Unironically, how exactly is this website paying the bills?

unironically, how exactly is this website paying the bills?

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=utah data center

CIA & NSA grants

It isnt



the place was running for almost 20 years before nippon came along

these fucking uguu file hosting sites cant even stay afloat

much less a site with 50 some boards all hosting tons of images and bullshit

Because the state of Utah pays for it. Don't worry about it though. Just go to bed.

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selling user data

very funny to see you freaks cry about Facebook selling your data when their databases are probably much more resilient than whatever chink shit security protects Sup Forums client databases

remember that next time you think about running for office to try to build that white ethnostate you stupid motherfucker

based utah

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is that the real reason they rangeban all the proxy and VPNs to make sure they're selling your real IP data?


Mac minis are cheap

NSA hosts it for "free"

Nah that's to prevent Sup Forums.hta and accel

Hiroyuki's pockets.

based basedposter



is this a variation of what cunny bot runs off of on Sup Forums?

>R*ddit formatting
>has no idea what he's talking about
Every fucking time. You're probably some asshurt nigger bringing Sup Forums shit on Sup Forums. I'm an actual NSM lifetime member and I don't even think about this stuff until you faggots bring it up. Are you really that pooper pained over jew memes and reposted news articles? Grow up, shitstain. This is the tech board.

No, they range banned all of China because of paid shilling problems. It was just swarms of chinks filling out captchas and using proxy services to avoid individual IP bans, and they were promoting everything from personal care products to dating sites. It was a mess. You can still use your VPN if you buy a pass. It's honestly not hard to go buy a $25 gift card once a year.

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The FBI has run the image servers since ~2007 and some of the Sup Forums mods are federal agents. The mods vanished instantly during the last shutdown and we had an entire chapter of a /d/oujin posted in a Sup Forums thread, along with ponies and right wing safety squad content.

>almost 20 years

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speaking of Sup Forums pass, everyone remember when Moot ended captchas which made the pass irrelevant, it lasted for like 1 month then suddenly the captchas came back but where even more annoying, the ones with the shitty lines thru the words that made it impossible


imagine unironically defending moot and chink moots business practices

there’s a reason why moot landed a cushy job at google and it’s not cause he was a talented programmer

here i spaces my post out so you can read it better

im not as familiar with reddit as you are, so i didn’t know what redditspacing is

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Exporting memes to reddit

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>2003 was 40 years ago

I dunno....

The one day when all the images got fucked was when everything was fully migrated to the Utah data center. The Cloudflare exploits were a convenient excuse. Whether or not it was released intentionally is up for debate but I happen to think that it was just a weird coincidence.

Follow the /r9k/ kid and suck on a pump gun.

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>unironically, how exactly is this website paying the bills?
hosting is significantly cheaper than most website owners claim
it's not a website you're going to just host out of pocket, but most ad supported websites are definitely hobbyist tier hosting costs

Sup Forums has high traffic from users that don't block ads (phoneposters), so it is plenty profitable based on just that
the amount of paid employees to keep the website running is near nothing, it's a turnkey business

>Those who registered to the service had their names, address, credit card numbers/security codes leaked. comment info was also leaked, people were able to search the 2ch archives and find out who posted what using the leaked comment info.
Oh fuck

What bills?????

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>durr kys
i accept your concession, jeet

i wonder why you are so invested in defending jewt and jewro when it’s been proven that they sell your user data

i guess since you are an employee it makes no difference to you as they have your cv on file

> not using adaway

durr kys

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>im not as familliar with Sup Forums as you are, so i didn't know what redditspacing is
haha dumb CIA

iOS can install free adblockers from the appstore, and android users can root their phones to install adblockers

>Sup Forums has high traffic from users that don't block ads (phoneposters)
No ads in Clover. :^)

>phoneposters dont block ads

but opera is the most popular android phone browser and has builtin ad blocking support along with video and picture compression options

We know what you fap to, goy.

i do not feel like talking to idiot phoneposters but i will address that my post is not incorrect

phoneposters were an example of people that do not block ads, it was not said to be an exclusive source

the average phoneposter is a retard
and according to your lack of comprehension, a "power user" flavor a phoneposter too, is retarded
just less useful of a retard to the website

the average phoneposter is even more jewish about ads than anyone cause they're saving data

and a quick search turns up opera as the top recommended browser for blocking ads, plus its a chrome clone so it has all the same features

also nbody who fucking browses this site is a normie phoneposter

>Utah data center
Care to elaborate on this?

Sup Forums users probably block ads on phone but it is definitely beyond some of the retard tier boards like /fit/ or /biz/

lmgtfy.com/?q=utah data center
>initially known as the Massive Data Repository [...], but was renamed to Mission Data Repository due to the former sounding too "creepy"

I have talked about shit on this site and then received targeted advertising based on what I was talking about. I am too cheap for a VPN.

Every phoneposter is a retard.

This. Understand how and why hiro was kicked from 2ch. Also the fact the alphabet agencies will not let this site die.