Those who work in CS

What exactly do you spend your working hours doing? I can't imagine a job where you are constantly programming 8 hours straight.
Please state your occupation and give me a rough idea of how much of your work is actual work.
In my 2nd year of studying CS and curious what my future would be like.

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>I can't imagine a job where you are constantly programming 8 hours straight.
even in "codemonkey" jobs, actual programming is done in a fraction of the total work hours

What else do you do at work then? Do you have time to just chill and read books?

Yeah dude, it's like a big party

Damn sounds fun, what kind of job do you do?

Nobody works "in CS", there's a ton of different fields and each of them is different. The fact that you are directly linking CS to "8 hours of programming" is really concerning. Two years and you don't have a clue about your own field? What have you been doing? Talk to other people in your course.

They're just as clue less as I am. I just go to school and try to read random programming books/resources at home.
Can you let me know what work do you do and what's it like?

I did CS for two plus year and got a job as a PC Tech. Another friend of mine did the same and became a network admin. You never know what you're gonna get with cs

design, test, get yelled at by electrical team, redesign, test, yell at mechanical team, realize we ordered the wrong hardware and leave early

>implement stupid specs put forward by dumb management
>test with incomplete integration tests but I dont care because that's not my job
>swear at visual studio locking up for the 8th time today
>realize I hate all of this
>practice photoshop and cinema4d in my free time
>get hired as graphic designer for the same shitty wage
>occasionally reminisce about the 4 years of my life and thousands of dollars I could've saved if I realized this earlier

I work as a senior software developer at a company you undoubtedly have heard of, they just started running ads on NFL games in the last few years. This is how my typical day is broken down

>30% meetings (architectural, design, code reviews, meetings about future meetings, etc.)
>15% code reviews
>20% helping and mentoring junior developers
>10% fielding interdepartmental or managerial bullshit (work politics)
>10% email
>10% programming
>5% shitting, eating frantically at my desk like an ape, bullshitting with coworkers, etc.

This might not be representative of everyone, I know some people who's day looks like 80% meetings, no joke. But I fight aggressively for my time.

>I work as a senior software developer
>software developer

aren't you a software engineer by now?

I pretend to program for 7 hours, but actually only program for about 1.

The title is just semantics, I've found no difference between the two in the industry.

this, our HR recently changed all our titles from "Software Developer" to "Software Engineer" a few months back.

>HR is responsible for changing titles


Your HR doesn't set job titles and salaries? That's like a regular HR thing that they do.

I wouldn't know.

I don't have a job

I don't program at all. I'm a glorified script kiddie that also does incident response for a SOC. Coworkers are cool and the work can be fun though. I usually work from home and mostly do pentesty project/contract stuff, ""specializing"" in social eng and recon


>get promotion
>have to wait months for HR to get off their asses and actually do something
Fuck HR

Programming is the easy part of being a dev.

Countless meetings, whiteboards, planning, planning, planning, planning, etc.

Then a little bit of coding

I'm a data engineer. I do most of the automation, tooling and programming on our team.

Breaks down kinda like this
>sleep late, get in at 9:30am since I walk
>10% lunch, usually go with some coworkers at 11:30am, always take an hour or so more to get something nice to eat out of the office, the office is nice, but I like getting away from it
>10% helping in slack, check email, but it's nothing but machine noise typically
>40% programming, working on whatever tool in progress for some task, or finding a good way to automate something
>40% doing operational type tasks, responding to pages (if any; usually get paged 1-3 times a week)
>stop and leave for the day at 4:45pm regardless of when I get in

Pretty laid back. I never work at home, I of course respond to pages, but I will not do any meaningful work at home. Once I leave for the day, that's it, my laptop only gets opened for emergencies.

>java backend web dev, fintech startup
>i spend about 20% of the time or less writing code
>have meetings, chat with coworkers, browse the web, read programming books, sometimes play a game of ping pong
>there are times when I have to investigate data to figure out a bug
>also some time is spent planning things out and writing technical specs


10% actual working
90% reporting problems to 3rd party APIs

Lots of Meetings. I eat Curry daily with the Pajeets at work, also act like I am actually doing something

have you successfully camouflaged with them? I heard if you are nice to the pajeets they will offer protection from office politics

There have been some issues. The one older indian lady is having trouble understanding Selenium automation testing and blamed the American guy who was teaching her that this Lead Automation QA engineer played favorites with Me, as I am the only other American on the QA team of 6 people. The Indian Devs don't like me much, but no dev likes the QA team, and the other Indians on the QA team get alot of hate from the devs as well. The 2 Indian guys on the team are pretty cool with me, I even share Tikka Masala with them when my brother makes it, They think it is funny when Americans make Indian food, They say we don't make it Spicy enough, and We add butter to the rice. Overally I don't see why so many people have a problem with Pajeets, Yeah there are some asshole player types, and some that do race bait. But overall it isn't too bad.

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>We add butter to the rice.
you're goddamned right we do, butter to Bismati Rice is tip top tier patrician.

Ive always wondered this as well. I'm not sure but I have a feeling when we get out there we will be updating old Boomer to get better run times

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I work at a small big data meme company, I basically just make scripts that scrape interesting/relevant data from the internet and ensure the quality and accuracy of the data

Average day:
>Come into work, see if any coworkers have put anything up in our issues that I need to address, like "why is the annual copper consumption in Coatia 10x the amount of much larger nations like Canada?"
>Search around, confirm whether the data is likely correct, needs fixed, or if the whole set needs to be axed
>Spot check some random data from random tables
>Write some custom fuzzy matching scripts or make queries to address issues
>Google around for potential sources of interesting data
>Write scripts to send requests/DOM parsing
>Add data to database

pretty much 90% of my day is actual work

Oof not looking forward to meetings, they sound like a proper waste of time

Java guy here. They're not so bad in startups. I'll tell you about my meetings.

>scrum bullshit:
>everyday have a standup in the morning, 10-15 minutes going over what we're working on
>every 2 weeks we meet to discuss how the last sprint (2 week segment) went, and planning the next sprint's work. 1 to 2 hours total for each sprint

>meet with manager for 30 minutes every couple weeks
>meet with coworkers once in a while to discuss plans or to explain systems to a group
>once a week we have tech talks, an hour where people teach you a new technology, demo stuff, or teach best practices (optional meeting)
>company wide meetings once a month, last one or two hours, generally interesting to hear how things are going

I always bitch at people for wasting my time if they invite me to a meeting and it turns out to be useless. I rush standup and complain if people take too long to say their shit. I'm not being a dick, others do the same and people always appreciate less meetings. Unfortunately at big companies you're forced to be in meetings sometimes.

> 10% meetings on average
> 10% debugging environments
> 15% learning just enough of some shit codebase to find an entry point and context for a feature/fix
> 15% googling and reading
> 25% making it work/right/fast ("programming" as I see it)
> 25% testing and documenting
There's some fucking around too of course. Maybe 5% out of this or that above.

i programmed at work today and then i came home to provision a linux box
pretty fun day all & all