/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread


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I have an old Nexus 5.

On windows, I cleared cache and userdata, removed the ROM, etc. With the intention of putting KDE mobile on it to see how it is.

I then noticed that all the scripts are for bash.

My windows 10 PC pro kept failing to enable WSL for some reason, was seamless when I enabled it at work but here, nope. Half an hour later, just wouldn't have it.

Unplugged phone and put into laptop which is running KDE Neon. Phone is still in fastboot mode. I installed all relevant android tools but `adb devices` shows nothing.

Have I just completely lost the phone now?

Outside of screenshotting, whats your guys preferred method of downloading news/web articles or blog posts?

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For archiving Ctrl-S or print to PDF, for downloading curl or wget.

I've been getting this fucking pop up for like 7 fucking months and one time it even updated my pc on its own but I managed to disable it from doing that and rolled back to the previous version of W10.
but this shit still shows up everyday even if I uninstall it.

Attached: windows 10 update assistant.png (976x680, 34K)

install gentoo

why is there no good resource from the last decade on how to write PCI and USB kernel modules/drivers for linux?

I want to understand how PCI and USB works from a linux standpoint but something I cant wrap my head around is how PCI registers are interfaced from the CPU.

Without getting too deep into the silicon is PCI just entirely memory-mapped IO as far as the processor knows? When you mmap in linux does it map the page table to pcie memory and that's it?

Are you just writing a big "Read" or "Write" packet to the mmio when transferring data?

Something Im trying to wrap my head around too is how you can have sata behind usb or nvme behind pci.

There has to be better reading material for all this.

I've been a JavaScript developer for many years. I just decided to learn a new language, and I chose Java. So far, I'm loving it. I'm already able to translate JavaScript code into Java code after just a few hours of learning.

I'll probably figure out later in the book I'm reading, but how do you actually build things with Java? Where does the "styling" come from?

This is precisely why I'm learning Java, I don't know shit about how applications are built outside of JavaScript(electron, react-native, etc. are all the fucking same).

What single computer in the world theoretically has the longest uptime?

>inb4 pajeet
>inb4 poo in loo

In Windows 7, what is the best free antivirus? What is the best program to use to clean up my registry and my HDD? (I cbf formatting right now)

Starting last week I've been missing calls at random. It's happened 3 times and I've had at least 3 bars of service each time. The people it's happened to say that the phone rings normally so they thought I was ignoring them. We compared call logs and the lost call(s) doesn't show up on my end.

Is it a problem with my carrier (T-Mobile), or my phone (Huawei Honor 5x)? Should I replace my phone even though that's the only fault I've had with it in the ~2 years I've had it for?

You mean the sintax?, because that one comes from C

With java you need to know about servlets, JSP or JSF for web stuff, JPA and Hibernate for Database stuff, JavaFX or swing for desktop stuff.
But more importantly learn about how MVC and OOP works maybe spring too.

Xubuntu is Linux right?

what is the point of running Linux on a VirtualBox? what should I be using it for?

i'm trying to make all my shit look good with aliasing turned off because autist. is there some shit i can do with global css styles with stylish to account for weird kerning and font weight stuff on websites like pic related, apart from forcing everything to a fixed size and font-weight: normal?

Attached: Captura.png (568x173, 8K)

I'm trying to download a a few Youtube channels that are at risk of being censored due to their new rules. Is there any way to make youtube-dl produce an error log, so that if a video fails to download, I can see specifically which on it is? This seems like an obvious feature, but I can't find anything about it.

Attached: Jewtube-Jude.jpg (530x398, 35K)

use abort on error and then read stdout

In python can I get an if function to ask if an element in a list is something

So like

if "the first item" in list1 == "the first item" in list2
do thing

Assuming you're using windows you can use MacType so you can have slick MacOS font rendering except it will render every bit of text on your OS

I really don't want to abort on error, though. There's 1400 videos on this channel, so I'm going to do this overnight. I'd hate to wake up tomorrow and find it only make it to 100 and aborted.

I wrote a script that checks 2 directories and outputs all the files with the same filename and then deletes one of them. However my current implementation takes fucking ages with 38,000 files. Is there a program that uses something like an AVL tree to do the search or something?
Here is what i've got in bash
for i in $DIR1; do
for j in $DIR2; do
if [[ "${i%.*}" == "${j%.*}" ]]; then
rm "./input/${i}"

I left out some info here is the complete bit of code
DIR1=$(ls ./input)
DIR2=$(ls ./output)

for i in $DIR1; do
for j in $DIR2; do
if [[ "${i%.*}" == "${j%.*}" ]]; then
rm "./input/${i}"

finally updated to ff quantum and it's a fucking disaster. is tampermonkey the only way to get appchan x working properly? It keeps causing memory leaks and pegging my cpu at 100%. violentmonkey and greasemonkey simply won't install it. Are there any replacements for 'save image to folder' that have the double click feature?

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No, not the syntax, but when you build actual applications. Javascript has HTML/CSS, what does java have?

Anyone know how to convert a bat file into exe without using self extraction method?
Any converter software that I google out there feels like a malware injector.

I want to create a bat/exe file that filled with password to access a router using putty.

Oh nothing like the sort, for web applications you still need to use HTML and CSS, you can touch up your HTML with JSF/JSP/JSTL but those run server side so for anything client side you still need javascript, but there are some nice frameworks out there that does all the client side and styling for you like primefaces.

For desktop, JavaFX can use FXML for stilling much like C# wpf.

First list all files that need to be deleted on a array then iterate that array deleting the targets.

FF quatum with appchanX and tampermonkey on openSuse here, works on my machine.

>For desktop, JavaFX can use FXML for stilling much like C# wpf.
Yeah, that's what I meant, for desktop applications. I just built an electron application, but I'm honestly sick of HTML/CSS/JavaScript after years of it. It's time to learn a new language. Thanks for your reply, appreciate it m8

i cant scroll the youtube sidebar, i have no customizations, extensions, or anything like that, what do i do?

my arch linux fails to boot and says how it can't mount /new_root and then it drops into an emergency shell.

i tried manually mounting /dev/sda1 to /new_root but then it says /new_root: unknown filesystem type 'iso9660'

not sure where to go from here but any help would be appreciated

Comment out the line that mounts /new_root on /etc/fstab, then reboot, whatever you had on that partition might be corrupt because now it thinks is an optical drive.

Okay, two things. I recently switched back to Windows 10 cuz muh gaymes. Microshit can spy all over my dick I don't care anymore.
1) How do I keep Windows from deleting my FUCKING THUMBNAILS ALL THE TIME? I Google it and nothing fucking works.
2) I realized after installing that my backup drives are ext4, sooo ... how the fuck can I read ext4 filesystem in Windows?

nowhere in /etc/fstab mentions /new_root though

What? that can't be right , fstab handles all mounts including network mounts, some other script at init might be trying to mount /new_root for whatever reason, check what services are you trying to load in init, also post fstab just in case.

because you can't be arse with messing with your main OS
but you want to mess about with firewalls, filesystems, fuse, block device replication, etc

Here's some python2 code.
a = [1,2,3]
if 2 in a: print 'moo'

Can't you use some kind of password manager to supply your ssh client with the password when it needs it?

Install linux in a vm, export your filesystems via samba.
Or look for a driver or something.

Get hold of a live usb linux stick and investigate your partitions.

Can't you use some kind of password manager to supply your ssh client with the password when it needs it?
I just want to create a simple bat script to enable and disable a router rule in an closed network that I can't reach for some reason.


I'd probably embed the batch file in a C program if it were me, but I can't ask you do that.
Just put it on a usb stick and put the stick on your keychain along side your house and car keys?

my partitions are fine.
sda1 is root
sda3 is home
sda2 is swap

how do I check init services?

my fstab is generally like this
# /dev/sda1
UUID= / ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered 0 1

# /dev/sda3
UUID= /home ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered 0 1

Looks like I really need to learn some language and compile myself the exe.
I just feel not comfortable having a bat file with password that can do write access to the router laying around on other people PC.

I just installed re-installed windows on my PC and then got deluge but i can't seem to connect to any seeders even though it says there are (pic related). what the fuck do i do? I already disabled my anti-virus, firewall, allowed access through firewall and disabled the use of random ports. Deluge was working fine before, and i also already tried using multiple trackers from different websites and none of them work.

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ELI5 please

when a router has dhcp reservation set and a valid mac address in (like for an iphone or something), what is it doing with the IP that the phone would get when it isnt connected? does the ip actually exist and is just unused or is it actually created new everytime the iphone connects

I want to queue up and download files of a specific filetype from several tabs all in a row without having to manually click on each file, in Waterfox. I can't seem to find an option to do this in either FlashGot or DownThemAll, so any ideas?

Man fuck it I'm just gonna use DTA's one-click mode.

Replaced thermal paste on laptop and put it back together after about an hour it just turned off when I was typing and hit backspace. tried again same thing, after a while turns off when I hit backspace.

Any ideas?

is this a good deal anons


Recommend me a video editor. I want to overlay static or translating images over a video, nothing too ambitious. Wiki only has shotcut, which is more of a cutting table.


Am I missing something or is this a really good deaL?

Been trying out Davinci Resolve recently and I like it.

no that's literally a piece of shit wtf are you on about?

700 dollars for a duo core with 4gb of ram and shitty screen? LMAO jesus dude screw your head on tight

if you want one of those meme drawing laptops then get a thinkpad yoga or something

is there an decent ultrabook for the $700 range?

>is there an decent ultrabook

I know there is a stigma against prebuilt pcs but are there any preferably lower range that I can buy? I'm a poorfag and can't spend over 1k on a PC

started SICP can't can't find a way to compile/evaluate expressions in LISP - tried downloading and calling gcl like i do for my basic C shit with gcc but it doesn't work - tried a bunch of IDEs I found on google but they're really bad and can't understand how they work. help

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the only acceptable reason to buy a prebuilt is if you're ultra poor and can't afford anything but a second hand prebuilt
if you have $1000 to spend, you should make your own, shit's easier than ever, literally put the thing in the slot and you're good. most of the time you don't even need to manually install drivers anymore

I would but I also have other crap to buy like a new desk, some furniture, and clothes. Besides, if I'm going to be honest I'm not a hardcore gamer who wants to play all the most newest games, just something to run a fair amount of games fine. In the future I'm sure I will build my 1-2k pc but for now I just want something relatively cheap and that's just alright to use.

Why my vivo SD slot corrupts my data ?

Is it because of hardware issues ?

building a machine isn't just about making a gaymen machine, it's about getting exactly what you need
for example, why get a machine with a 2TB hdd if you only plan to use ~100GB? might as well get a small SSD instead
what if the case you get doesn't have enough slots for future hdd's? or the motherboard only has 2 ram slots? or the psu is only good enough for it's current hardware, with no room for upgrades without replacing that, too?

It's a distribution including Linux and a bunch of other software too.

>what if the case you get doesn't have enough slots for future hdd's
i know this feel

i bought a fractal design S and this bitch only has 3 hard drive slots and 2 ssd slots. fucking sucks

-- oh, and keep in mind, modern low end prebuilts are sometimes not completely standard, you might end up with really weird stuff, like a non-ATX mobo (not replacable), or a case with only one hdd slot, or a psu with no spare connectors
upgrading a prebuilt like that can be damn near impossible

No Dwight picture, why would you do this to us?

Q: How do you guys sort your shit? What's your folder structure like? I'm trying to sort my porn, music, other pictures, other videos, general documents, etc.

what are some good thermal pastes for a gpu?

Obviously but as of right now I just don't really have the funds to customize the shit out of a PC nor do I plan on upgrading it, I'll probably give it to a family member. I know I sound completely autistic but I just plan on keeping the pc as is and keeping it that way until I have enough money to build a new and more expensive one.

well, i can't stop you. if i were you, i would just get a second hand machine for this purpose, something recent enough to do the job until you can afford to do something 'proper'
people get rid of machine well before they're useless, just install a fresh copy of windows (or linux), and you're good

Alright, I'll try that, thanks user!

mayonnaise, toothpaste, basically any white creamy substance should work.

this isn't a stupid answers thread

If I were to use a VPN on a Uni / work network ("PEAP" I guess? Each person needs their individual login credentials to access it), would they be able to pinpoint which user was accessing a site, if the site asked?

I'm tech illiterate, so excuse the shitty phrasing above, and upcoming example. Say you make a site, I visit it via VPN on my Uni's network, and hence you get the IP I visited with. Now, imagine you did the magical job of cooperating with my VPN provider, and they told you "ah, yes, that connection was made by [Uni's IP]". If my Uni was the contacted about it, would they be able to pinpoint that it was Username123 who visited the site originally, or would the encryption provided by the VPN be able to prevent the user from being pinpointed?

For the record, no, it's not "visiting a site" that has me curious, that's just an example. I'm talking shit like using public trackers instead of private, since they seem to allow bittorrent connections for some reason, and shit like that.

Artist name/
Music without album
Personal shit/
Anime title/
Porn actress/

It's more weird for my documents, but I'll always have one for my stuff (job, papers, bank...) and one for programming stuff

I don't know anything about programming are there any scripts out there that can get the names (and maybe links) of all the videos in your youtube's liked videos list and playlists?

How come Flash has so many bugs in a couple of MB?

If your uni network gives out public IP addresses and the VPN provider keeps logs, it would be possible to trace back to you. Work network probably not as it'll likely be doing NAT instead of giving out public addresses.

It's also quite possible you're leaking things like DNS requests that aren't going through the VPN.

if I basically move my hard drive to a new computer, will it just work or would I have to reinstall everything?

Which distro to put on a portable USB stick? Puppy?

What a torrent search engine I can use to find TV shows?

>everything else
you're fine


A single platform that's designed to be able to load and run software/media provided by whatever sources you want has a lot of "surface area" for a potential attack to be found, and since it used to be on pretty much everyone's machine by default loading and running whatever a website told it to, there's a large incentive for people to try to find these bugs.

Sometimes things will just werk, sometimes there'll be driver issues so annoying to try to correct that it's easier just reinstalling. There's very few cases where you absolutely have to do a reinstall. Moving Windows 8/10 have generally been fine for me, but your mileage may vary.

Depends what you'd want to use it for.

disable the update service in the windows services page
If you cant manage that,(its easy as fuck just google it desu), use a program like winaero tweaker or spybot antibeacon and disable it through their gui

I did that before it forcefully updated that one time and it happened anyway and now when I turn the service off it just turns itself back on anyway

What are some FOSS things I should seed?

I'm about to complete my first PC build; for internet access, I intend to use a direct connection rather than a wireless one.
What's the best router/device that I can use to connect my PC online on the cheap without sacrificing performance with downloads/online gaming?
I added the term "device" because I discovered something called a MoCA adapter that seems to do what I want, connect a coaxial cable to an Ethernet cord to get internet access to my PC, but I'm not sure if that's what the device is intended for, or if it's good for all around internet use.

interesting, im still using build 10240 and I havent any issues after disabling all the services I didnt need and removing most stock microsoft programs through powershell

I'm looking for a work laptop that's light, has a good processor, SSD and preferrably has a screen capable of drawing on. Everything I've found so far has its cons. Does anyone have any recommendations?

I have an old DVI/VGA monitor that I plan to use for my new PC since in poor and am looking to save money however I can, but the motherboard I'm going to be using doesn't support DVI. Are those HDMI to DVI cables worth looking into, or are they trash?
Am I better off just buying a new monitor or using my TV?

How do I close webm/gifs with 4chanx?
I used to just drag it left but that seems to have stopped working with a recent update, and I can't find it in the options.

What steps do I need to take to make this run well on a Core 2 Duo Macbook with 4GB of RAM?

Attached: macos-high-sierra.jpg (610x433, 64K)

Big O question (promise not homework)

In terms of expressions, what would the complexity be for something like 5^n?

Would it just be O(2^n)?

Maybe one of those atomic clocks from the 60s

has 4chanX gotten slow for anyone else?

When i visit a board i get greeted with the regular page, then it has to reload to get into the catalog. sometimes it even refreshes twice before it loads into the catalog. this used to be nearly instant from what i can remember but now it takes several seconds every time i refresh a board.

Attached: 1415999478380.png (720x719, 721K)

>Are those HDMI to DVI cables worth looking into
Yes, they're generally fine, just avoid the very cheap shit. HDMI and DVI-D use the same video signal so it's hard to go wrong.

step 1: install Lubuntu

Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut

Ew, fuck off. If I wanted something lightweight I'd install Debian or Arch with i3. Lubuntu is ugly trash that is heavier on memory than i3 and only marginally lighter than XFCE. Let's not get into why Ubuntu is a piece of shit. Suffice to say, I'd rather get my operating systems from the horse's mouth than the horse's arse.

>I'd rather get my operating systems from the horse's mouth than the horse's arse.
Then why are you trying to install macOS, nigger?

Hey yo, I wanna mod Hearthstone.

Just wanna make the board/background transparent, and anything that isnt directly involved in the playing of the game. So cards I wanna leave alone, heroes, mana crystals, decks, the list of whats been played recently and each players hand to remain the same.

Is Hearthstone made in Unity? How hard would it be to edit dome of the data?

t. Someone who doesnt know how to program.

Attached: 1517877880586.gif (230x173, 1.96M)

Out of interest. I haven't used MacOS since Tiger and would like to see what it's like and see what can be done with it. I was given a Macbook, so now is a good time to try. If I dislike MacOS or just get bored of it I will install Arch.

I want to get a VPN

Where's the best place to get one? I already looked at this site thatoneprivacysite.net/