It's been almost half a year.
It's been almost half a year
Tyler Kelly
Zachary Anderson
Lana Del Rey knew
Tortoise knew
Gavin Baker
i wish the album structure of Low & Heroes caught on. Having 1 side of pop songs and another half of ambient was ingenious
Justin Foster
As an avid Bowie fan... It always annoyed me how Secret Life of Arabia was on Side-B of Heroes. It's one of my favorite songs on the album but its placement just feels totally off.
Justin Lopez
You will one day see that it's placement is a masterstroke.
Michael Evans
Hmmm do tell!
Andrew Perez
Good Riddance
Eli Hernandez
the only album I can think of that has done that recently was NIN The Slip
Joshua Hill
It's already been about 1/100th of the rest of your life
Jeremiah Cooper
>It's already been about 1/3 of the rest of your life