How well does 16GB of RAM do in the wild? Would it be enough for 1080p video editing, CAD...

How well does 16GB of RAM do in the wild? Would it be enough for 1080p video editing, CAD, Photoshop and a bit of gayming (GTA5 namely)?

Attached: s-l225 (1).jpg (225x210, 5K)

>Would it be enough for 1080p video editing, CAD, Photoshop and a bit of gayming (GTA5 namely)?

>falling for 16
>asking if it's enough

8-12GB is all i need. Some don't even need that much. Ask yourself, how often do I hit swap? Never? Then you have enough.

is use gentoo and build android roms and I need 15G of RAM.
when using ccache on qtwebengine i need like 21GB of RAM.(not compiling in tmpfs)

Nobody NEEDS more than 4GB of RAM. Stop using bloated software and playing childrens' games.

This but I bought another 8gb buying into the meme .. When I'm doing proper work I never used much over 7gb (I was working on some video editing and photo editing shit at the same time) .. Only time I ran into an issue with ram was in Pubg leaking memory all over the place
But as for GTA5 I never had an issue with 8gb but I have a friend who had a lot of issues when he had 8gb of ram ..

>what is operating system memory management
>what is swap

Fucking moron the reason you never hit more than 7gb is because your operating system won't let usage go above 7gb.

I have a sytsem with 32gb of ram, constantly hitting ~25gb usage in day to day.

I have another system with 16gb of ram, never goes above 12-13gb due to OS memory management.

>tfw hitting swap on 7.8GB (igp)


Reee point taken

>not sqt

You sound like a huge faggot, OP.

For gaming it's overkill.
For the other things you listed, it really depends on how hard the workload is, but generally speaking, if you have to ask this question it'll probably be enough.

32 gb is a meme
t. someone with 32 gbs

for now...

Attached: Speccy64_2018-03-27_13-53-19.png (442x400, 23K)

Nobody NEEDS more than 4MB of RAM. Stop using bloated operating systems and bloated software

i have 8 and never have issues. 16 should be fine

>For gaming it's overkill.
Generally it's not smart to get just enough RAM to run current games, but I guess it's not that stupid to wait with today's RAM prices. Browsers tend to use a ton or RAM though, and it's a bit of an inconvenience to close your browser every time you want to run a game.

>For gaming it's overkill.
You mean, for gaming it's barely enough nowadays

For gaming alone, 8 GB is enough. Once you throw content creation and/or virtual machines into the mix, 16 GB becomes necessary. It really depends on how many heavy programs (VMs, Photoshop, Premier, After Effects, Solidworks, etc) you have open at one time.

Nice latency, though

Stop lying.

8 would be enough, 16 is just nice