPU, etc), if yes/no remove memory and try, remove gpu and try, etc

The motherboard manual will go though all of this in logical order.

Maybe the PWR leds are on the wrong pins. Check the mobo labels because some of them look similar. Also, doesn't that case have a HD Audio pin?

Attached: temp.jpg (1280x960, 311K)

are you trolling him or are you stupid?


Yeah but on the motherboard manual it said the hd audio was on the far left, and according to the manual the pwr leds appear to be in the right place

ignore him, do this first

The whole thing won't turn on, nothing is getting power

Then psu is doa, or you messed up the jumper pins

I bet when OP was gloating about his Sup Forumstard rig to his braphog gf she touched the board after wearing wool socks on the carpet without a ESD.


looks like OP never connected the front panel connectors so of course it won't turn on

Attached: msi bt 350.jpg (2405x1641, 287K)

We'll check that out, might be the reason

You bought msi

usually it's the front panel wires

check the obvious
is power cable plugged in? is it plugged into wall? does wall plug need switch to operate (check with light to know for sure)

like check PSU power switch. make sure it's set for correct voltage if you have a 110/220 switch

make sure RAM is properly seated. make sure all power cables are firmly connected. you may need to check the motherboard manu tl know which ones you need (common one to forget is PSU 4-pin or 8-pin). is CPU fan cable in (I don't think that'll prevent powering on, but who knows? maybe to protect from burning CPU). check PCI express card properly seated.

double-check front LED panel wires in manual. it's an easy one to mess up because of the number of wires and their orientations.

check the manual for

Found your problem

you can test the PSU separately with the paperclip test


The chances of your components being DOA are pretty slim, chances are you didn't connect something.

If you did plug in the front panel and it's still not turning on, it could be a faulty button on your case.
Short the two pins that the front panel connector attaches to with your screwdriver, it simulates pressing the power button

turn on the psu

When I built my first computer I forgot to plug in the power for the CPU.
Double check the manual that came with your motherboard and PSU

haha goteem

Attached: 1507140661762.jpg (225x225, 4K)

have you actually hooked the power cables to the power supply? or is it not modular?

Does your house have electricity? If you live in a third-world country (Senegal, Bangladesh, USA, etc) this might be the problem.

Mobo standoff screwed misaligned and shorting out your board.