This happened yesterday. >go to party >"come on user, put on some music!" >ohgod.mfw >play I Only Said by My Bloody Valentine >awkward stares >"It's called Shoegaze...this is the cool part..." >awkward stares >"Some people e-even say it sounds like Vacuum Cleaners! hahahaha"
>expecting neurotypicals to like anything even remotely out of uniform
Yes, you fucked it.
Jaxon Williams
If this is true, which it isn't, then you ruined on purpose because you're more comfortable with self-sabotage, the surest of all tactics, than with actually trying to offer something of value and failing. Cowardice means chosing the safe losing bet instead of the risky winning bet.
It's ok to be like this now, but you better grow out of that phase before you hit 25 or you'll never recover.
Charles Thomas
The only time it's worth putting MBV on is if you're tripping on psychedelics or off your face on ketamine
fucking hell
Christian Robinson
>it's a "I'm pretending mu core isn't accessible pop music with a fake story" thread.
Jack Jenkins
Everybody knows Arctic Monkeys or The Avalanches are the go to bands for this situation.
I'm probably taking bait
Adrian Garcia
>using terms like "neurotypical" in earnest You fucked it even worse than OP.
Bentley Morales
Caleb Jenkins
Evan Butler
The Avalanches is a top choice that appeals to both normal people and pretentious Sup Forums autismos.