Mozilla launches 'Facebook Container' extension for its Firefox browser

>Mozilla launches 'Facebook Container' extension for its Firefox browser


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So it's a preconfigured multi-account container designed to screw over one particular business. Good thing Firefox only has 1% user share. If Google did this they'd be sued out the ass for anticompetitive practises.

What does it do?
Facebook Container works by isolating your Facebook identity into a separate container that makes it harder for Facebook to track your visits to other websites with third-party cookies.

How does it work?
Installing this extension deletes your Facebook cookies and logs you out of Facebook.
The next time you navigate to Facebook it will load in a new blue colored browser tab (the “Container”).
You can log in and use Facebook normally when in the Facebook Container. If you click on a non-Facebook link or navigate to a non-Facebook website in the URL bar, these pages will load outside of the container.
Clicking Facebook Share buttons on other browser tabs will load them within the Facebook Container. You should know that using these buttons passes information to Facebook about the website that you shared from.

>somebody does an extension that separates facebook logins and cookies
yea fucking horrible op

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Based mozilla

Why is this a bad thing?

t. facebook shill

>imagine the web is so cancer you need more than one sandbox to contain it

Pretty good idea to get the attention of normies scared by the Facecuck scandal.

Fuck off, they are not screwing anyone's business.
Facebook is jewing itself.

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Mark, shouldn't you be worrying about the shares instead of shitposting on chinese cartoons exchanges?

I've got people to do that for me.

>No reddit???? xDDXD???

>Get help.


is it so hard to just not use facebook?


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>Having Goybook in the first place

>allowing cookies at all

>place facebook in a chastity cage

fucking hot

They have a Multi-Account Container extension that works the same and is generic

Isn't this just completely bypassed using IP addresses / browser fingerprinting?

So this is like uMatrix for retards?

I have no idea what facebook is or does.

I love you Mozilla

facebook is the only way to contact people I have college group assignments with, they're too stubborn/stupid to switch to anything else

have you tried talking to them

Does it hog more ram or uses the same ram?

>Faceberg shills SEETHING itt

Sup Forums should have one

>Facebook Container

what is that? asylum for shitlord apps like /ptg/ is to Sup Forums?

>is it so hard to just not use facebook?

5-10 years ago if you went to university and didn't have facebook, you would have 0 friends and not get invited to anything.

I know because I gave up facebook taking my first job, and they all went out without me once because they sent me a facebook invite the day before, said absolutely nothing all day for 8 hours, then let me leave on my own while they all waited until 7pm to go out to the pub together.

Now we have whatsapp and the like, in fact normies barely use facebook anymore. It's for talking to your relatives.

I have the same issue but most of the time they will switch to phone text and email because they are not retards (most of the time)

some Sup Forums fags like to bitch about everything

Are you actually living in the current year? Kids use groupme and Google docs

Wait, I've just been running separate instances of Firefox as different profiles. How is this better?

>Firefox only has 1% user share

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This just make normies have a false sense of security.

This is already built-in isn't it?

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are you somehow implying that the normie this extension is aimed for would know that?

Ah, right. I forget people like to browse extensions more than using the browsers own settings and features.

don't intend to start to understand the thinking of the normie anytime soon

I don't understand why they didn't do this all along if they cared about snooping from facebook or the dozens of other sites

>you would have 0 friends and not get invited to anything.

how are they friends if the only way you communicate is through social media which betrays your privacy?
fuck em

Because no one knew how deep facebook would sniff your stuff. The understandment was that all they had was what you gave to them.

Ok cool now why doesn't this exist for Google and all other social media? Also, why the fuck doesn't "do not track" and firefoxes other default privacy features not already prevent this?

It is available. See No one has made an extension for just those sites (yet) because they didnt make int'l news for scraping all your data (yet).

Good thing Mozilla is a non profit and can do this. It is brilliant. And fuck Google, they should be shut down for the shit they pull anyways. Anyone that likes google as a company in 2018 is fucking retarded.

all web developers who understand how networks work would correctly deduce that facebook was collecting everything it can from apps, like buttons, third party sign ins, etc

you'd think a browser developer would know and do something about it before 2018

and it's not just facebook
thats why open source is essential for freedom

How can you verify that the deployed website is running the code it claims it runs unless you deploy it yourself?

common sense would say it's extremely likely they have access to too much data and info

So you trade Facebook tracking for some random developer's extension which tracks you.

Since you're making that claim, I assume you have proof the extension tracks and saves your data?

I don't even have a fecesbook but I downloaded the addon anyway just to sandbox any instance of the site that might run on other websites.

>1% user share
[citation needed]

Does this work on ESR 52? I seriously want to avoid post 56 until Mozilla adds back the bare minimum APIs to have extensions that make the browser usable

DNT only tells sites that you don't want to be tracked, sites have no obligation to respect it

This is stupid. Facebook doesn't really need cookies and stuff to profile you. All it needs is JavaScript and IP.

Do the right thing:
Block Faceebook domains.
Block Facebook buttons.

Install umatrix+ublock origin and enable anti-social filters.

Hehe I use: umatrix, cookie autodelete, ublock, tab unloader

Your comment was what i was thinking.

Wat? google docs+ email/txt?

>no one knew
??? Maybe if youre refuckingtarded i guess.

i'm a third year computer engineering student and i've legit never been fucking asked for facebook for projects, just groupme, sms, or email. if they want google docs i just sign in to my university email on a private browser, but that was like once over the course of what is now my 6th semester. My roommates and close friends all use Telegram for file sharing, and we have group chats on it for sharing info for each course we have.

tldr; facebook is a pretty archaic thing to use for communication in the age of snapchat and shit

Its not really but I go back at least ever once in a while to talk with my old friends since they live in other places now and don't appear to be the type to use anything else besides twitter, snapchat, whatsapp or instagram. I think its been close to 2 months now for me since I last checked up on them. Maybe I'll go later or tomorrow.
Not really there are other ways. like said though personally I never answer and just do the talking face to face.
You need better friends mang.

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This extension is tempting me to start using facebook

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Containers are great, I don't know why other browsers don't have them.

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it doesn't stop facebook from taking the data you give them. it only stops the facebook login stuff on other sites from getting information.

I know
That enough for me.

There is literally nothing of value on Faceberg, I fell for the meme when I was a teen and I regret it. If you don't already have an account there is no reason to make a new one.

Same issue, i use faceslim on phone and will use this container on browser.
Will delete facebook once i get my bachelors
I already have a wifeable gf so i dont need to keep any normie appearences up

Just use the normal multi account container, this extension is a watered down version that they made as a publicity stunt. Containers are probably the best feature of FF Quantum and it'd be a shame to not use them to their fullest potential.

That's pretty cool. Stallman wanted a browser which did something like that.

I kinda like them, and there's an add-on that lets you list domains and even has wildcard support but I really have to wonder if it's worth it. How configurable are the rules, do they even have rules to configure? Like if I have a porn list, can I tell it to remove all data, DNT, don't accept cookies, delete all on tab closure?

This extansion crates a special facbook container using that framework and esnures faceberg only ever runs in its container

If only firefox itself had a profile container

lrn2english zhang

You don't even have to be a nonprofit. It is very likely enough that Mozilla doesn't compete with Facebook. Google, on the other hand, competes with them directly with Google Plus (lol).



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Mozilla is not a "random developer".
The extension is open source, show me exactly where the botnet code is.

Man, people in different places use different shit you autistic cockmuncher. Around here everyone uses whatsapp/discord


Replace many web domains in the source code with non-existent alternatives ending in qjz9zk (known as domain substitution; see
Strip binaries from the source code (known as binary pruning; see
Disable functionality specific to Google domains (e.g. Google Host Detector, Google URL Tracker, Google Cloud Messaging, Google Hotwording, etc.)

Do I need umatrix too?
Doesn't ublock stops facebook buttons tracking by default?

i have a botnet containment browser and i consider upgrading to a botnet containment virtual machine.
The harder I make it for myself to access the botnet the less I feel like browsing fb and so on.

I still use Google daily because it often gives good results on technical searches. I also use YouTube because it has quite a lot of lectures available for free.
I also do a fair amount of shitposting because I feel like so.

Accessing FB via the browser wasn't the problem, it was the FB app. Websites are already "contained" by the browser in the first place. Retarded virtue signaling by a company that does the same shit as FB in an attempt to exploit retards.

yeah if you want to do it all by yourself
luckily we live in a world with 7 billion people and there will always be NEET autists whose hobby is doing exactly that

I use google for work related shit but switched to russian botnet yandex first for images and now for hobbies and other non work related stuff.

Search results are much less skewed by the money, it's easier to find obscure blogs and non commercial sites.

I'll use this for a week and see if I stick to it.

Actually pretty cool.

They already have em but not just for facebook.

ia tbqh

I'm really big on SearX. Sometimes it'll fuck up and redirect me if I use the "search with SearX" or the URL bar, putting me at the SearX homepage or a blank screen. The results themselves are top tier though.


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I've adapted Firefox 57 nightly early for this feature. It's great. I have separate containers for all kind of things. There's only one container that's logged into Google for example so they can't track any activity outside the container.

>Do I need umatrix
No, only if you want to block extra content. uBlock can be set up to block facebook globally as well.
>This extension is tempting me to start using facebook
I did that once and it was the worst choice in my life.

it promotes non-free network services

I didn't used to allow any cookies except those whitelisted. Then my nanny, the EU decided they had to protect me from cookies. Now many websites will keep hitting you with a screen to configure your cookie preferences that won't go away if your browser doesn't store their goddamn cookie. Thanks for nothing EU.

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