Why did people on Sup Forums stop talking about the biggest exploit of the decade?

Why did people on Sup Forums stop talking about the biggest exploit of the decade?

Attached: spectre-text.png (6300x7500, 712K)

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Because it's already patched on all major operating systems. For a long-term solution, we will need to switch to RISC-V, but it's still way too early for that to be viable

Because it got patched at the sftware level, quite quickly.

when will jewtel fix it in hardware (not microcode)?

the software patches make the cpu perform like it's a generation older than it is

Yes, so you may need to get faster hardware if it was at its limit before.

But plebs as well as Sup Forums mostly sport over-dimensioned hardware, so it's probably not even a big issue.

Interesting unsubstantiated claim.

Dunno, my systems didn't get hit THAT hard.
But as said, the solution is changing the hardware into a fully free system.

It's all because Intel tried to boost perfomance by creating insecure chips in the process. It's a symptom of our retarded addiction to marginal performance benefits. Now don't get me wrong. I like having good system performance and enjoy the fact that CPUs and systems have gotten as fast as they have, but there comes a point where we really need to take a step back and choose security over performance. Make that sacrifice. Had we been doing this, we would have had secure microkernel OSes become viable, but because faggots are all like "muh IPC overhead!!", we didn't get that future. Had we been doing this, these CPU vulnerabilities wouldn't have happened in the first place

That's not meltdown?

My i7 3770K on Windows 7 isn't patched.

good thing the performance difference between generations is < 1%


It does nothing on the Intel Lake CPU's?

because nobody actually gives a fuck until it breaks facebook which is the stupidest website on the innernet.

Who made this gay little emblem for spectre?
What a piece of trash

Intel/AMD used a covert shitposting campaign to minimize the fallout on sites such as this one.

no it isn't patched and information is intentionally obfuscated because intel fucked up, on purpose


Because 95% of people are too brainlet to understand what spectre is.

>all of these need admin/root access


yes, but they aren't too brainlet to understand that intel sold them DEFECTIVE cpus. how are the class actions going?

What kind of poeople discovered this? What sort of training/school work do they get? This sort of thing is really interesting to me.


>biggest exploit
>not a single incidence of it having been used
>questionable if it's even practical to exploit outside of laboratory conditions


Because there's nothing we can do about it short of using software patches that slow everything down. It's a tradeoff we have to deal with unless we start over on the hardware.

It's very true and very noticeable particularly if you perform heavy computations that make use of out of order execution.

>It's all because Intel tried to boost perfomance by creating insecure chips in the process.
Source: your ass.
There is no performance benefit to make it like it was, it was just design decision.


The ride never ends.

My OS is the current version, but my BIOS is from 2011, am I vulnerable?

>if you let the hacker use your computer he'll be able to do bad shit

>Unironically using Windows 7.

Attached: costanza_zoom.webm (186x186, 886K)

>if you put malware in your computer it fills with malware

Sup Forums is an Intel controlled board. Anything Intel doesn't like will get slided.

because I rather get my data stolen than slowing down my memepad I paid $2000.


if you could actually read a shit before you shitpost u would know the performance drop is ~3% and getting better as kernel devs improve the patch