Can I have a career in CS if I'm dumb?

Okay, so I've realized that I'm not very intelligent, but I'm interested in working in software development. Is there any hope for me or am I doomed to a life of working mindless jobs?

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If pajeet can do it then so can you

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If you can handle math do software engineering, if not do some technical career like programmer analyst or some of that shit.
CS is not for you, you clearly don't even know what it is.

How much math do I need to be able to handle? So far I've completed calc 1-3 and discrete math and got B's in all of them.

Google and Gnome are looking for people like you to work on their UI design team.

yes. see pic related.

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Sounds like you should be fine then. Congrats. The degree is so easy a caveman could get itâ„¢.

t. Computer Engineer

>So far I've completed calc 1-3 and discrete math and got B's in all of them.
Dude you're set.

I'm on CE and have passed all my math courses by cheating. I can't do math for shit at all.
You'll be good. But if you're seriously worried about not being smart enough, get in Software Engineering, it's somewhat easier.

I pray to God you didn't have to cheat in something linear algebra or stats. I feel bad for your lab partners in EE courses (DSP). Hopefully you can at least write lab reports competently.

Here's the thing, I go to a shit Uni and feel like I haven't learned anything in any of my classes.

Dude you have no idea.
I haven't taken either Linear Algebra or Stats yet, to be honest.
Oh man I hate my EE courses so bad. Last semester I couldn't do a single thing on my Analogical Control Lab, I just had no idea what was going on. My partners just handed me the reports and I passed them to MS Word and printed them.
I fucking hate CE and my fucking life choices and myself. I'd fucking off myself if it wasn't because I'm too fucking scared of Hell and, for once, things look like they might get better. I'm getting close to get a gf and the semester is about to start. I'll re-take the first analogical electronics course and will try to do my best with the actual CS courses.

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Are employers' standards really that low?

WTF, you can cheat at math?

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Yes, if you're studying at a shitty third world country uni.

>Get a friend to answer the test for you and send you a picture to your phone
>Get a griend to carefully pass you the answer in the classroom

We have a professor in my faculty that always teaches the same classes and always applies the same tests.
Two semesters ago, some girl scored a perfect 10 on all the tests and saved them, then passed them to lots of his friends, (I wasn't one of them), but still got them and so I scored a 9/10 on Calculus IV.

Get in SE.
Takes out most "hard" math from CS.
No EE shit from CE.

There are a lot of good tutors out there. I'd bet that if you looked you'd find help. A lot of profs teach things in back asswards ways, a lot of times a tutor will have a better explanation or will be able to spend more time on your individualized problem. I had a few friends who would tutor other people, I never did because EE course group projects ate my soul.
DESU you could also just do software engineering. Most CE end up in some sort of software position anyways. I do embedded work now and I'm one of the only people from my classes who is.

Yes. There's a high demand for programmers, especially if you're willing to relocate. Just learn to take an interview and do the minimum amount of work and you're set.

>There are a lot of good tutors out there

This is what saved me. My mom is a math wiz. It was so easy for her that she ran out of courses to take and spent most of her senior year (1972) goofing off learning FORTRAN to automate her work.

I have a CS degree and I can barely do basic algebra, so anythings possible OP.

To be fair, It was the BA CS degree but unless you're going for a job at intel/Nvidia nobody gives a fuck about the difference and it included all the main courses every CS major takes anywhere and is good enough that it landed me a 150k mid level contractor job in kuwait.

based mom

nigga what the fuck did I study

nigga how can you understand basics like gradient descent without linear algebra and calc.

I'm not trying to hate on you, but what CAN you do?

it's really hard to find talented people

>1100 Members In a Single Class Room

Attached: do_not_want.jpg (400x582, 72K)

>M. Tech
the M stands for monkey

have a read

Where do you even find tutors?

>t. Professor with superhuman IQ

I kinda know this feel, I study EE and it's about 1/2 CE related courses and 1/2 purely EE related courses. I've actually passed every class that has anything to do with programming while all the other subjects just don't interest me at all. I wish I just did CE instead so I didn't have to waste my time learning about power electronics.

If someone realizes he's not very intelligent, he actually must be kinda intelligent. Step up op

imagine the smell

highly depends on the University you attend.
For me it's about 60% math, mainly multidimensional algebra, numeric and propositional/first order logic.
Along with all the stuff where you'd use it, i. e. runtime analysis, satisfiability checking, numerical precision and error approximation in floating point operations, model checking, compiler construction,...

Shit is tough