Why are Americans allowed to buy 8TB drives for $160, while Europeans have to pay $300?

Why are Americans allowed to buy 8TB drives for $160, while Europeans have to pay $300?

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Because freedom motherfucker

Attached: trump's america.jpg (900x600, 173K)

Shipping to Europe costs $140 because you have to ship it around all the rapefugees.

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there's VAT in the US too

Taxes that your government uses to enrich itself and pay for new refugees.

not as much as in europe, in some countries you can pay up to 25% in vat alone

Just bought a bunch of 4TB drives for 85 dollars a piece at my local microcenter. Each one came with a copy of asscreed origins for some reason.

Because Mohammed needs a new car you bigot.

Silly user don't you see it's because nobody would be stupid enough to buy it so they ship it with all hard drives.

Post the links to those prices, I don't believe it.

But there isn't

There is a sales tax depending on state. Usually only 7 percent or so and that is often only on retail purchases within the state. So in most states you pay no tax on a purchase from Amazon if the items comes from out of state.

Becayse everything is made right there, or whenever they make it US market is a number one priority. being an Eurofag sucks monkey balls, would leave for US in a heartbeat.

Because you are a goyim. Keep paying taxes for the jew film and jew music you dont consume

Attached: Goyim.png (1708x816, 108K)

How the hell do europens have time to bitch between all the Muslim rape sessions they are outlawed from resisting.

I'm pretty sure it's illegal not to have mohammeds dick in your mouth at all times in England these days.

Because freedom.

Attached: Eaagle-of-Freedom.jpg (1600x900, 216K)

>tax on recordable media
you what

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do u have free healthcare?

In France and probably in other country in europe it also apply to hard drive.

Basically everything that can store media.

you pay a small tax on storage media instead of having the isps get tough on piracy

basically, most people don't pirate but end up paying for the ones that do

you till pay tax you retard

You pay a tax on storage media to offset the (((cost))) of piracy, even though there is no proof that any damage has ever been done.

Basically, EU fags are taking the dick and it's hilarious.

At least in Canada, the courts ruled that because people were paying taxes to offset piracy, piracy was then completely legal.

That's funny as fuck
Oy vey surely intensified.

Big HDD's scare me since my big ones died.
I need better storage solutions to horde my animu halp

>big hdd
is this 2010?

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>hard drives
What? Did they just defrost you? SSDs have been invented already, user!

>tfw 25% VAT country
end me

But it isn't VAT, it's not 20%, you can avoid it easily, and if you live in a not-shit state then you don't even pay sales tax at all. The only truly obligate taxes in the US are on income, housing and gasoline. All the other ones are retarded shit you can dodge easily.

Heh, 27% in Hungary, would feel good to have 25%

Stop electing commies.

Even with 25% VAT, the price is way too high in Europe

Canada sucks but at least it isn't Europe

I don't need 8tb ssd for my hentai collection

I need it for my CoalGirls rips.

Maybe because all the drive manufactures are American companies or owned by them?

Also taxeslol

It's fun being ironically clueless.

Let's say we both buy a $200 drive. I pay $210 with tax included. This guy pays $254 with tax included.

Why Yurop have high VAT?

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Where the fuck do you cunts buy those 8TB drives? I'm actually curious as to whether I can get some cheaper through importing to Cuckstralia than just buying them here. Cheapest I can seem to find is about ~$250 USD.

Figures the USA is a relatively ez single market and the EU is not quite.

OTOH only NA really gets them about that cheap. Basically the rest of the world also has close to European prices.

britsbongs have to pay extra for storage license

Australia has long been really bad for computers and internet service. There is almost no one in Australia, its far away from just about everyone else, and the government didn't really make computer related stuff better. So you got capitalism prices.

Gotta have that 80% VAT so kebabs can afford subsidized 8 TB drives too.

Yes, I'm aware. I fucking live here.
I can't seem to find these supposed $160 8TB drives. Is it just a local thing?
I'm really interested in being a cheap cunt about acquiring hard drives.

You have to pay for literally infinite niggers to enter your country.

Being the happiest country in the world, ain't Free
t. Finnish

VAT is only ~20% and besides the EU isn't doing all that much for immigrants and refugees.

Its essentially a burger only thing. At multiple times they got such 8tb wd red in external enclosures for like $140 and later $160.

VAT is state dependent you massive retard

In worldhappiness.report/ed/2017/ you are number 5, but the top is close together IIRC.

We're candidates too at 8% VAT.

Not anymore.

Canada has much lower tax but still on the list of happiest countries

Are you living in a shithole country? Pic related is Amazon Italy, free shipping of course

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Still closer to $300 user

still not even top 5. git gud

Are you retarded?

I have three ultrastars 2TB bought 50 euro each so idk whats your problem

3*2TB != 8TB. And even with 4 of them, 200 EUR != US$160

And obviously it's also not going to have the power consumption of one 24/7 WD Red NAS drive if you use three or four drives instead.

EUR 194,77 = $241.36 user

And it's probably without tax

tfw we had 24% and we're back to 19%. fuck the IMF

VAT and mandatory 2 year warranty instead of 1 year like burgerlandia

plus the $ to E 1:1 conversion

I'm going to shoot the answer. Burgers don't care for mechanical drives so tech companies have to push them for cheap so that the gaymurs have an actual incentive vs buying the newest flash drive branded by a company that is known for it's corruption.

Attached: 512px-Samsung_Logo.svg.png (512x170, 14K)

... and all those posting 'freedom' responses fail to realize Burgerland might as well be communist because they have no problems supporting the shittiest corporations and practices. The EU doesn't like their shit so you end up with hiked up prices.

I think it is that way pretty much in all european country and is a good enough reason to not go to the cinema or buy films and music.
Fuck the kikes in hollywood and the other diaspora jews.

>8TB drives for $160
What drives and where?

Guessing it's partly due to cheaper shipping/import costs and lack of tax. Most drives are made in Thailand/Malaysia and Burgerland imports a lot from those countries.

As far as I can tell, people shucked external 8TB drives to get WD Red from them.

To sustain American superiority. They deserve it. They're better than us Euroniggers.

The irony of that post while missing an obvious troll is hilarious.

Yurop is just better at hiding their corruption. There are pedophilia rings in the highest echelons there.

everything in that image is correct

Drive costs 200$ in the US
Drive costs 200€ in EU + 20% VAT = 240€ = 300$

and where I live everything is "double" the Euro so this makes it 480EUR which is 600USD.

That's fucking genius.

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Because EU has more strict laws on things. So you get charged more so they can ignore/pay off those laws.

I think they're actually made in my fucking country but they charge me 490USD.
Why the fucking fuck fuck fuck.

compared Amazon DE vs US. Dont see that much difference user

Attached: amazonDEvsAmazonUS.jpg (3156x846, 286K)

indexing and cataloging all that shit is difficult for big brother

because you allowed your government to do this

indeed everyone get the government they deserve

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Because Europe fucking sucks and they want you to stay poor
>get paid half of what someone in the US would make for the same job, sometimes less
>get a minimum of 40% taxes taken out sometimes as high as 50%
>have to pay more for literally everything from gas to electronics to food and clothes
Literally the only thing that doesn't cost as much over there are European cars

>Is this 2010?

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I'm not sure how it works in other countries, but Portugal has been using this tax for a few years now, which is supposed to be redistributed to content creators like musicians, film makers, etc. They haven't got a single cent out of that tax so far, as far as I know. No one has a clue how they'll even calculate who is entitled to what share of that tax.
It's basically a way for governments to tax people more for something that they never plan on giving up, while being able to tell record labels and film makers that they don't have to be so tough on piracy. I, for one, don't really care about paying that tax, it doesn't add much to the price of media storage and keeps piracy relatively easy to do.

Then why aren't we all in rural North Korea? We're shit and deserve shit.

Thing is, if prices were offset by the lower cost of living this wouldn't really be a problem. But multinationals are the spanner in the works since they (rightfully, from their point of view) cannot afford to sell for “less” (globally), so they abide to mostly made-up exchange rates in order to cope.

t.Portuguese here
never saw that tax being applied anyways
it's just the usual "apply this shit so that EU thinks we good", just like what happened with tpb block, a simple DNS change renders all blocks useless

>And it's probably without tax


>muh free jealtcare xdd

It's not free if you pay an additional 10% in taxes to get it you fucking retard

>nothing bad about Albania
this map is correct

Ok. So what sports with local home teams do you watch other than Soccer and Cricket?

>this thread again
You don't even have to try to bait Sup Forums. Nobody has a brain to check shit up themselves.

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t. NEET American

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The same drive is 201€ (248 USD) here and it's with tax included (without tax it's 169€).

faun. ee/internal-hdd-seagate-barracuda-35-8tb-sata3-5400rpm-256mb

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Why are you so butthurt at Europeans OP?
You get BTFO in every thread with your false bait. Are you masochistic?

where's the false bait in those threads and why are you collecting threads that is making fun of Europe's retarded prices?