WiFi Penetration

How would you go about bypassing a wifi network that requires a username and login to connect to it?

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How could you enter the username and password if you weren't already connect?

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you cant connect unless you enter the username and pass

self bump, i really need help if anybody knows

Lurk more

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What's your WiFi username?

the point is that im trying to find the username and password in order to connect

>guise i really need to h8x0r into my bully Biffs wifi and print off picz of my cawk!

Seriously now, unless it's weak shit like WEP, fuhgeddaboudit. You don't have the patience to "bypass" your way into a router using WPA/WPA2. It literally takes weeks.

Username is "root"

There, helped you halfway.


i know how to crack a wpa/wpa2 network, im asking how would you do it if the network required also a username to connect and not just a password

eat a dick

look for the login details on the back of the access point

You're seriously not this stupid are you?
What, did a copy of backtrack or kali fall out of your serial box?

lurk moar.

are you fucking autistic, im asking how to go about it if i dont know it aka fucking hacking

but that's how a real hacker would do it

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do you understand English brainlet?

not really, if a hacker could do it while not physically being there he would

Actually, OP's question is very good. To all the anons laughing and calling him brainlet, I'd like to see them try. This isn't a simple deauth and crack on a normal wpa2, but it is a network with wpa2 enterprise if they require such credentials on connection. I've never really cracked these but I heard they are extremely hard.

for fucks sake, the only user that gets it

Social engineering

Can I buy Spoof Mac Address of a client already connected, for $1,000.

But how can you enter the username and the password if you're not connected ?

wpa2 enterprise


There has to be a connection for the user and password data to travel through though. How can you enter them if you're not connected?

get your own jamal

Same fagg

OP here, kys you cant tell the speech patterns between two distinct people

What type of router/modem is it? Some can be exploited into escalating you to root without needing any login. From there you use terminal and change the password or see if it holds the login info in plain text or if it just keeps a hash.

im saying in general, and we're not necessarily talking about root but the login for a wpa enterprise

Why're you being a fag? No one is going to tell you how to crack a wpa enterprise on Sup Forums.

you're right but its worth a shot

The easiest way, in my opinion, would be social engineering. That followed by a fake AP attack.

>buy a hard hat, a high visibility jacket and a clipboard

I'll let you figure out the rest

it seems like you're talking about a captive portal, and if you are but you think that's you connecting to the network then you're too stupid to bypass captive portals, but to sum up
some captive portals use cookies & mac address, others just use mac addresses that should be enough for you to find the answer on google

this would be cracking not hacking, typical skid

hacking - getting into something unauthorized

It's a walled garden.

>neo Sup Forums
the original definition is
>to modify (a computer program or electronic device) or write (a program) in a skillful or clever way
then the media started portraying breaking into computers as hacking when in actuality circumventing security measures is cracking, if he wrote the software that would attack the network he would be hacking, but since he isn't he's cracking

>this thread

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its you vs the dictionary

Ask the guy with access for the password and shit. Social hack.

no it's several of the very first hackers in the world vs nothing since if you googled my quote you'd realize I got it from the dictionary, try again skid

i got mine from the dictionary too brainlet

pay for your internet service pahjeet

ok link me to the dictionary that says
"getting into something unauthorized" as the definition for hacking

merriam-webster dumb fuck

well it lists my definition under 6a and yours under 6b, dictionaries list it based on accuracy of definition so according to your own source my definition trumps yours

oh also the 6b definition is highly criticized by people respected in the field of hacking
>kevin mitnick
>jullian assange
>richard stallman
so it adds futher credibility to my definition being more accurate than yours

>richard stallman

ok remove stallman from the list

>How would you go about bypassing a wifi network
use the mouse so you can click the next one available


how do YOU know that it's highly criticized by people respected in the field of hacking specifically

because I've read stallmans post on it on his website, I've seen tweets by swift on security several times, on kevin mitnicks first interview out of prison he corrects the host on her use of the word hacking and jullian assange has critiqued it in interviews aswell

install gentoo


dns tunneling lets your browser send all its data through dns packets. requires that SOME (google?) are pingable and a VPS/server.