Thinkpad is a shitty laptop:

thinkpad is a shitty laptop:
>shitty cpu
>shitty screen
>shitty desigh
>shitty heating solution
>shitty trackpad
the only good thing about it is the shitty keyboard and that's about it. fucking hell. fell for the Sup Forums meme, not even once:
>mechanical keyboard
>monitor headset
>automatic watch
>dual monitor setup
>andorid phone
and now
for the fuck's sake, this is the last fucking time I'll fall for your scam. this is it.

Attached: Baba7.jpg (606x701, 115K)

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me eight times, shame on... Sup Forums?

What's wrong with two monitors?

>mechanical keyboard
What's wrong with mechanical keyboards? I don't use one currently but I have used them in the past and they're pretty nice.
>dual monitor setup
More space for productivity is a meme?
Inhell shill spotted. There are no words to describe how amazing Ryzen is. It exceeded expectations.
The only reason not to be on GNU+Linux is if you're a gamer.
It's the most customisable mobile operating system there is.

Mind disclosing what model of ThinkPad you purchased?
>it's an E series

Attached: 1461739684130.gif (360x282, 1.64M)

When I use the second portrait monitor for web browsing, it hurts my neck. neither does with coding on it. In the end, it's just used as monitoring all my pc's temp clock speed etc.
memechanical keyboard is nice at first, but either me or my family could stand those noise any more
ryzen is pretty shitty for my experience, as for oc, I can't even hit stable 3.7 without fucking normal posting after reboot. totally a scam.
as for linux, shit's so fucking annoying. can't even get my 7 yrs old hardware to work on without pre-installing propitiatory driver. what's the point? it looks like 90s OS without 2 hrs ricing, and even after rice, it looks like shit anyway. and yeah, the fucking package manager, whatever pacman or apt, could act normal without breaking any driver
andorid, well, it's cheap and acts cheap.

Attached: BabaFight1.webm (200x360, 1.51M)

Who the fuck on Sup Forums shilled that to you? You're not supposed to get a Thinkpad that's older than the xx30 series.

Attached: 1491634762108.gif (500x292, 483K)

You can't blame the X270 on us.
>1080p IPS panel
>so good at cooling my swapped 4810MQ is power limited not heat limited
>above average trackpad
>best keyboard I've ever used on a modern laptop
>sick design
And even that's a newer model than I'd shill to you in /tpg/.
Also if you think dual monitors are a meme, please leave.

>buy our used shitty pad goyim!

Attached: Merchant5.jpg (404x355, 25K)

>mechanical keyboards are bad
No, they're great. I use one at work and at home, cherry blacks and browns
>automatic watch
I didn't even know this is a Sup Forums thing until about a year after I got mine. Can't complain though, it's an amazing little thing
>dual monitors are bad
>gnu+linux is bad
Im Not really sure if you're a shill at this point. The free operating systems are hands down an amazing improval over their proprietary trash counterparts
>android phone
I bet you got a modern one

>shitty cpu
>shitty screen
My e470 is fine
>shitty desigh
I kinda like it
>shitty heating solution
Compared to what? A MacBook?
>shitty trackpad
It's useful and there isn't much competition to compare it to
>mechanical keyboard
It's a meme, but a fun one
>monitor headset
>automatic watch
Stylish and cool
>dual monitor setup
Are you kidding me, it quadruples my productivity
Can't comment on that one, might be a meme
Superb server os
>andorid phone
Cheap and reliable these days. Good enough

Why are you so angry, Mon?

Retard. Nobody uses trackpads when superior physical pointing devices exist.

Attached: trackpoint.jpg (1024x768, 99K)

>pay 10 times more for for marginal performance improvements and worse design

Attached: 1409765471615.png (368x376, 4K)

you have to dish out $1500 to get a thinkbad with a decent screen

meme laptop for idiots

Attached: animepepe.jpg (700x400, 30K)

>takes a beating
>CPU, RAM, motherboard, SSD, wifi/eth, battery, keyboard, touchpad, ports, all work flawlessly

Attached: t430.jpg (2312x1806, 2.28M)

Always do the opposite of what Sup Forums says.
This place is full of contrarians that turned this place into a retarded hivemind.

Ultimate proof is those faggots that are so detached from reality that they really think that the only reason to use windows is games, or that use the fact that tim cook is gay as an argument against apple products. The new "soy" meme is just the tip of the iceberg, but at least it's something different from "cuck", right?

>mechanical keyboards are bad
A manner of taste
>linux is bad
A manner of taste
>duel monitors are bad
A manner of taste

>portrait monitor
I spotted your issue. You have terrible taste.

>either me or my family could stand those noise anymore

You realize you can get silent switches right

>my linux doesn't work because I can't install drivers and I hate customizing my property

This is why Sup Forums doesn't understand why linux hasn't taken off. For every power user there are a thousand people like OP who treat electronics they don't understand like paperweights.

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ITT retard can't think for himself

turkroach master race.

Don't fall for X220/T420 meme.
Newer ones great.

>thinkpad is a shitty laptop
no, you're just too stupid to understand why it's so good. I can confirm that at least 70% of STEM uses thinkpads, and for a reason

It's a work-laptop, not made for playing games and watching HD porn

Attached: STS-128_ISS-20_Destiny_Canadarm2.jpg (3072x2040, 571K)

>tfw i've so far used and enjoyed every single thing you listed
stay mad pleb :)

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