>be me
>my little brother says his computer is being slow
>decide to check it out
>run a scan
>mrw he has 7 bitcoin miners, 3 trojans, and dozens of others
Giving normies computers was a mistake.
Normies shouldn't be allowed near computers
Now you realize why phone OSes which were built primarily in the last 10 years only allow users to install software from their app store by default, why MS is making the retard proof Windows 10 S where you can only install apps from the Windows store, and why Windows 10 automatically installs updates without the ability to turn them off.
It's not because they hate you, but because the average user is legitimately retarded.
Unironically this.
They are the reason for why Free Software hasn't succeeded. The movement can have all the good intentions, important messages, and funding in the world, but it won't matter because whenever our glorious botnet providers come out with a new product, the normie crowd is all like "OOH SHINY THING" and goes for it. And thus, Amazon and Jewgle can sell literal CIAnigger microphones with their Home and Alexa devices, and nobody thinks twice about it.
>making a shitpost calling your little brother a normie on Sup Forums instead of helping him learn how to browse safe
This. The more restricted the system is, the fewer vulnerabilities it can have.
Trust me, I've tried. Usually it ends in him calling me an autistic nerd and then insisting I fix all his mistakes again 2on the later.
*2 months later.
normies can't learn
then don't fix it
Good idea, actually.
Install Linux Mint on his computer and make him figure out how to reinstall Windows 10.
install fucking gentoo instead
may as well give the poor brainlet a chance. if he knows how to reinstall Windows 10 then he can start fixing things for himself.
The Apple motto for software you could say
I'd say the opposite. They are the reason the FS movement has done as well as it has. The normies are on MS and MACOS and phones and tablets, where they belong, leaving FS to more experienced users. Granted, this is a gross generalization. But success is not measured in desktop numbers or percentage.
>be illeterate pc user
>write in google search "how to protect my pc" and "how virus infect my pc"
>read for 30 min or 1h
>be less vulnerable
Why are normies so lazy?
Install Ubuntu and some adblockers and popupblockers.
Normies only read social media posts and clickbait articles
what do you scan it with?
Apple is vulnerable as fuck though.
I didn't say they did a good job with it
elaborate. I don't see how less people using Free Software is a good thing. Seems kinda counter to the FSF's goals.
Thanks. Made me laugh.
>more people use it
>systemd happens
I think there should be a balance maintained where there are enough people using free software to have interesting software developed and maintained, but not enough people to ruin it to make it appealing for normalfags (like the systemd/gnome pepole are trying).
Just like there are rich and poor people, there should be a hierarchy in technology where more knowledgeable people use functional software that respects their freedoms and niggercattle gets milked by proprietary software. This way the user is safe and the jew gets satisfied at the same time.
Found the normie
Make free software "shinier" and more people will use it.
This is exactly why I don't want them using it.
User-friendly, well-designed and good-looking software is something bad to you?
User-friendly always means "we, the developers, know what you want better than you." They indiscriminately apply this to users that do know what they want as well.
This is true. The internet ruined society. Normalfags shouldn't be allowed on social media. It's tearing them apart!!!
>be me
>person i'm dating says her PC is shit
>ask her if she's ran any anti virus software on it recently
>apparently her brother is really good with computers and makes sure she's all set
>tell her to run malwarebytes and prove it
normans have no attention span
I don't understand. How are they able to finish a degree while not being able to use a computer and have zero attention span?
What's a computer?
Normies literally don't understand the first thing about how computers work. They're just black boxes what make the facebook on the screen.
I once had a family member call me up asking me to help her with her computer. It wouldn't start.
>Is it plugged in?
>Are you sure?
>Plug a lamp into the outlet, does it turn on?
So, I go over. Sure as shit, thing won't start. Fans come on, but it won't POST. No one's home. Alright, probably a dead component or something. Guess I better open it up to check it out.
>oh god
An unfathomable amount of dust. Honestly the worst I've ever seen. So, I take the god damn thing outside and get all the dust out. Bring it back, plug it in, the fucking thing boots up completely fine.
Normies should not be allowed to touch computers.
>My aunt has 3 antiviruses running at the same time
>removed all of them and replaced with mbam+ccleaner
>she said it's a lot faster now
>clickbait article titles*
Normies don't read articles, user. They read the title, and stop there.