Machine learning

>Machine learning

Attached: 1519160726280.png (245x316, 84K)

>Data Science

Attached: 1457509778464.gif (280x358, 2.53M)

>cloud base machine learning blockchain backed platform

Attached: 1513085355688.jpg (800x807, 340K)



>neural network pythonista

Attached: 1508621241944.jpg (225x225, 7K)

>Artificial Intelligence

Attached: 1221006554989.jpg (518x476, 34K)


Buzzwords suck, but they're also necessary so you don't have to explain everything to every suit who you have to interact with at your workplace.

Oh... It was an assistant, we... we had wrote this in tech notes.

>gaming *


>deep q-learning

Attached: breakout.gif (160x210, 3.18M)

>partner program

>boost technology

Well, this one is not stupid. It allows CPU to work slightly harder, than it should, for small period of time, thus speeding up things.

>as a service

>document store

Attached: Soyboy.jpg (600x600, 64K)

>blockchain based convolutional neural network app to describe people on tinder to blind people.

>Digital Rights Management

Attached: 1501251516990.jpg (720x720, 26K)

>deep learning
At least machine learning describes the process in a way that's not just a lie

LOOOOL now this is podracing

>Internet of Things

>web scale
>big data
>machine learning
>as a service
>plug and play
>high availability
>user friendly
>pooled storage
>managed code

Attached: 1484767651792.jpg (1802x1250, 133K)

Theres this girl who's a business analyst and posts on linkedin about how "I build AI" or "I work in AI". She has a psychology degree. REEE she runs a regression and thinks she works in AI

That's just your job getting automated, son.

Hers maybe, I'm comfy hiding like an autist and building the tools for these roasties to use.

>Office-based time waster notification and automated monitoring system

Attached: 1522203617221.jpg (710x434, 215K)


Attached: 1489786180089.jpg (699x485, 68K)

This has to be the worst fucking buzzword at the moment. All I see is vendor lock-in with AWS. We're going down a bad path we're a lot of companies are going to be so entrenched in the AWS ecosystem where they're going to get fucked at some point since they'll be at the mercy of AWS.

I think you mean
>Careening death steel on wheels with no responsibility for those it maims

lol the i5-8400 boosts to 3,8ghz for like 5 seconds then goes down. So they can act like it's really hitting that during gameplay

I’m glad my suspicion that these data science buzzwords are useless and gay. I’m an analyst, and I recently picked up some basic “data science” techniques under the eye of 2 senior data scientists. I start with logistic regression, do a few fancy models (random forest, gradient boosting, blah blah blah) and eventually come full circle to logistic regression. These data scientists reply with “yeah you gotta try ‘em all but it mostly boils down to feature selection and some parameter grid search” - after that whole experience I was like lel data science is a fucking joke. Just a bunch of self righteous faggots that like the word scientist in their title that are capable of basic python

>yfw the vast majority of the entire tech industry is complete bullshit, consisting of people trying to 1up each other demonstrating that their job is extremely complicated and important when ultimately you do dumb, simple shit 99% of the time

almost all job titles are a complete meme.

I mean, these guys have fairly useless degrees (physics+pure mathematics PhD) and turned to data science because i do math gûd. But yeah. Data science is 99% data prep and 1% running a script to loop through different models and scoring methods. Pretty lame when I finally did the entire process by hand.

But to talk about myself, an analyst, 50% of the shit I do is worthless, no skill, filtering and manipulating data, 40% is actual deep analysis (causal, cooccurring) and the other 10% is incredibly specialized. hur dur i do sql, build visualizations, and can copy and paste python

What's an Anal-lyst do?

Attached: ffdf979869428439bc905aee4ad71dd2.jpg (218x231, 12K)

Draw bunch of uml diagrams and talks with the stakeholders, monkey coders and UI hipster ?

How is HA, distributed or cloud a meme?
