Winfags will defend this

winfags will defend this.

Attached: dicks.png (376x417, 10K)

yes because it makes literally no sense to allow it. Name one good reason.

Attached: 1505594350967.jpg (490x390, 48K)

case sensitivity is useless in file systems
there, i said it

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I prefer a dick-sensitive OS tee bee haich

d != D

Because otherwise you end up with inconsistencies such as


Besides it was from a time where displays and printers didn’t have resolution to display both upper and lower case letters.

There’s no reason why a file name should have any character other than lower case English letters, numbers, dashes and dots.

d != D
dicks.txt != Dicks.txt


OP is a fag = op is a fag

Attached: 1511344520680.png (329x241, 4K)

touch ~
rm -rf ~
gnu/losers will defend this

>go into thread about dicks
>just start thinking about touching them
you, gay

unzip; strip; touch; grep; finger; mount; fsck; more; yes; umount; sleep

linux is pretty gay when you think about it

Thread is over, pack your stuff, boys.

You are doing this wrong way.

A file name should be allowed to have any letters including lowercase, uppercase, Chinese, Swahili or any other characters. Hell, let the user put emoji there if they so desire. The machine should adapt to man's needs, not vice versa.
A system file name that is used across many multi-language systems should be in English though.

Case does not even exist in a lot of languages.
Allowing case sensitivity to be used in a file system without strict guidelines on how it should be used is a pretty shitty idea because you have to remember whether something is called, or, not to mention case can be a PITA with an on-screen keyboard.

you're the homo for thinking that that means gay shit

Sex is the kernel
Gayness is the operating system

>want to rename dicks.txt to Dicks.txt
>have to rename it to something_other_than_dicks.txt first so it will actually change

Attached: 1505810382481.jpg (1516x1422, 494K)

Case sensitivity plus UTF-16 filenames creates a monstrous set of equivalence checks you have to do for EVERY file name/rename. It literally only makes sense for US-ASCII.

You literally need to use a single ToLowercase() function from your standard library. And if you don't have it in your standard library, the "monstrous set of checks" is just imported from a list you can get at

Completely untrue.

What's the problem with that?

Who the fuck cares, when does this ever happen


>begin this much of an autist that you simply cant continue with your normal tasks if 2 files don't have the same exact name with one case as the only difference

Attached: 59a.jpg (600x901, 64K)

>literally have to reach for the tiniest of issues to have a thread about windows in 2018


>winfags can't save this filename

Attached: (:-?).png (759x801, 710K)

Well, fuck.

Attached: sip.gif (400x300, 1.64M)

is THIS seriously your best argument now?

Attached: ▲.jpg (34x16, 827)

(you) deserve it.

What kind of OS are you using

Attached: unknown-2.png (412x351, 9K)

Because computers are meant to be used by humans. It's about as idiotic as not allowing spaces and having_to-do-thisShit\ all"the time".

What's wrong with having 2 dicks

This crisis could have been averted
All you had to do was use the ≠ symbol

unless you use windows

Attached: 1425731184438.gif (320x240, 1.47M)


I'm fine with it

>not allowing spaces

i'm fine with allowing spaces as long as it's a single kind of space. but not the 30 other unicode whitespaces characters. ffs

The user can call it however they want, but there should be a canonical name (that uniquely represents it) should be restricted to a smaller set of characters that can be uniquely identifiable on the display or printed media. I don't want to be frustrated trying to type a file name in that starts in Russian, switches to right-to-left in the middle, ends in underlined Arabic characters, and contains skin-tone-modifier'd emoji and 3 different types of whitespace.

Or starting the malicious memes.exe instead of memes.exe because in the malicious memes.exe the 's' is actually a mathematical sans-serif small S instead of a latin lower-case S.

To be fair yeah, allowing the whole Unicode range in everything would probably be disastrous.

I literally didn't know what'd be wrong with it until I opened the thread and was confronted with the massive autism running rampant therein. There are still incompatibility issues with fucking accented characters, I see no reason why case should be allowed.

rm -rf '~'

Cases also represent an issue for clarity to the user. Or install a third party program or three and congrats, you've now got a program files, Program Files and PROGRAM FILES folder all with disparate shit in it for no good reason just because some asshole somewhere held shift when setting the default directory and someone else didn't.

>software is not using %ProgramFiles% as recommended by operating system's manual
>suddenly it's the operating system's fault

I agree case sensitivity is stupid but I think we should go even further and just block uppercase characters just like you can't have a forward slash in a file name.

Why is his left eyebrow so much larger than his right one?

Why I am laughing that much?

well done

Why should file systems be case sensitive?

Oh noes I am so deprived of having retarded file names.

how will winfags ever recover?

Attached: explorer_2018-03-28_06-24-27.jpg (624x323, 16K)

Attached: 2018-03-28_06-28-25.gif (395x87, 8K)

>wangblows 10

Attached: 1489921598044.jpg (645x626, 20K)


File system is case insensitive. I just saved you 4 years

No, it works fine in Windows. Although, for me at least, the change won't be immediately visible in explorer until I refresh the folder or leave it and come back.