Click click click

click click click

Attached: Seagate Exos X14 14TB Enterprise Hard Drive.jpg (678x500, 41K)

fucking seagate.
I had a brand new seagate die on me because i bumped my laptop which caused the the head to crash and scrape whole sectors of the platters

4Kn native when?

Attached: 4Kn.jpg (392x230, 61K)

*slaps your rack*

Attached: Exadrive.0.jpg (920x613, 45K)

is seagate really that bad? i have yet to have a hard drive go bad on me but they are older models, though.

older models are shit.

werks for me.

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Depends, I have various SCSI (obviously older, pre-SATA) drives from them that still work fine. Some used in servers for years.

Seagate and WD are exactly the same. Buy whatever is cheaper.

HDDs fail in the first 2 weeks - or run for the next 4years+

except if you break it - like this fuckhead

Are you sure that it isn't your fault your HDD died, fucktard?

>10 years old seagate hdd
>works flawlessly
>buy a new PC and get a bigger seagate hdd
>always get corrupted files

Attached: 1519744552719.png (409x306, 102K)

>advanced af format

stop triggering me

drive heads are not supposed to crash when mounted and running at full speed mang.
At full speed the heads hover above the platters and as such unless you are shaking the laptop like a madman and letting it fall flat head crashes are not supposed to happen.

TLDR drive wasnt spinning correctly and was more sensible to shock

>seagate and wd are exactly the same
how is that?

>things work unless you break them
there are reasonable expectations of durability

fuck off seagate shill

WD bought HGST then SG bought samsung's drive division an bought WD. They are all shit now except for HGST because they didnt change anything in the production process.

>having hard drive(s) near you
>having all of your data in one hard drive
>implying you can afford enterprise drives

kill yourself

Turn off the APM u bitch

No No No

How are toshiba's hdds?

>Advanced 4Kids Network format

>mfw I have my os on a 20yr old hdd

Attached: 1473127958490.gif (328x272, 261K)

>I broke this delicate mechanical device
>clearly it's the manufacturers fault

What do you dumbfucking kids do to destroy your hard drives? I haven't had a bad drive in twenty years now. Some drives have been in use for a decade now. Wtf are you kids doing? Knocking your towers over during gaming? Chronically dropping your laptops? Seriously wtf is your hard drive problem?
>inb4 le brand X is shit
Fuck off with blaming others for your problems and spouting consumer bullshit