This is a gif with 32697 colors, say hi to him

This is a gif with 32697 colors, say hi to him

Attached: 32697 colors.gif (217x217, 178K)

Nice job.


What i'm supposed to feel?

That shouldn't be possible.

Hey, that's kind of clever

I don't get it. How did you trick the system?

hi faggot


Can you set the delay between frames to zero so it skips the animation? Or does there need to be some pause when you switch palettes?

Now do webm

What so great about this?

its better than that shitty format should be capable of

gifs normally have a 256 colors pallet limit

It's not tricking the system. This is fully allowed by the original GIF spec and most everything supports rendering it.

You can design multiple image blocks in GIF. Each block has its own color table. So you can use up to 256 arbitrary colors in each block. If you make blocks 16x16 (256 pixels in total) then you can trivially make a truecolor image.

I understood how this was created


My 4k display can show 1 billion colors

The human eye cannot even see more than 30 colors. You've been memed.

If you were blind you wouldn't even need a monitor idiot

Actually, it's only 4. Blue, red, green, yellow like the gif.

actually your eye can't see yellow. it's only blue red green.

every other color is a myth.

We have three cones, and their response can vary from person to person. The three are red-ish (closer to orange/yellow but stretches into red), green-ish (stretches into yellow and barely reaches blues), and blue-ish (but mostly purple).

RGB is kinda a shit match. We really need to be using a different color model for our LEDs based on purple-blue, cyan-green, and yellow-orange.

>not knowing about tetrachromacy
whatta pleb

Color is myth in first place, because it's only a light reflection.

it's pronounce gif

No, it's pronounced gif.

Clearly the correct pronunciation is 'gif'

you can


Interesting render pattern. This shows up as more even squares when it fills without recording (WebMCam)

Attached: output.webm (359x319, 126K)

actually, it's only 24 colors per second, so if there is more colors per second it is just vanity numbermaxing


Attached: fuck_yeah_drool.png (597x600, 345K)

So CMY. There's no reason it wouldn't work additive (vs subtractive CMYK in print), is there?



I can see only 32400 colors there

Attached: 1515119995068.gif (480x264, 1.54M)

Attached: high quality gif.gif (679x960, 1.45M)


Attached: [Asenshi] Little Witch Academia - 08 [9BC06695].mkv_snapshot_03.55_[2017.02.27_13.41.07].jpg (676x661, 80K)

now make a 16777216 colors version

Attached: owo.webm (217x217, 42K)


Attached: freedom.png (1266x782, 1.03M)

No actually it's gif

Lol, webm is trash!

Attached: Untitled.png (440x330, 130K)


give us the basic gestalt

That's hella cool OP. I didn't know you could do this.

That's pretty good

>tfw had this gif saved for a number of years
>tfw never got any (You)s when occasionally posting it in other threads
Is there any common image editing software that supports export to true-color gifs? Or do you need to go the tedious tiff/png -> some obscure cli converter -> true-color gif route?