Are AirPods™ worth it?

Are AirPods™ worth it?

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Depends. Do you have a bunch of other Apple shit and want wireless headphones? That’s the only way they are useful.


I carry headphones and a DAC connected to a Thinkpad at all times

Only if you have an iPhone. I have an SE so I didn't get them because I was missing a headphone jack. I just hate wired earbuds and everything before them in the same specification was unusable trash.

They're good if you've got an iPhone.

t. iPhone and AirPod owner

Yes. I've had mine for months and I have no regets. Freedom from wires feels good.
But, if you can wait then wait until they update the charging case.

>But, if you can wait then wait until they update the charging case.
What's wrong with the case?

nothing wrong, they will just add wireless charging.

if you have an apple device and really want wireless then yeah, otherwise no

How long does the battery usually last?

The earpods last a few hours on a single charge.
The case can charge them back up two and a half times, I think.
I've never really pushed it.

The other trick they have is that you can use one while you charge the other.

For that true bluetooth mangled mp3 experience in mono. Man, audio just keeps getting better all the time.

Convenience is king.

It's kind of interesting that AirPods don't already have Qi built in, seeing as the whole point is wirelessness.

Jesus your numbers are way off. Literally 4 hours 40 mins-ish at 50% volume for music, 2 hours for the earbud while on a call. Case recharges both AirPods 5 times.

They debuted before the first wireless iPhones. We all know Apple doesn't mash all its best into the first attempt. They had major issues with case production, they play as safe as possible in terms of tech introduction.

SuperMegaLosslessHD+™ Quad-Point Surround Sound™®© isn't really the point of that product, though. It's supposed to be a crossroads between quality and convenience.
You could use studio monitors hooked up to an amp on your computer if you're looking for sheer sound quality. But that wouldn't be very convenient, would it?

get Gear X's 2018, on the cheap now.

So good


How does the sound quality compare to the regular earpods?

5% better, the standard ones bundled with iPhones are sufficient as it is for a vast majority of people. Not audiophile at all but basically, they wouldn't bottleneck any music you're going to hear from any streaming service.

Better than regular EarPods, not as good as more expensive IEMs like Westone's UM Pro series. Nowhere near giant cans.
But still, not bad. Not garbled trash by any means; there's still a nice level of detail. But you're not going to master any albums with them.

If you're listening to music on your phone at all, chances are you either (a) don't care about quality that much or (b) are susceptible to placebo.

They are worth about $30, $20 if judging by the sound quality alone.