How do I change my Mac address?

How do I change my Mac address?

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Install custom firmware

Buy a PC faggot

it's probably gonna take some soldering

Buy a new network card (or whatever is called in english)

It's probably under some "advanced" tab as mac address cloning.


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If I remember correctly ipconfig lets you assign a new mac address. It is definitely possible.

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you dont unless you want to risk getting your internet cut off by your ISP cause of mac spoofing

Doubt my isp cares. My brother did it a lot all the time before he left for deployment

What's a good excuse to tell my isp I want to change my Mac address?

there is not a reason to change your mac address from their perspective

if you want to change your ip, lease a static ip block, then use it, and then cancel the lease for it

Next time buy an ASUS router.

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Had to buy the arris modem+router cause it was only one able to handle their speed

I used to work for an ISP and every now and then someone thought it would be a good idea to mac-spoof cause they got banned from some game or whatever. But they always messed up themselves or decided to use their friends MAC-adress (which we also provided internet for) which ended in us cutting both guys internet. One time some moron though it would be funny to take on the switch MAC-adress. That only resulted in the guy and all his neighbours lost their internet access.

Well, the only reason you would want to, is to hide from your ISP and the law directly. Neither Facebook or Google really use your MAC to anything. So when you get caught for illegal stuff, and you probably will, since you need to ask, utilizing MAC spoofing will SEVERELY hurt your trail in court. It's a rare concept, and it is technically against the rules of the internet (not against the law) so the very nature of it suggest illegal activities and unethical internet usage. Unless you have a very, very specific situation where you need to do this, without any illegalities, just don't and use a proxy/TOR.

MAC spoofing on an internal network is another thing, and has a lot of arguments for the usage.

Can I tell my isp "I accidentally got banned playing a game, from someone using my wifi, can you change my ip?"

If your ISP is cool and not faggots they will probably happy change your IP if you just ask them. If not, you have some gay ass faggot ISP who prolly dont even own the equipment their using.

you can tell them whatever you want

Log onto Apple and tell them your home address changed. Bam Mac's address changed

Your isp only cares about the MAC address on your modem. Your ISP should not be seeing the MAC addresses of the devices in your LAN.

Disregard. I didn't see you were trying update your modem+router combo.

You have two choices. Spoof your old modem's MAC address in your new one's config. Or contact your ISP and tell them you're changing your modem and give them the MAC address.

look at OPs pic, he prolly want to change the MAC for his WAN connection

enable bridge mode and purchase a real router.

What's wrong with the router I have in my modem?

Buy a new iMac.

Buy/rent a new house/appartment/flat. Move all your stuff including your Mac. Done. Now you've changed your Mac's address.