Oracle wins appeal as Google possibly liable for billions over Java usage in Android

Oracle wins appeal as Google possibly liable for billions over Java usage in Android

Press T to thank based oracle for killing java

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Billions is pocket change for Jewgle.

Hahahahahahahaha YES. Get fucked jewgle. Never using one of your shitty products or services ever again. That's what you get for permanently deleting my account with zero explanation or warning.

They better start creating replacement/alternative for Java shit in android

>literally just buy sun to sue google over non-compliant java

Aren't they already doing that?

they are? with what?


kotlin still compiles to java bytecode

Just another reason not to use Java, if you're product is too successful the owners will sue you to get a slice of your profits!

Nigga that still uses the jre or jdk or whatever it's called

Not really.

You can use kotlin native but not in android yet

>That's what you get for permanently deleting my account with zero explanation or warning.
t. terrorist or pedo

that's why minecraft was a failure

>tfw you're cheering for fucking Oracle
I didn't think it would come to this.

why not both?

Good, fuck google for their stance on banning firearm videos

Implying android is a failure




Not at all. What it is is a reason to not violate Java's GNU GPL license.

Let's be honest. Oracle is a way shittier than jewgle

The more billions that these soulsuckers claim, the longer java will live
This isn't a good thing

Yes, it does. Kotlin Native is immature as fuck and irrelevant on Android anyway.

Very true. The fact that there are plenty pajeets around that do nothing but shit out indecipherable Java isn't helping either. On the other hand, Java just werks.

Death to Java.

Notch didn't steal code

I don't know about kotlin, but android code itself does not need jdk or jre (even if its written in java). It has its own sdk and runs on dalvik.

No. Oracle may screw over your company if you use their shit or shit they decide to buy out, but it doesn't "curate" the world's search results and news however it likes and doesn't literally track your every step. I don't know about you, but I'll take predictable, amoral, selfish evil over unpredictable, moralistic, self-righteous evil any day of the week.

Also, Oracle's Java is miles better than Google's I-can't-believe-it's-not-Java, the JVM hosts decent languages like Clojure, and Java won't die even if Oracle goes bankrupt today.

Well maybe this will push them to use JavaScript for everything now thank God


Karma literally in full effect

THAT was your final straw? You're late to the party.
Based LG has just open sourced WebOS. It's the one JavaScript-based mobile operating system that doesn't suck dick. Now it is up to vendors. Wish it luck.

>“The fact that Android is free of charge does not make Google’s use of the Java API packages noncommercial.”
what exactly does noncommercial mean, then?

Didn't they replace it with ART?

That actually seems like a difficult thing to define legally. Creative Commons used to struggle with it to the point where they thought to deprecate the BY-NC licenses.

inb4 they use rust

Google is shit but not because of
>muh guns

This is good news. Google were assholes for cloning Java with their bullshit clean room excuse. It's fucking theft. Everyone was usng Java VM's. The original Android phones before Google bought it, ran Java.

Those are all just a fancy way to say JAVA VM

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What is so bad about java exactly? Tons of enterprise code is written in java. I dont't understand all of Sup Forums's rage on java. Is it because most of Sup Forums has no job?

Wow, that's still arround? I had a Palm Pixi 10 years ago that used webos.

Maybe because most of Sup Forums had experience on handling that enterprise turd.

Yes. It's on TVs now, but there is a chance it'll make a comeback on portables.

How was the Pixi? I picked a Pre Plus back then because the Pixi just seemed too small to me.

I am quite sure most of Sup Forums actually never saw any enterprise java code.

Why the fuck did google ever use Java in the fucking first place? This is why you should never hire CS monkeys.

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Read Steve Yegge's Execution in the Kingdom of Nouns.
Most of Sup Forums wouldn't understand it if they saw it.

>submits captcha to post

People make fun of Java because it's a "serious business" verbose language. This isn't exclusive to Sup Forums, although it makes sense that most of this board hates it, as most people here are C++ neets.

It's hard to know how to feel about this. Both companies are fucking dogshit. It's hard to decide which is worst. On the one hand, Google does some really fucked up shit, but they've also made some positive contributions. Meanwhile Oracle has done nothing besides ruin everything they touch.

However, I'm pretty sure this was a software patents case, and software patents are cancer, so I'm going go have to go with this being bad.

epik projections

Why should they have used instead according you?

I'd bet money over 50% of Sup Forums posters can't program beyond FizzBuzz.

tey could push Golang now

>tfw Open source will die in your lifetime and Sup Forums applauses it
Fuck everything...

>No generics
>No exception handling
>terrible dependency management
please don't

Oracle is worse tbqh but unlike Google they can't continue doing evil forever with their current products
Neither did Google according to the courts
Yeah, but not much longer unlike Google that will keep destroying everything for quite some time
Also the precedent from this ruling will give Google a lot of power on the future

That's not true, I can also make a program that counts down from 700 to 200 in decrements of 13.


Fucking based.
>there are jeets in this thread right now unironically defending jewgle

Fucking Sup Forumstards celebrating this decision, this opens up virtually all software ever created to litigation. I guess you idiots like patent trolls too.

It's two evil entities fighting each other, only thing you should feel is good.

This is bad news for all of us. I don't like Google and I hope they go bankrupt but this case is about APIs being fair game or not. This opens the door for a lot of lawsuits and free software project could become the target for quite a few.

As for Oracle winning, well, screw Oracle. They pretty much killed off Java and the simple truth is that nobody would care about it these days if it weren't for Google making it relevant by using it on Android. I'd have more compassion if Sun were still around and it was them winning since they've been screwed over time and time again by pretty much everyone.

FInally Java become useful for something.

Grow up, Sup Forums.

> hurr durr, companies evil dis good
Yeah, APIs being able to copyrighted is something that should make us feel good. Fuck off you idiotic child.

>apis being copyrighted is bad
dude how dumb are you honestly

*throws java.lang.OutOfMemoryError in your path*

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>This opens the door for a lot of lawsuits and free software project could become the target for quite a few.

You're the only other reasonably intelligent person to comment in this thread. Holy shit, Sup Forums really is overrun by retards who have no understanding of technology beyond "muh Android phone / battlestation / laptop".

Do you even know what an API is?

Companies aren't evil, but Oracle and Google are both malignant. If Oracle damages Google, my inner harmony will be undisturbed.

yes that’s why i asked you how dumb are you

>proprietary anything

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which is basically everything in the cucked mobile world

Why are APIs being copyrighted a good thing then, since I'm so dumb? Why don't you post something of value instead of being an indignant retard like most people on this board?

It's not about Oracle and Google being shit, that's besides the point. It's about the legal precedent being set. This opens up a ton of software to litigation, both free and proprietary. Say bye bye to Linux, free variants of BSD etc. since they're modeled after POSIX. Better hope that the W3C doesn't eventually become part of a larger corporate conglomerate, otherwise you'll be forced to use all of those "cucked" browsers you people rail against. Even shit like C headers come into question with this precedent.

All roads to accelerationism.

What the fuck does this even mean? Use more than four words you high school dropout.

>mobile world
Fuck the mobile world. Phoneposter must die.

Speed up the bullshit so the collapse comes sooner

lol it's not hard to understand
Basically what I'm alluding to is that the worse IP law gets the closer people will get to throwing out the whole system.
What you're describing would be bad, for a time, but I'm ultimately an optimist who believes that after the current system collapses under it's own weight, something better will follow

That's a great philosophy. Why don't you just get it over with now and kill yourself?

Hasn't worked out well re: patent trolls, my friend. I think you're way too optimistic.

lol things can get a LOT worse

>Press T to thank based oracle for killing java
I unironically hope this really is the end of the road for Java.

Probably the end of Oracle too once IBM sues them for reimplementing SQL.

>that's why minecraft was a failure

On which possible scale, do you consider this a failure? It's ten years old, still going, sold 140+ million copies, earned the former owners a few billions, the creator, Notch, over a billion dollars. Thousands of people are living of it, making it arguably an industry by it self. Don't give me that temporary job argument against it employing so many in it's own industry, there's plenty of examples of job fields/industries that employed thousands that where short lived.

GNU/Linux phones with apps written exclusively in C when?

Really shows the intellectual level of this board when people are talking about fucking Minecraft in this thread.

Didn't they switch to OpenJDK already?

>I'm happy to see these giant monsters fight each other because they're bad, who cares if they level an entire city in the process

I'm pretty sure (s)he was sarcastic

Videogames are a perfectly valid topic when software patents are being discussed

Yes exactly. This is why I stay away from cities where giant monsters are likely to fight.

havent that had 30 years to do that?...

No because APIs were not copyrightable until the circuit court reversed that (ironically as part of this litigation by Oracle).

>not just paying $20 for a pass
>working for jewgle for free
Wow, what a fucking loser you are.


Well, it also really show the relevancy of your stay among us? Your contribution to this thread is just trying to hurt us by implying that "we're so dumb we talk about kids toys".

>shows the intellectual level of this board
How are you so new here anyway? Or are you too stupid to realized that you're in the shitter of the very internet? Enjoy the stupidity of Sup Forums or get lost. But i guess you're too elitist to find comfort here, but too much a failure to actually be accepted by any other social group, ring a bell?

the topic i argued in, is undeniably related to the threads topic, and my quest to find out why he considered it a failure is a sound question.

>APIs were not copyrightable until the circuit court reversed that
can they retroactively copyright it?

>I'm pretty sure (s)he was sarcastic

yYu're probably right. I take almost everything literally. I also don't get proverbs. Always wear a bike helmet. I wouldn't be here at all without it, luckily i just have my little mental defect. True story.

If the Appeals Court decision stands then yes, all APIs ever created are retroactively copyright.

>paying the scammer that is gookmoot
shaking my fucking head man

> ywn

I want to get abused by Jill

dude people might think you're kidding but head injuries are no joke