Say goodbye to your jobs

Automated DB
Automated Cloud

You just lost your job you fucking nerd, HAHAHAHAHAHA

Jump to 1:40 to cry a little, if you are an Oracle DBA

Attached: Captura.png (383x256, 37K)

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too bad it'll cost more than their database with a support contract

remember the oracle strategy
>get customer embedded in the ecosystem
>raise prices through the roof
i used to work IT for a hotel chain that used oracle to manage their properties. granted, oracle built out a fuck ton of stuff to manage everything from what rooms were booked to what the guests ate out of the a la carte fridge in the rooms, and they basically created the market, but it only took them 3 years before they literally tripled the price
dealing with the backend was a fucking shitfest. their support is laughably bad if you dont pay extra, and you will need a support contract. i will never work at a place that invested in oracle beyond java at this point. their business practices will eat up your IT budget and get execs on your ass since you initally approved this

But AI will reduce the TCO at half, without mentioning that you wont need to hire many people. Maybe one DBA to install something and click next next next


nah, we will just spam Sup Forums with slide threads through code and mods will have to rename Sup Forums as designated shitting board. Don't fuck with us, Indians.

There will always be a need for Pajeet. If not, White Pajeets like me will just move into a different field like Investment Banking, or Working on Cars or something. I am pretty adaptable and can pick up new skills pretty quick.

Attached: 18trump-diwali.jpg (700x424, 57K)

I thought Ellison left to go rake his garden or some shit. Just another geezer who won't go away.

>white pajeet
an oxymoron


It's the same as aws though

I can't remember the last time I met a white guy under 35 who actually knows what he's doing, at all. The kids pumped out by colleges in the past decade+ are all fucking retarded, it's not even funny. At first they use jargon somewhat convincingly because I guess they read tech subreddits or something, but when asked to actually implement anything they can't. They can't do anything. At least study an interview book or two before the interview you turds, it's super basic shit

Maybe it's true this time, but he's been saying this stuff for 20 years.

into the trash

>our meme will be powered by a bigger meme

Attached: i.jpg (480x240, 23K)

>all fucking retarded
I can understand exaggerating a bit, but 'all'? maybe your head is way too far up your ass man.

youve clearly got some bias going.
definitely would not want to work with

show 'em, kiddo.

Too bad you can't pick up the skill of pooing in loo.

>thin client

Only if he's one of the south 'jeets. The north ones are apparently caucasians, believe it or fucking not.

That pajeet to the right in brown looks like he's wearing the most comfortable one piece in the world.
I want a formal business snuggie too.

Lost all respect for Ellison. IaaS isn't the same hosting your own. IaaS is actually worse in some ways and better in others. On the pro side, elasticity is what differentiates IaaS from self-hosting.