
E-Cigs are technology.

So Anons, what do you have, what technology do you use?
Do you trust random chinkshit websites for your device parts?

What's your favorite flavor?

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I started smoking when I was 12. I'm now in my mid 30s. I've been a regular smoker over half my life. I don't trust chink shit. I don't buy ridiculous vaping tools. I have a simple all in one, with tobacco flavoured 24mg juice. Because I'm trying to quit smoking. It's not a fucking fashion accessory for me.

The only reason why I smoke ecigs is because I can smoke inside, in my desk, in my bed, on my computer, even where's people in the room or if it's freezing outside.

It's pretty comfy, but I vape "nicotine-less", no use adding an addictive substance.

You retards are all kidding yourself. Have fun trying to afford a lung transplant sooner rather than never.

We all die eventually. Who the fuck cares? You could never smoke a cigarette in your life and get hit by a car tomorrow. So fuck it.

It's been years since I looked up all that stuff (before buying one) and the research indicated that it was 95% less harmful than regular cigarettes and the cancer factor has not been proven.

So heh. Until I'm proven it's "bad", I won't prevent myself from having that pleasure.

>not enjoying a nice cigar after a shit day at work

>in my desk
Okay then.

I like the way this guy thinks. I'm more at risk of mouth and throat cancer myself, and if I get it and I'm not going to survive, I've got a nice shotgun I've already practiced fellating so it's all good.

>I've got a nice shotgun I've already practiced fellating

>not enjoying a nice cigar after a shit day at work
I'm more of a drinker myself, don't like the after taste and the smell on me after smoking cigarettes.

But to work with chill music and an ecig is max comfy.

>E-Cigs are technology
>What's your favorite flavor?
Fuck off.

Flavors are technology too, user.

Ya, in flavor town.

i bought a juul to help me quit smoking. its lightweight and discreet so i can hit anywhere

thats also the problem, its so convenient that im pretty sure my nicotine intake has doubled or tripled since i quit cigarettes

I bought a vandyvape BF, is it good?

>im pretty sure my nicotine intake has doubled or tripled since i quit cigarettes
Buy liquids with lower nicotine amount.

Fair enough. I don't find any joy in drinking these days, doesn't do it for me. I don't think I'd want to smoke cigars at work even if I could, it's nice to just mong out and unwind with one. Plus they're so expensive I start to regret it even if I have just one a day.

>But to work with chill music and an ecig is max comfy.
About 40% of my work consists of reading and rereading contracts and I agree. Comfy chair, e-cig and music and I can go for hours.

E-Cigs are Technology
I guess
What flavor?
What ever flavor I decided to buy last.
LOL look I do vape but honestly because it keeps me from smelling like a cigarette. Never really paid attention because its just a E-cig nothing more nothing less.

After 20 years of smoking I'm down to 6mg/ml nicotine and I'll probably drop down to less in a few weeks.
Those things are great and if you find a good flavour your home will also smell good.

juul's nicotine amount is fixed. refilling juul pods is a tedious and messy process.

i've owned a mech mod, they're bulky as hell and id rather just go to my gas station to buy a pod thats plug'n'play

What tanks are you guys using? I'm currently using a valyrian and it's easily the best tank i've ever owned. I remember using a shitty kangertech a year back and being impressed with it lol. Those chinks sure can innovate.

Measure and get juices with less nicotine then?

Don’t fall for the bait.

They’re candy. A big part of the market is people who aren’t addicted to cigarettes and vape zero nicotine juice because it’s fun and tasty. Nothing wrong with that.

Juul only sells one nic strength. There's plenty of better options out there now with the same form factor that let you use your own juice. Juul had a great idea, but others have already surpassed them.

I had a vape in HS .. it did help stop me from smoking a fair bit (Was edgy and smoked like 1.5 packs a day and with a vape I rarely smoked) but I don't think I could deal with the stigma of being a human fog machine anymore so I just smoke my cigarettes (only like 4 - 5 a day)
> juuls
What is this meme anyway.. All the basic bitches at my college and edgy highschool kids at my work have these

Gotta be honest, I wouldn't ever buy anything Chinkmade that didn't pass ISO9001/13485 or equivalent certification.

i need a way to make a lot of smoke with a very small device for a project of mine. i figured Ecigs would be the best way to make that.
assuming the vacuum will be created by a small 5v aquarium pump, what's the best way to have the most amount of smoke ? (i don't give a shit about the taste or the smell.)

the battery can be separate.

I've been using a leaf pico mega for a while. Not bad, but I think I want to try another box mod. The airflow kinda sucks on this one.

Never heard or saw that before. Looks like the Apple of ecigs.

Expensive, you cannot open or tweak it, and is used by hipsters.

eh, uwell has a pretty good reputation. i'm more worried about my chink box mod blowing up.

don't buy anything from smok

20 y/o cunt here, never smoked cigarettes because I never saw the appeal in them, but idk why I want to try vaping even tho it's associated with retards who blow fat clouds.
Should I get into it or nah?

Use/borrow one from a friend at a party or something, don't spend 30 bucks to "try".

Also, don't be influenced by societal status, who give a fuck if it's considered "cool" or "lame", you're not 12, are you?

>Watch thread
Look at my pretty watch

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Not that, but the thing with chinkmade coils/ atomizers releasing heavy metals under heat because they don't give a fuck about alloys that comply with medical standards.

Well you've been smoking since 12 and you're 30 now, might as well keep going since you're gonna die in about a decade anyways.

Are there any good American or European atomizer manufacturers though? I honestly can't name a single one.

Your lack of medical knowledge is cringy to see.

Currently vaping a liquid of my own making on a T-Priv with a Geek Blitzen RDTA. The T-Priv is very so so compared to DNA and Gene chip solutions. I also have a Voopoo Drag but I hate the design (and the stupid name).

Your lack of lung capacity is breathtaking

Try it from someone you know that has their shit together.
Use zero nicotine juices.
Don’t give a fuck about what others think.

Recommend me a good E-cig lads, I need to quite smoking fast fast fas

saurin air

You're probably best off looking at German manufacturers.

Why no smok?

Used to smoke so bought one to quit doing that. Started with a Kangertech SuBox which was stellar. Wasn't too fond of the resistance to suction of the RTA though, so I moved to iStick 100W wtih a Troll RDA from that and then really got into the rebuildables, so started hoarding all kinds of mods ranging from simple mechanical since-cell tubes to stack/FET boxes/DNA200 mods and fancy "artisan" YiHi powered mods. The excess power and ridiculous RDA/RTA's those mods allowed me to use made me lower the nicotine contect of the liquid I used, to the point I used so little nicotine it hardly made any difference anymore. Which then resulted in me just betting a tiny small iCare kit for the ease of use with no nicotine, to eventually quitting the whole thing. It was a blast for the time it lasted and the hobbyism of it really helped me keep my mind off the craving for nicotine itself, helped me distance myself from the substance.

Pic related one of the many mods I used to use.

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Build quality is a big shit and the chip is shit (slow to fire up and still cannot recognise a tank change).

what said, as well as the fact your mod's gonna break in like three weeks top, coils will go out in a day, and their customer service won't do shit for you.

Not the same user. Smok used to have problems with QC but they make solid devices for what they are. High output with solid basic functionality at the cost of longevity and quality. If you accept the trade-offs then you'll have nothing to get disappointed at.

they've been going full retard
>mag mini, AKA Q-box in drag
>baby prince tank that takes baby beast coils
>coils that light up

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The pico mega mos itself is stellar. Might want to cheange out the tank/rda to something more suitable to your needs. Aromamizer RDTA is amazing if you are fine with making the coils yourself. If not, then Zephyrus RTA is one that has amazing factory-made atomizers with relatively low drag.

Have the cigma slim.
Usually use 18mg nic juice.
Not addicted to it which is odd, have gone 2 weeks without it before, didn't feel any cravings/withdrawal.
Think that is more a dopamine issue though.
Device itself is tiny, charges in less than 2 hours and lasts the day of fairly frequent puffing.

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Be a real man and try Swedish Snus.

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I'm currently using a 5€ e-cig from Ali express, am I going to get some kind of cancer?

lol did a bot think this is a watch thread?

no thanks, don't want to get holes in my fucking gums.

i once knew a swedish girl online whom I skyped with, webcam included. she was hot as hell but seeing her with snus behind her lips was off putting as fuck.

itt: smokers

I vape as a hobby. I stopped smoking hookah, or shishas, however you want to call it. This kind of smoke feels a lot cleaner, flavors are much better crafted and there's a wild variety of stuff to choose.

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The chink kind

There are "vape stones" or some shit for hookahs too
Vaping for a hobby is autistic, but I suppose most hobbies are more or less autistic

I ordered my vape last week to stop using my hookah too, I'm tired of that charcoal taste in my lungs all the time.
Bought this for $43 on Fasttech (I'm not from the US) and the reviews seem nice. Hope I like it.

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There are a lot of niche products made for hookahs. Even vape juice bowls, coils included. However, nothing beats a good old hookah with friends though. Specially while drinking at a pub or whatever.

What I meant with "stopped smoking hookah" is that I no longer do it by myself. When I'm hanging with my buddies we usually have at least one hookah going, most of the time.

Everything you see in that picture is from fasttech and gearbest, except the juice. Everything is 50% cheaper in FT or GB compared to physical stores here.

As a tip, always make sure the word "Authentic" is in the title. They sell chink clones on those websites as well, but authentic ones are 100% the real deal.

I'm good then.

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Also ordered 250 ml of different flavors juice because the juice here is so overpriced.

Be careful with chink juices. I honestly wouldn't trust them one bit unless proven otherwise by a trust-able source.

I "make" my own juices, as in I buy the glycerine and the concentrates, mix them and let them "macerate". It's a lot cheaper this way. However, you still have to pay big bucks to get the famous "top juices", which from time to time are ok to buy, imo.

I read lots of reddit reviews about the brand and flavors I'm getting so I think I'll be safe.
Anyway it won't be worse than some of the essences I smoked on hookahs.

I know where you're coming from, but keep in mind concentrates are pure chemical. If something is done wrong, you could get fucked. If you are gonna smoke nicotine juice (which I strongly recommend), be careful where you get your nicotine from and how much it has. I strongly recommend smoking 3mg nicotine because it makes the juice taste a lot, lot better in my opinion. But that's just me, though.

All my juices are 0 mg, one of the reasons in changing devices is to stop smoking it.

+ for fasttech, never disappointed me and I bought a lot of shit from there, shipping to my country is one extra chromosome slow but you just can't beat the price so I don't mind waiting.

im wondering why there is no real way of getting a "clean" hookah. I mean just stones and non-coal heatsource.
I've tried to use electric stones, but they don't provide enough heat and burn through their own coils.
Seems dumb if you ask me.
And i don't want to puff on these sticks with nothing in them.

I have a Drag and it's nice but I wish that
1. they made it fatter in the hand and shorter in the other direction (I have small hands). This wopuld also solve the overhand on 25mm tanks.
2. It would allow me to set temp control wattage above 80.

Did you try any heat management device yet? Such as Kaloud, for example? They remove some of the coal taste, but not all. Switching coal brand perhaps? It's all about experimenting.

Shipping to my country takes around 1 month on average. However, I have ordered a couple of vape items and they arrived in less than 2 weeks. Depends on the order I guess.

Yeah the ergonomics are definitely not its strength, but I knew this before buying it. About temp control, I never really used it as I mostly use retail coils, and very rarely RDA self made coils. What is the advantage with temp control? I never quite understood the whole concept..

Quite possible, yes.

Helps prevent dry hits. Keeps the temp constant so you don't get hot hits. On SS ot Ti it's also crisper tasting.

Alright, fair enough. Let me test it, how much ºF should I set it to? I usually vape around 85-90W.

this model?

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Don't use it on normal coils. The coils must be stainless steel or Titanium. It'a dangerous to use temp control on normal coils.

Alright then, when use my RDA I'll test it out. Cheers.

Wismeck Rx3 with a Smok Cloud beast
Paradox on the rocks is my favorite flavor right now.

Whats the point then? Why not just like...breathe?

>favorite flavor
the mouth fedora special

Just get a heating element that goes to 550f and glycerin. Why fuck with ecigs

just get a meerchaum, roll your own, or chew

The two flavors on the left are trash.

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Because you can`t breathe a cheesecake flavor.

Joytech EVIC V-Two mini with an Innokin Slipstream clearomizer and SS316 coils here. Vaping base liquid (no flavor) with 16mg.

nice pun.

Hold this W.

Why is everyone against nicotine usage

i want a vape pen for 420 only. no dry herb, just oil/concentrate what you guys recommend? basically, what's the best reusable/refillable vape pen for marijuana oil? pic. no relate.

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who the fuck smokes dubstep

Im thinking of converting from cigarretes to vaping and i was considering this mod (tesla wye 85 w) with melo 4 tank

What does g think

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