What's the best programming language to learn first?

What's the best programming language to learn first?

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The holy C.

This guy gets it.

This. Followed by studying logic.
Then I would recommend you dabble in html a bit to familiarize yourself with how syntax and formatting should look.
After that pick any language and do project Euler.
Then, you should be able to pick up the syntax of any language with ease. It's the core principles that matter the most.


next question


I'm actually serious. Knowing how to program in a pure fp style carries over so many good habits when you work in non fp languages.

mysoft basic

>pure fp
>good habits
Haha nice joke m8

Python, Ruby or Lua.

Flip a three sided coin and pick one.


Explain yourself.

Loads of halfway decent tutorials online, easy to pick up most programming concepts with, lots of libraries available. There's a reason schools teach it.
Note that it won't really teach you some of the more advanced concepts, though. It's a great start but it's far from being a finish.

In my experience the dependence on correct whitespace can be kind of hard to explain to new programmers

Depends on how you learn and what you want to learn.
My university changed languages a lot, so it went
matlab->asm->C++->C->VHDL, but the main language we learned was C++.
The languages we used were never really important to the subject we learned.
The language part of programming is easy and you should be able to pick up just about anything in a week and get decent results with it, what takes time is learning to write programs, how to recognize and break down problems and how to solve them.
C++ is a weird one to start with as you need to learn several things at once, but it is doable too.

VHDL is not a programming language

C++ if too much of a brainlet for that.

Do something easy, like python or C# first. After you know the logic of higher level programming you can start from C, C++.

It is a hardware descriptive language, where you describe how hardware should behave from the point of view as a programmer writing a program.
There are certain differences, but people also lump scripting languages into programming languages so I don't see anything wrong with the statement.


C was a bitch to learn but the fundamentals helped me with every other language I picked up in the future.

Btw, when did Sup Forums become /r/learnprogramming

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Not python, not python, not python....

Seriously, C, or even Java, even JavaScript but NOT PYTHON

>What's the best programming language to learn first?

kek, saved.

I don't get it

Scripting languages such as lua, javascript, python

Doesn't really matter. There are languages to avoid learning first, but as long as you avoid those, you're golden.

Lisp, scheme or any variant
Anything .Net
Any joke language or language made just to be esoteric (ook, piet, malbolge, unlamda)
Any language that was made purely for teaching (brew, pascal, scheme,prolog(?))

It's not that they're all bad langues, but bad for beginners.

C then C++

I feel like it actually teaches you to think in a structured well-defined way. If I could learn it in 6th grade on DOS, so can OP. Also, picrelated is hella comfy.

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I feel like it really confused how I dealt with memory for at least five years after I learned it. But you have a point. It did teach structure, and could be really comfy.