/mg/ - Software and Hardware Minimalism General

For discussing software and hardware minimalism.

>What is computing minimalism?

>Why software minimalism?
- Fewer bugs
- Better performance
- Lower memory footprint
- Better maintainability
- Higher scalability
- Longer software lifetime
- Smaller attack surface

>List of minimal OSes and distros
>Most minimal

>Obscure minimal
FreeDOS, Plan 9

>Hipster minimal
Crux, Source Mage, GuixSD, Void, FreeBSD

>Autistic/sane minimal
OpenBSD, Gentoo, Alpine

>Most sane minimal
Debian (netinst)

>Minimal programs lists
Suckless: suckless.org/rocks
Cat-v.org: harmful.cat-v.org/software/
Window Managers: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_X_window_managers
Alternatives to Bloatware: github.com/mayfrost/guides/blob/master/ALTERNATIVES.md

Minimalism is not a lack of something. It's simply the perfect amount of something.

Attached: index.jpg (1158x812, 340K)

Other urls found in this thread:


first for functional minimalism

Attached: 2018-03-27_12-31-59.png (1600x900, 317K)

stallman is NOT minimal

lol yeah he's pretty bloated
what are those implementations?
what would you recommend?


Can haskell really be considered minimalist?

bspwm > xmonad w/ BinarySpacePartition

>lol yeah he's pretty bloated
you got me

it's highly modular, memory efficient and fast compiled language while being functional and high-level at the same time. I will leave judging to you.
>bspwm > xmonad
can bspwm have multiple sublayouts to be applied on main layout?
can bspwm have independent tabbed layout over BSP?
can bspwm utilize scratchpads?
can bspwm be extended without dipping in its source code?
can bspwm save windows positions?
can bspwm handle workspace management "by projects"?
can bspwm have independent layout modifiers like, for example, toggleable gaps?
can bspwm have per WM_ attribute rules?
can bspwm mimic modular bindkey management "à la vim"?
I can go like this for even more. Just let me know when bspwm could do all of the stuff that xnonad can now.

yeah but can xmonad swap with preselect?

I don't think that I quite get what you meant by this but I'm sure xmonad can do that.

referencing suckless as if it wasn't created just to rant about other software developers

Minimum brightness control?
And key binding?

What minimal X.org alternatives would you recommend? Or should I just go with wayland?

Sorry, didn't see this. Guess I wasn't the only one interested in this.

Is it possible to use exclusively wayland? Do you still need X.org for some applications?

>use exclusively wayland
chromium/firefox have not been ported yet, AFAIK, or at least there are no packages, so no browser yet
you can use links + mpv + youtube-dl but that won't get you very far.
also, I couldn't setup sway on Alpine Linux: how did you get it running?

>how did you get it running on alpine linux
I'm not sure who you think I am, but I have never installed wayland before I'm just toying with the idea

This is the biggest reason I don't want to move to wayland yet.

Maybe I'll try setting up TinyX.

In my opinion, no. Haskell is a complex language and Haskell programmers prefer minimalist yet highly generic abstractions to minimalist implementations.
microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/beautiful.pdf is a good example of that.


Attached: Screenshot_20180327-142310.png (1080x1920, 131K)

What WM do you guys the fatso rms runs in his oily laptop?!?? emacs direcly above linux-libre kernel lol?

26 packages is pretty small though

am i minimal enough?

Attached: ss.png (1366x768, 21K)

Is BunsenLabs minimal and either way why?

Attached: 1CD446AE62CE465A83ACDD78C97CEFF6.jpg (1440x1080, 157K)

topleft program?
bottom right program?

I'm going to back up all the data on my local disks to my NAS, then I'm going to get all my partitions cleaned up, and I'm going to install devuan.

what program do you use to reserve a terminal window as a file manager?

you can install windows 10 as a single passage


redpill me on runit.

Does anyone actually use BSD as a daily driver? The idea appeals to me and I’m considering it, is it worth it?

Is nouveau good yet?

Ok, I've never opened this thread. I always let /mg/ just sail by on the front page, until now.

So my fundamental beef with this "minimal" trend is that it is not new at all. Essentially, it's just a return to the CLI under Unix like in the 70s, only with programming languages other than C.


>it's just a return to the CLI under Unix

>only with programming languages other than C.
This thready really isn't about programming languages.

The core idea is just not using horribly bloated applications if you don't need to. There are plenty of graphical applications that aren't needlessly bloated. It also goes beyond user-facing applications. Your choice in init system has nothing to do with programming languages or CLI, but a smaller, leaner init system could be argued as being better.

Fuck, for


Is a distro like Source Mage or Crux bound to fail? Should I just go with Gentoo?


With questions like that, Gentoo is bound to fail as well.

I’ve been running Gentoo for around a year now. I mean support and development wise. I know Crux has been around for a while. I like the way mage handles packages though and been feeling itchy for a distro hop lately.

Crux is easy to install and set, the packages are all well selected to work and the base system has a nice default, and in the case you want more packages you can just copy an pkbuild from Arch or ebuild from Gentoo. Source Mage is on the other end of minimalism, you literally have to fine tune what you want the first time, no escape to that unless you press enter like you dont care. Dont get me wrong, you probably get a perfect system if you like the defaults, but the granularity sorceror has I've never seen in any other distro and the temptation to tweak is just too strong. And even if Source Mage has not many packages it has a package creator named quill which you install, basically it makes you a repo maintainer for your own created spells. So yeah, maybe SMGL is a bit hard but you get magical powers, all hail Cthulhu :^)

You sold me. Off to nuke my drive and install Source Mage.

I love GuixSD!

>Reminder that if you use any software at all you're not a true minimalist
If you don't flip individual bits on your HDD with a magnet and some elbow grease, you're literally a pleb

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Reminder to use groff.

Attached: gnu-head-groff.png (200x157, 52K)

Read this guide github.com/mayfrost/guides/blob/master/INITIATION.md and the distro guide in the same github and you'll be okay. And dont use the iso, use the chroot method, check their website. Good luck.

*roff doesn't have Knuth-Plass. That's really the only reason I use LaTeX, even though it's incredibly bloated.
desu I wish there was a CommonMark (+ metadata layout ala LaTeX headers, and TeX mathmode) -> PostScript program that implemented Knuth-Plass. I've been thinking of implementing such a thing for a while; I need more experience in C before I can, though.
MicroType is another package I can't really live without. Basically, I want the beautiful kerning and layout that LaTeX provides, but without all the absurd bloat of the TeXLive packages.

I swear hearing TeX fanboys talk sounds like Audiophiles talking about their magic rocks.
>You just can't see the pixel-perfect character placement because you don't have the Golden Eye

How do I learn OpenRC?
Why can't it be a single shell script?

Go read the Gentoo wiki. I find OpenRC far more simple and easy than systemD ever will be.

Has anyone here tried sinit?

Right now I'm stuck running
ifconfig wlan0 up
wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -B
udhcpc -i wlan0 -b
amixer set Master 100%

and ntpd -s from time to time every time I boot

>muh """golden eye"""
if you can't see the differences between Word and LaTeX's interword spacing, you're fucking blind.

Attached: muh invisibility.png (824x870, 255K)

>almost 2GB of RAM used

I used Google Docs when I had to make reports for a uni class I took. LaTeX was too buggy (the package manager did not work) on Alpine Linux and had too steep of a learning curve, and all I wanted is to churn out those reports and be done with them. LibreOffice was also buggy as fuck.

But I did generate TeX code once to produce a picture of a pretty big formula

Who said Word? I didn't mention Word.

Is there a minimal resolution for a "decent" looking tiling WM. My old monitor goes up to 1024x768.

That's fair, but the thing we were arguing for is good line layout, not ease of use (in fact my original post was arguing that the ease of use in LaTeX is pretty bad).

In the context of this discussion (good line layout) they mean the same thing. I was using it as an easy example of where you're wrong.

>In the context of this discussion (good line layout)
I thought we were discussing the comparison of LaTeX and groff?

>I was using it as an easy example of where you're wrong.
By using something totally unrelated to the discussion. Of course a word processor that places emphasis on usability wont look as good with tiny lines no one uses, because it's use-case is letting people write documents without having to learn markup. It has a typesetter (obviously), but it's not the focus of it. It's meant to be easy to use.

Oh my. Seems I have gotten stuck after chrooting. Bash is missing commands like crazy (ls, cast, ip, ping, etc) Posted in the IRC but looks like there's not many on it at the moment. Hmm to try again or just move to CRUX.

>comparison of LaTeX and groff?
Look at my post. The argument I was making was that *roff don't have Knuth-Plass and that that is a bad thing. The counterpoint the next poster made was that Knuth-Plass doesn't matter to the same extent as magic crystals for audiophiles.
I provided a counterexample showing that as an incorrect statement, as there were easy examples for greedy line layout algorithms as being visibly different.
My argument that Knuth-Plass is better is subjective, but seems to be the general consensus as preferred (as most professional printed works use Knuth-Plass or a similar minimum raggedness algorithm).

>By using something totally unrelated to the discussion.
See my above statements. It seems we're in disagreement as to what the argument was about. The only arguments I provided in my first post were:
1. Knuth-Plass is superior to greedy line wraps.
2. LaTeX is bloated.
3. LaTeX has poor usability.
4. I expressed a wish for a typesetting system with minimalist implementation and easy syntax (ala CommonMark/Markdown).
5. *roff uses greedy line wraps and is therefore inferior to KP.
I was providing a counterpoint in my second post to the claim that greedy wrap is equivalent visually to KP. In my third, I was clarifying my point. I did this by equating Word to greedy linewrap and LaTeX to KP.

The post I am currently responding to is claiming that we were discussing the differences between Groff and LaTeX, which is only partially true.

Your point on Word being easy to use is a valid one, but my original post was expressing a wish that a more easily usable system existed which combined the advantages of LaTeX and editors with greedy line wrap.

>thinks that ram should be empty all the time
>doesn't know what cache is
>doesn't know how ram works
>never used a modern web browser before

>muh kp

Attached: groff-latex-which-is-which.png (1024x290, 38K)

Oh my, groff can do this? This is what I need. Thank you!

It's the eqn pre-processor (which in groff just means you put -e before the macro set, no need for piping).

>no appointments
>no tasks on the to-do

Figures for Sup Forums


>showing your appointments publicly

Do you structure your appointments in such a way that it would be compromising?

> 03/30/2018, 10:00am: Meet with John Doe, from the DoD, to discuss the plans for Lockheed's new fusion reactor


> 03/30/2018, 10:00am: Register for classes

Like anyone on Sup Forums has any important appointments anyway

whats that one distro thats entirely text based? has a black and white hackery website with monospaced font?

You are one of the shills don't you? You are only here to insult Sup Forums like you are not taking part.

What's a good minimal terminal emulator
st sucks

Guys am I retarded if I can't use a tiling wm except awesome, nothing else makes sense

Attached: 1519809733927.jpg (1024x597, 74K)

There's also refer for references, tbl for tables, and pic for diagrams.

I never said I had any important appointments, either, user.

My appointments go as follows:

>Monday: Conference call where people talk out their assholes in vague terms about non-actionable, pie-in-the sky ideas.
>Tuesday: Conference call where people bikeshed needlessly about who will implement this or that feature
>Wednesday: Another conference call where people talk out their assholes in vague terms about non-actionable, pie-in-the sky ideas.
>Thursday: Nothing
>Friday: "Round table" where we all say that work is still in-progress so that we can continue stalling to browse the internet.

urxvt or xterm


You suck. St works, what's the problem with it? The only problem I have is that sometimes you need to "export TERM=xterm" in order for programs not to freak out on you. Just put that in your shell .rc and you're good to go.

I think st works better than u-rxvt, personally.

name a `minimal` terminal emulator that doesn't suck

Yes it is, despite the memes of its readme.

Raw screenbuffer

>xterm: ~72k lines of code
>st: ~4k

If it's so minimal, what does it do with all that extra code? Are you then implying that the people that wrote xterm were so incompetent that it took them almost 20x the code to accomplish the same thing as st does?

I installed fedora with gnome. Yeah yeah hear me out, I tried it live and figured it was okay and was open to trying new things.

Anyway it was bloat shit and crashed once a day so I installed xfce and haven't looked back.

Can I purge the gnome from my fedora install or have I screwed things up irreparably so bad that a clean minimal install is easier?
For example in my whisker menu the picture by my username causes an error because that xfce thingy wasn't brought over. I still have the ugly shitty gnome login screen and tried and failed to install lightdm greeter (or whatever the one used by xubuntu is called). The default image viewer is the gnome one. Etc. etc. etc. you get the idea.

not (YOU) but iirc the music player is mocp

I am not comparing with st, which is even smaller, but I am comparing with other terminals like rxvt.

xterm is ugly as fuck

if you think st even comes close to having the same features as xterm you are a retard. xterm is probably more bloated than it could be but comparing it to st on a SLOC basis is disingenuous.

Try i3.
i3 is the most popular wm.
awesome is bloat and not too popular

But what does xterm do that you need st to do? I was being snarky in my first post, but now I'm genuinely asking. I've never been in a situation where I needed to emulate some obscure terminal from the 80's. In those cases, you'll know you need it, so why bother using xterm there, when st will work for, let's say 95% of cases?

st has unicode support, shortcuts, plug-in capabilities, etc. What else do you need in an everyday terminal emulator?

qodem > st > xterm > everything else

The UNIX System Documentor's Guidebook is better for dealing with groff, so use that if you can track down a copy. Some guy had a gopher:// link to it in a previous thread.

Probably. Just compile i3-gaps and git gud

I want a highly-customizeable terminal emu with good color and unicode support with the ability to select/click urls. Do I have a choice other than urxvt?


yeah, the defaults are horrific
Maybe this?

st with url patch

Tektronix 4010 is not bloat youtube.com/watch?v=IztxeoHhoyM
ReGIS is not bloat youtube.com/watch?v=Dmrmj5y72kg

Terminal graphics are coming back baby.

just draw wireframe in opengl

What do you guys do? I always see these minimalism and terminal set ups, but what the fuck do you all actually use a computer for? It seems like showboating to me.