Say that a bunch of nodes say their distance to other nodes...

Say that a bunch of nodes say their distance to other nodes, and I have to figure out how every node is positioned in 3D space relative to every other node based on this information.
How can I do this?
It's for a really stupid and surprisingly challenging network engineering project.

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holy shit cats are fucking disgusting
that fucking furball should be zippo'd

thank god.
he was just petting it.

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not sure if shitposter or school shooter dot em peh gu


the powerless garbage man crew of Sup Forums is deplorable


>waaaah killing muh animals is baad
why don't you fully vegan while you're at it fucking soyfags


>my life is worth more than a kitten
i sure hope no dark skin person zippos' you on the street just because he felt like it

I like cats honeslty best animal.

>be me
>loser in his early 30ies
>have two cats
>have tinder profile
>put cats on tinder profile
>get matches because of cats.
>get laid.

cats are nice.

Human life is absolutely worth more than some animals life you fucking moron.
felines and canines are the niggers of all animals

>Human life is absolutely worth more than some animals life
that's the general rule
>you fucking moron
with you being the exception to that rule

i'm sure mom and pop want you to stay in you basement and off of the streets, so you don't "accidentally" get hotter than you would like to

>tfw the Sup Forums hivemind sought out the person that did this
>later to have him arrested

Meaning doesn't belong here.

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not surprising, Sup Forums is full of faggots

What's wrong with the usual Fruchterman-Reingold?

And retards. You'd fit right in. It'll be just like your short bus ride to special ed.

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>life having any intrinsic value at all
Fucking retards.

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get raped by niggers faggot


I thought the same and didn't watch all the gif in fear of what could come out next. I've been here for too long, I'm afraid.

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Simple XYZ vectors.

No, you've just learned the most important lesson of life: "Beware the hand of Man."

its proven that niggers dont like cats because their grubby niggerhands always crush them plus their small niggerbrains cant read body language and they end up getting scratched. thats why you always see niggers with some aggressive faggot dog. also they still carry a grudge from getting hunted on the savannah

literally nigger tier

I don't see how you would be able to make it 3d without using another variable such as floor location or whatever, best thing I can think of is like a topology map you see in Zenmap. Give that a look.

Things that never happened for 500

the fuck did that come from

kill yourself nigger

Kek. I remember.

First thing you have to realize is that's impossible to make a perfectly accurate graph in 3d space, unless you only have 3 nodes (perhaps not even then under some circumstances.)

that's why a force directed graph is the only solution.

>pick random node, put it at 0,0,0
>put its adjacent nodes in relation to that
>continue this as a breadth first traversal until no more nodes are left

bada bing bada boom